I do not own Danny Phantom or anything mentioned.



Oct. 27th - Ghost Realm - Kingdom of Aragon - 6:30am

Sitting on the throne, is a metallic knight wearing grey metallic armor with blue trimlines, a grey gladiator helmet covering his shadowy head, with only green pupils showing. His cape and the mane of his helmet are bursting purple flames sprouting around.

Fright Knight.

The spirit of all Hallow's eve was looking through the magic mirror, to see if anything interesting on. Apparently in the ghost zone, you can have human broadcasting through the ghost zone.

Suddenly, one of the servant knights came towards the throne, holding a crystal ball on his hands.

"Incoming call, your frightful-ness." Said the knight, apparently you can receive calls too.

The ghostly Knight picks up the crystal ball and inside the crystal is the image of Vlad Masters.

"Why evening, Mr. Masters." Fright Knight greeted with a booming voice "What can I do for you in your service?"

"Well Fright Knight," Vlad started "Your day of reason, Halloween, is coming. As the ghost of Halloween, I would like to need of your service for this occasion."

Fright Knight sighs "Just because I'm the spirit of Halloween, doesn't mean I have to live with it. I mean, that's just stereotyping, so I'm going to have to decline. Right now, I'm watching this weird show about this kid and some dog that's fighting some ice wizard who keeps kidnapping princess in hoping of stock syndrome." Vlad gave the ghostly knight a confused look, as he added "I know, I'm more confused as you are, you humans makes weird but good television."

"Well, you better have to record them, because I think you'll like this one." Vlad said "Now tell me, how would you like to lead an army?"

Intrigued by the offer, Fright Knight replied "I'm listening..."


Casper High - 12:20pm

Halloween is coming up, and lots of students are preparing for their plans. The jocks and stoners decide to egg some houses (first target, Lancer's), Halloween parties to attend, and the trick-or-treating.

Danny, Sam, and Tucker, now with Jenny and Sheldon added to their group, are outside having lunch, well, Jenny is eating screws and nails. Jenny and Sheldon decided to stay in Amity for a while by the order at base, so they can observe Danny more. Sheldon offers to help Tucker build the anti-ghost equipment to stop the ghosts that's been appearing in this town. The two even made some new gadgetry. One is the Ghost Pealer, which gives the user body armor and peal every lair of the ghosts, and the Specter Deflecter, which looks like a belt, but also prevents any paranormal threats towards the user.

"So, have you decided yet?" Jenny asked Danny.

"Decided what?" Sam asked the robot girl.

Danny responded "They want me to join their peace keeping task force."

"WHAT!?" Sam and Tucker asked in unison.

"Don't worry, we know." Sheldon assured "Jenny sensed the same heat signature from Danny and Phantom. Sorry that I have to learn about your identity, all I see in my circuitry eyes is people's heat signature. Danny's, however, is unusually cold."

"Well, Danny does feel cold when your around him." Tucker quipped.

But Danny stated "It's the side effects. Ever sinse the...accident, the ecto-chemicals, combined with the amount of electricity, mutated my DNA, my body temperature dropped to 20 degrees Celsius."

"Speaking of, what does ecto-chemicals came from?" Sheldon asked.

"Who knows," Sam replied, "It could originated from the Ghost Zone."

"Ghost Zone?" Jenny and Sheldon asked in unison.

But before anyone said anything, Jenny's "eyes" starts to beep. While no one else was watching, the gang brings her to somewhere private.

As they reached the farthest corner of the school, Jenny's chest plate opens up as a tv screen appears out of it as an image of a woman with wild white hair, black goggles with purple lenses, and a yellow trench coat. "XJ-9!" She called, "I need you to- wait, who are these people?"

"Hi Dr. Wakeman," Sheldon greeted "These guys are cool, their Danny Fenton, Sam Manson, and Tucker Foley."

"Fenton?" Dr. Wakeman questioned, the name felt familiar to her "Excuse me boy, but your parents wouldn't be Jack and Maddie Fenton, are they?"

Danny cocked an eyebrow, "Uh yes, how did you-?"

"Oh yes! From what Sheldon reported to me, I did some research and found out about the retired scientists who settled from their research on the paranormal activities throughout the world!"

Danny was speechless when he heard all of that information. The scientist knew his parents! And they were researchers on the paranormal! Why didn't they told him and his sisters about their past?

"Anyway," Dr. Wakeman continued "Jenny, I need you to report to Tremerton. The Global Justice unit wants you to look for Himcules, who stole something from the labs."

"On it, Mom." Jenny responce as the tv screen went back into her chest plate "Looks like I'm going to have to leave school early. Sheldon, cover for me." She said as she flew off quickly before everyone could respond.

