Chapter 5: Wake me up

It was a whole week since I last saw Jacob at the restaurant, actually I haven't seen anyone for a whole week. I tried calling, but nobody was picking up, so I figured they were engaged in something serious or they don't want to talk to me, like people in Lima.

My mind flashed to Lima, am I missed? Am I already forgotten? How are things there? Maybe it was for better to leave, change places for the matter of time and spent some time evolving myself and my talent.

I stood up, going towards my wardrobe to find something to wear for a hike, I was bored out of my mind and the thought of watching another movie or episode of series made me shiver. Perfect, black leggings and white tee will do the deed just fine, maybe to top it off with some leather jacket, as i tis too windy?

My scheme was blown out of my mind, thanks to my phone going off on my bed. I jumped over to look on the caller's ID. Jake. Well, well, look who came out of his slumber.

„Hello Jacob, may I help you?" a slight chuckle was heard on the other end of the conversation.

„Hi Rach, listen, I was wondering if you would like to come tonight to the beach?" his innocent tone made me wonder if he felt guilty for not calling me or getting back to me a week ago.

„I don't know, maybe in a week, maybe two?" I tried to sound offended, to make him feel guilty, „I may dissapear without explanation and then call a week late, I don't know yet."

„Oh c'mon Rachel!" he let out a dramatic whine, „I am really sorry, I feel really really bad. It was a rough week, we had to-...we had to deal with some stuff and I am reaaaally sorry."

„Hmm, I see."

„So will you please come then?" I wanted to tortute him for a little while, but my boredom got the best of me and I was scared that he might hang up on me and say to me that we will see eachother next time.

„Okay! What time?" he knew I would give in and he laughed and mocked me by repeating my sentence about how I don't know yet. Oh, he is one annoying guy.

„I am already at your door, so it would be nice if you would so gladly come down and open the door for me?" when did he get here? I looked out of my window that oversees the front door and there he was, grinning like a child, on our doorstep.

I stuck my tongue out at him and made my way downstairs. He was leaning against the door frame, with expression of a puppy.


I narrowed my eyes at him and scanned him. His grin was already making a peek through this puppy facade and he looked like he will explode in a laugh in a minute. What was so funny? I looked down on my shirt and there, I found what he was laughing about. He interupted me in the middle of changing, so there it was, why I was standing in the door, with no shirt on.

„JACOB DON'T LAUGH!" I smacked him across the arms and quickly covered myself with a jacket hanging on the hanger by the door.

„That is what I call a warm welcom, Rach!" he made his way inside, still laughing hard to the point of making weird noises.

„Ha ha, wait here, I am going to...well make myself decent and then we can depart." I ran upstairs as quickly as possible and shut down the door behind me.

„DONT FORGET TO PUT ON SOMETHING!" his deep voice echoed from downstairs as my cheek became even more crimson than before.

After I made sure to put on everything I had, ugh, we made our way to reservation. Jacob was driving and telling me about how Embry was such a loser and my mind drifted off. We were just passing the spot where I almost crushed the poor animal the other night. How that thing looked right through me, how it's eyes were glued to mine. Not moving, not blinking, just keeping contact as it would never have a chance to do so again with any other being.

„Hey Rach! Your phone is going off! Are you alright?" Jacob's warm hadn shook mine just as we stopped at the road to first beach.

„Oh yeah, just thinking about something, I will take this and get to you okay?" I looked at the phone screen and there it was in big letters, Finn's name. Oh no.

„Okay, we will be just down the beach by the bonfire, hurry up." He made his way out of the trees and down the sand towards the bonfire that was faintly peeking through the sillhoutte of the trees.

Okay, there goes nothing, I took a deep breath and answered the phone. „Finn, what is going on?" the last time I spoke with him was the day we broke up, over the period of years we have broken up a lot of times, but this was the most heartbreaking one.

„Rach," breathiness in his voice made my heart skip a beat, he sounded desperate, „come back to me. I-I was such a jerk, I know you want a future for yourself, I know you have a huge plans of beaing this bright star. I-I-I know all of that, I want to be part of that and be with you!" no, no, no why is he doing this. I was healing from the pain this relationship has caused me and now he reopened the wounds.

„Finn stop. You said to me that you want to figure out what you want in your life." I took a breath, but it stopped and got caught up in my throat,"YOU SAID I WASN'T THE ONE FOR YOU!"

„I know and I was stupid, okay? I now know what I want, you opened my eyes babe. I love you, Rachel, I always had and I always will, don't you see it? Please, baby come back to me." My heart stood still as it ached for his touch, his embrace, but my head was telling me to throw the phone to the ocean and never come back to Lima, ever again.

