Break Even by The Script
Skulduggery drove in his prized Bentley. He wasn't aiming for any direction. The empty passenger seat left him with no one to talk to. He turned on the radio; although he didn't care for the music of the last century the song that came on seem to be talking to him.
The words carries him over. He got lost in the lyrics to the first time he met Stephanie in person. She was a nice girl, just like her uncle described her. But he couldn't have imagined at the time she becoming his partner, a person of the magical world or his friend. They became such close friends it hurt him to know she would never be able to undo the mind traps she placed on him.
When he was stuck in the Faceless Ones realm he couldn't believe it when she had actually been looking for a way to rescue him. There was only one name he cried to the Faceless Ones torture. No matter how selfish it was to wish she was there Valkyrie was the only person he wished was there with him.
But she wasn't with him now. No, she wasn't part of his world anymore. She had left after she decided the only way to stop Darquesse was to drain herself of magic. Now she lived a mortal life in the mortals world.
But it wasn't fair! Why did she have to go! He's Lord Vile. Why wasn't he drained too.
Its because she knew if he had he would fall to pieces, magic being the only thing keeping him together.
Well that was a lie. SHE kept him together. SHE kept him from danger. SHE was his. His life. Without her he was falling to pieces.
Every night he would meditate. Nothing ever came to him before while in this state but as of late one thought was always on his mind. One person. While she slept he wouldn't.
Skulduggery hadn't realized he had pulled over. His head rested on the dashboard. He may not have been able to but he swear he could feel the tears coming out his eyes. His figurative heart was breaking; unable to find its cure. His heart was breaking and Valkyrie Cain was the reason it didn't-couldn't break even.