Tucker, realized something, asked Sheldon "Did she just called Dr. Wakeman, 'Mom'?"

Before Sheldon could reply, Jazz appears, coming towards the four teens "Danny, I just got a call from Danielle's school, apparently she got into a fight."

"A fight? Danielle?" Danny questioned.

"I'm heading towards her school, I've already let Lancer and the Vice-Principal that I'll be gone. Stay out of trouble, you guys." Jazz said as she's heading towards her car.

"Looks like Dani is having a bad week." Sam points out.

"Why would your little sister pick fights?" Sheldon asked Danny.

Danny answered "Well, Halloween wasn't the best holiday for Dani. One time, my Mom decides to take her first trick or treating when she was 3, only to result with child therapy, with Jazz."

"How bad was it?"

"Our neighbor, Mr. Hardy, decides to scare kids by pretending to be a zombie. He had a fake ax on his head, with fake guts and blood hanging all over his stomach. Dani cried and we have to take her home." Danny said with a light chuckle. "If Mom coming home with bloodstains in her work clothes didn't scare her, I don't know what does."

'Bloodstains?' Sheldon mentally thought, 'What kind of workplace does your mother work?'


Vincent Price Midde School - 1:20pm

"I'm so glad you've made it here, Jasemine." Said a nasal voice of the principal of the Middle school, Principal Debra LeBoue, an African American woman with wild brown hair, and wears a black coat and grey shirt that fits her chubby figure. "If you didn't came here to reason with your sister, I would've shocked her with my new license approved shocking stick."

"Danielle, what were you thinking of picking fights?" Jazz asked her little sister.

"Trixie Tang started it, she insulted our family by calling us orphans." Dani answered.

Principal LeBoue respond "Look, we've already talked to Trixie about this, and she apologize for it. Now, lucky for you, I'm not going to suspend you."

"What?" Asked the Fenton sisters, looking belittled by the principal.

"I'll strike you a deal, Danielle. You can work as a volunteer at the Amity Park recreation center, where we're having a Halloween festival where the younger kids come in to play games, win contest raffles, and we hand out candy as rewards. I've been looking for someone to hold a stand because the other guy had some therapy problem, something about seeing a convertible turning into a giant robot."

'My brother is friends with a robot.' Danielle thought.

It was then Jazz spoke in agreement "Dani would definitely volunteer."

"What?!" Dani exclaimed in disbelief.

"Dani, it's either suspension, or volunteering. You don't have a choice of this." Jazz stated, "I know Hlloween isn't your favorite time of year, but at least reconsider the deal."

Dani sigh, she knew she couldn't win this battle "Alright, I'll volunteer for this festival."

"Excellent." The principal said. "See you in Halloween."


Amity Park downtown - 6:30pm

Phantom was on patrol for the night. Apparently, there's no crime so far, ever sinse the Shadow gang's bust, there's been less crime around Amity.

"Man, no police reports, no gangbangers, must be a quiet day for the night of Amity." Danny quipped, as he flew around the corners of the buildings, he saw a something flew near the rooftops of the buildings in a split second.

"Odd." Danny said as he flew towards the rooftop. He looked to his left, then his right, looking for the dark figure. Unknown to him, the dark figure was behind him, as two white eyes turn to slits and his claws grew, as the dark figure jumped into the air and pounced at Danny.

Danny yelped as the mysterious figure pounced at him, as Danny cartwheeled over and had the black figure to get off of him.

As Danny got up, he got a closer look at the mysterious guy. To his surprise, he's no older than 15, around his age. But the kid wore some brown and black costume. He wore a dark-brown mask that has cat ears and white fur on the side of his head, the mask didn't cover the mouth piece, also a T on his forehead. The kid's got green eyes. He appears to be a foot shorter than Danny. His costume is a black fullbody suit, with a red bandana around his neck, brown gloves and boots. The gloves seems to have red stars each and mechanical claws. He also appears to have a orange tail with black stripes on.

"Uh dude, Halloween's not until a few days till." Danny told, but the kid raise his arm and his claws pops out of his arm, revealing chains coming out of it. The claws grabbed Danny's collar and pulled the halfa towards him.

"Where's the guitar of Sartana?!" Asked the kid with a Hispanic accent.



A/N: Here's some trivia for you.

The OC Principal Debra LeBoue is based off of Wanda Sykes.

I'm certain that you've all know whose this mysterious character Danny has encountered. So stay tuned for next chapter.

Also, read my new Avengers: EMH fic, "Broken Wings."

And also to remember to review.

Update: It has come to my decision that Rise of Danny Phantom will be on break. Reasons are to work on other stories and work around the holidays. So for this story to be on hold probably for 2 weeks.