Welcome back to another installment of RM (Roommates)

I hope you're as excited as I am.

I want to know who came up with the term 'Fan Fiction' and created this website cause I want to hug the shit outta them.

Sorry, veering off topic...

Also, I'm going to need some songs that will be included in my story. I will give u credit if I chose one of your songs. Now, I mostly listen to Coldplay, One Republic, Maroon 5, The Fray, and Imagine Dragons. Mainly alternative, but I will accept anything.

Genre doesn't really matter. I wont say what type cause that will give away things.

And thank you all for the reviews!

Disclaimer: You know the drill.



"Come on."




"Pretty please?"

"For the last time, Leo. No!"

Piper was standing in front of the recently opened hardware store, blocking Leo.

It was a week till his birthday and Piper was going out to find him a present…. Well she was until the boy decided to come along. Everything was going ok except for the fact that she couldn't really do any shopping with him breathing down her neck.

Piper had texted Travis and Connor to come and take him away. Though that had been about an hour ago.

So here she was, keeping Leo from raiding the store.

"Please, Beauty Queen. Please!" The curly haired boy begged. The constant whining was driving the girl crazy. "I told you. You can't go buying stuff for yourself when your birthday is a week!" Piper said with a sigh as she placed her hands on her hips.

"But-" Leo was quickly cut off by a familiar pair of voices. Travis and Connor Stoll. The devious duo was running up to them, dodging shoppers and trashcans.

The brothers came to a halt in front of Piper and Leo. "Finally!" Travis exclaimed with relief," We thought we were never going to find you guys."

Leo shot her a confused glance, which she returned with a shrug. They couldn't have arrived at a better time… Well, an hour ago would have been great. It didn't matter though.

Connor was rocking back on his heels as Travis tried to piece together a convincing story for why the turned up out of the blue. Key word tried.

"So, Leo…."He trailed off.

Leo gave him a look before mimicking Piper's previous stance. He started talking in a horrible imitation of Piper's voice, his normal tone raising quite a few octaves.

"Go on boys. Don't be wasting my ti- Ow!" Leo yelped as the brunette smacked him on the arm. She was giving him a glare that made him want to stick his tongue out. Though he refrained from doing so, fearing of getting worse than a smack.

"I don't sound like that." She grumbled. "Could've fooled me." He mumbled teasingly.

"Leo! Stop it!" She hissed.

They seemed to have forgotten about the twins who were watching them with amusement. They were too caught up in bickering with one another.

"Simmer down children," Travis grinned, slinging an arm around the two as he brought them in for a hug, "No need to fret. Uncle Travie is here." He ruffled their hair despite Piper's screeching protest and Leo's annoyed huffs.

"Hey! Watch the hair!" Leo snapped. He pushed away the pranksters hand and attempted to fix his hair, "Hair just doesn't look this way, man."

This caused Piper to snort. "Could've fooled me",she retorted as she reached up and swatted away his hand and proceeded to tame the dark, brown curls. She didn't notice the pink tainting her friend's cheeks or Connor was taking a picture while his brother snickered quietly.

Once she was satisfied, Piper removed her hands. She turned back to see Connor quickly hide his hands behind his back and Travis try to keep a straight face. She raised an eyebrow but ignored them.

"Anyways, Leo we need you to help us with a prank!" Connor thought up quickly. Leo's chocolate eyes grew mischievous at the thought of playing a prank.

You see, those three- Leo, Travis, and Connor-were merciless when it came to pranking. They referred to themselves as the 'kings of pranking'. Piper didn't doubt them, mainly cause she didn't want to wake up to her bedroom floor being covered completely in cups of water again.

Well, that's what you get for hiding Leo's favorite hammer.

Although thankful for the distraction, she was a bit worried. Their pranking could get a bit out of hand. One time, it almost got all three of them expelled. They decided that Coach Hedge needed to know who really was a cupcake.

Needless to say, Coach pissed at the on slaughter of cupcakes he received.

"Who are we pranking this time?" Leo asked as he bounced on his heels excitedly.

Travis seemed to think about who would be the poor fellow. His face suddenly broke into a creepy grin. "Grey."

"Grey? Dude, are you serious?" Leo seemed to be hopeful and weary at the same time. He'd been wanting to get back at Grey for a while now, ever since he spoke rudely of his mother. The man was just horrible. The man even had the nerve to flirt with Piper when she had to pick Leo up after he fixed his dishwasher.

Man, did Leo hate his guts.

Now he could finally get back at him. And he couldn't wait.


I know it's short. I whipped this up quickly cause I felt like blowing off steam writing. Im also sorry for any mistakes, Im very tired here.

And I'm aware that I stopped at a weird part, and that I shifted to Leos POV. I'm sorry, my ADDs acting up and I can't focus.

Next chapter will be the prank on Grey and Pipers search for a present.

And what do you think of Grey?

Please leave me a review. Pwetty Pwease.

-Lillie -_-