(12 weeks)

Jimmy paced around Autopsy, water jug in hand as he gulped at it furiously. He was worried, his OBGYN had told him to drink a huge load of water before coming for his second ultrasound. The first one hadn't gone so well, she had just told him to come back at twelve weeks so she could get a better listen. They had heard a strange muffled noise behind his baby's heartbeat. So both were concerned, Jimmy even more so than his doctor. So he drank the water without complaint.

He tried not to focus on the way his shoes were squelching against the tiled floor or the way his fingers were drumming against his water jug. Abby should've been here by now, she was supposed to come to his appointment with him. Did she not want to go? Did she ditch him? Did he make her angry somehow?

"Jimmy! Sorry I'm late I had to switch off my babies."

Abby cried as the young Goth bolted into the room, her black heels clicking against the tiles when his shoes had squelched. Jimmy tried not to look overly relieved but he was, he really didn't want to go alone. That's why he had begged Abby into coming with him, Clark was useless when it came to this sort of thing. Though it honestly hadn't taken much begging, she was delighted to go. That much was pretty apparent as she took him by the wrist and dragged him out of the room.

In his guilt at leaving early, he had left a note for Dr. Mallard on his desk. Saying that he had an appointment and that Abby was taking him. Also that he would be back as soon as he could and to not dissect anybody cool without him. That was a poor attempt to get a smile out of the older man but Jimmy knew it would work anyway.


That was how the young and pregnant M.E found himself sitting in an uncomfortable doctor's office chair next to an excited Goth girl that was practically vibrating in her seat. He usually detested the smell of these places, they were always too sterile, too clean and honestly he hated the pictures of various sonograms that covered the walls. He assumed that some moms found it cute or adorable. Jimmy found it creepy.

Just as he was about to whine to Abby about the creepy sonograms, a young black nurse with a wide beaming smile stepped out from a closed light pink door and slowly checked the name on her clipboard before yelling it in a still pleasant voice.

"Jemma Palmer?!"

Jimmy couldn't stop the blush that spread across his cheeks at the sound of his old name. He gingerly got to his feet, his bladder was so full that even moving was painful and Abby stood up as well, both NCIS workers hurried over to the young nurse. Who's smile grew so much that Jimmy half-expected her face to crack right down the middle. She quickly led them out of the waiting room and through the pink door.

"So how far along are you?"

The nurse asked perkily as she looked expectantly at Abby, but it was Jimmy who answered the question.

"12 weeks."

This made the nurse's over zealous smile flicker a bit as she digested what exactly he had said. Jimmy had to restrain himself so that he wouldn't roll his eyes at the woman, even though he really wanted too. Luckily, she didn't try to talk to them again and merely led them to a gray room at the end of the hall. Telling Jimmy to get in the chair and that the doctor would be with him soon. Her voice had lost all its perkiness and instead was cold and curt. But Jimmy didn't mind as he simply climbed up on the tan doctor's chair. Abby hurried over and sat by his side.

No sooner had she sat down that Jimmy's OBGYN calmly walked into the room and sat on the small black stool that had been provided for her.

"Hello again, Mr. Palmer. If you could pull up your shirt for me we can begin the examination."

Jimmy slowly unbutton his dress shirt, loosened his tie and lifted up his heavy jacket. Uncovering his medium sized bump, but his doctor wasn't even looking at him she was warming a bottle of blue gel in her hands. Blue gel that was moments later, spread over his stomach. Then the young woman doctor whipped out a small wand and began to slowly move it over his stomach. Then there was the sound again, it was a muffled whooshing sound behind the heartbeat of his baby.

"Hmm...maybe if I..."

The doctor mused to herself as she moved the wand over his stomach, suddenly her eyes widened and she looked surprised at what she found.

"Oh...well that was...unexpected."

She whispered and Jimmy craned his head to see the screen but he couldn't so he sufficed by crying out.

"What's wrong?"

He tried to look at Abby for answers, but the young Goth looked just as confused and worried as he felt. What was happening to his baby? Had he done something wrong already?

"It seems congratulations are in order, Mr. Palmer. All your babies are healthy."

Instantly numbing relief spread through his body, his babies were okay, they were fine. Wait...Babies? Plural? As in MORE THAN ONE?!

"Wait all the babies? How many?"

Abby squealed, hands covering her mouth as Jimmy lay there, gaping. More that one baby...he was having more than one baby...oh god...

"It seems Mr. Palmer is expecting monozygotic triplets."

Monozygotic...means that all three babies are from one sperm and one egg. Which means that the embryo split once, than split again...three babies...oh god...not one but three..how was he going to take care of three babies? He could barely take care of one! Jimmy felt his head spin and everything went black as he fainted.


When he finally came too, it was in the car they had come in and Abby was driving. The young Goth was looking over at him every five minutes, which couldn't be part of the rules of the road or safe. Abby gave him a wide grin as she motioned to her purse.

"Gibbs called, he wants you at a crime scene. I can't believe you're having triplets, this is so amazing! Can I be godmother? When do you want your baby shower to be?"

Jimmy just smiled and let Abby talk to her heart's content, he was happy just listening to her. She was happy. She was still talking even as they pulled into the crime scene, just as he was about to get out of the car, Abby insisted on running around and helping him out in full view of the Team. When he finally managed to shoo her away, she had snatched up his bag and insisted on carrying it for him. Finally with a scarlet blush over his cheeks, he covered his face with his hands and let her do whatever she wanted.

Right as they got into the midst of the crime scene, Jimmy's bladder decided to remind him that it had yet to be relieved and that the need was now urgent.

"I've gotten pee."

He quickly whispered to Abby before taking off towards the tan building in the distance that he prayed had a bathroom. While the young Goth merely carried Jimmy's Autopsy bag over to Ducky.

"What's up with the Autopsy Gremlin? He's acting weird."

Tony asked, loudly. Getting the attention of the rest of the Team that Jimmy and Abby's arrival hasn't already attracted. Abby sighed, annoyed at Tony's tone. What if he hurt Jimmy's feelings by making a mean joke about the poor guy?

"Hey, leave him alone Tony! It's not his fault!"

Abby snapped and she stalked off to make sure Jimmy found the bathroom.