„Please, Finn, let me think about it, okay? If I will come to the conclusion, that we should be together, I will come back next month and then we can talk it through, but right now, I need time, please respect that. Goodbye."

I hung up the phone and made my way over to the gang on the beach, I couldn't think about Lima, Finn or anything og that matter right now, it made my head spin.

„What took you so long? Welcome back Rae," Emily hugged me and Kim jumped towars me right after. Boys were deep in conversation over something while stuffing their mouths with food, but turned around to wave and say their hello.

„Rach, come sit!" Jacob mentioned for my to sit on the log next to him, just like the last time, „will you sing for us again?"

I smiled and sat right beside him, anticipation in his eyes made me giggle. I loved to perform, but today, tonight, it was different, Finn made me emotional, but besides that I felt a pull inside of me. Like a string around my heart. Something was off with me.

„Paul! Hey dude where have you been? Come quickly, Rach here is going to sing for us!" Embry waved at someone in the dark, I tried to see beyond the fire infront of me, but he probably had a better sight than me. Oh, how I wish I had lost the sight right then and there. The guy in front of me looked at me with the most intense look I ever witnessed.

His eyes pierced a hole into my body. I have never seen him before, yet he reminded me of someone. Maybe it was the fire lifgh that made his features intrigue and so tempting, maybe it was the amount of emotions I was feeling, but I felt drawn to the man in front of me. His brows furrowed and he made a low growl. I broke the eye contact as the intensity of the situation was getting uncomfortable. I could swear that he didn't move and inch, but then a loud cough broke the situation that was happening.

It was Sam's voice that spoke with undertone of pressure, „Paul, take a seat. Rachel, will give us a pleasure of your performance?"

I just nodded and cleared my throat.

So many things To do and say
But I can't seem To find my way
But I wanna know how
I know I'm meant For something else
But first I gotta find myself
But I don't know how

The harmony of the song sucked me in and I felt right through every word in the song. Pouring my frustration and emotions in it.

Oh, why do I reach for the stars
When I don't have wings To carry me that far?
I gotta have Roots before branches
To know who I am
Before I know Who I wanna be
And faith To take chances
To live like I see
A place in this world For me

The pairs around me got up and started slowdancing. Jacob took Embry and they were mimicking them, trying to dance and battling who will lead. I chuckled internaly, not to ruin the song, and looked in front of me, across the flames, there he was sitting and looking at me. Expression on his face still hasn't changed and he looked like he was calculating me, weighting the lyrics of the song.

I didn't know if I shoud avoid his eyes, but they held me as a prisoner, I couldn't look away, I felt as if he had an invisible power to glue me to the ground. My whole body was becoming an electric force.

Near the end of the song he closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath and stood up, whispered something quickly in Sam's ear and dissapeared again into the dark night. Leaving me here confused and stunned. What was it so ...weirdly alluring about this man?

Everyone clapped for me and I giggled at how the bows made wolf whistles. For the rest of the night I sat there with them, bonding with Kim and Emily and making jokes with Jared and Jake. Sam looked concerned and flashed some weird looks toward me, as if measuring me. But everyone looked good, at least for a while.


I knew she was there, even before I have seen her small frame sitting on a log besides Jake. I felt a tug inside of me, my wolf trying to run towards the fire as quickly as possible to see her. My worried thoughts were confirmed as Sam anounced that she is about to sing.

Damn me for all that I care. I knew the deal was sealed when I looked again into her chocolate brown eyes. Even in the dim light, they were so rich in colour and mesmerizing. I tried to fight my thoughts, tried to overpower the imprint. Her eyes were scanning me, as if waiting for my next move. I sat on the log in front of her and waited. She got out of the state we were in just a seconds ago, took a deep breath and started singing and swaying to the beat.

The voice that came out of her made me shiver, my wolf howled inside me, longing to touch her, to hear her say my name. She gave the lyrics so much emotion, I started to feel uncomfortable as it flew eight through me. The lyrics that she so beautifuly sung were flowing trough me like a riwer, through my veins right towards my heart where they started a flame.

NO, NO, NO, NO! Why the fuck this must be happening to me?! I do not want this. I do not long for an imprinting or beaing bound to somone by the spirits. Why the hell?! I stood up and made my way towards dancing Sam. I am out of here, I must deal with this. I can't let this happen. I said I was not feeling well and made my way out of there as fast as my legs let me. Just as I entered a forest, in a safe distance, my clothes erupted from my body and my wolf took control over me. Every thought in my mind was occupied by her, her smile, her eyes, that night that I first saw her, everything about her. I let out a howl out of pure desperation. My life decided to screw me over, and here I was screwed by this girl.