0. . .oO•.o. A Child is Born .o.•Oo. . .0

Warning: This story may contain mild content, themes, and language which some might find offensive. If you have questions let me know.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owner, Stephenie Meyer. The original characters and plot are the property of the me - the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Summary: Kidnapped from a very young age, years later she has only now discovered that her father is still alive. She knows little about him but still sets out onto the open road. Will she find her father? And can she face the challenges forced upon her?

A/N: This story idea just popped into my head. Don't hate me.

0. . .oO•.o. A Child is Born .o.•Oo. . .0

CHAPTER 1 - Prologue

When a child is born, they're blessed with two gifts. One is life: so precious and pure. The other is a father: strong, special and protecting.

A father is one of a kind, stronger than any man you may ever know, but I know not every father is perfect but they can love like no other.

Every father can guide you to your greatest dreams.
Every father cares in ways that cannot compare.
Every father is allowed to cry when they miss you.
Every father shares their pride for you with others.

But no father can be compared to mine...

He has endured believing he is no longer a father to his daughter. The one who he deems to be gone from this world.

So those who separated us from each other should take heed, for you think him to be compassionate through and through. You see, even though I've was forced to be without him, you will never know my father like I do.

For I have heard that he's somewhere out there now and I will return home to him. It may have been many years but I have eternity.

Just like you have eternity to suffer for keeping me, Luna Cullen, from her father.


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