Chapter 1

Rachel planned on spending her summer break in Lima, with her boyfriend and her kind of "friends". Yet, she didn' thought she would find herself on the plane going to Washington. Her dads left to bussines trip somewhere in South America and she was sent to Unchle Charlie's, who lives in Forks. Thruthfully, she wasn't happy about itthat much, buts she was kind of happy she will meet her Uncle Charlie again. She somehow felt this summer will be different than she though.

At early evening plane landed at Port Angels. Airport was small and from big windows, that were over whole front wall of airport, you could see lights of distant shops and trees covering every free piece of land. She saw Charlie standing at the end of gate. He was looking for her and she speeded towards him and suprised him with hug.
"Uncle Charlie!" a little shock ran through him, which made Rachel giggles.

So many times she was here, when they arrived here she would greet with Charlie exactly like this since her childhood.

"Oh, Rachls, you almost gave me hearth attack," coming to his senses he returned the hug and slightly giggled with her.

Charlie wasn't giggle type of person, but everytime Rachel or Bella were around him, he looked like he transformed into happiest person in the entire world.

After a while of catching up and welcoming they got in Charlie's sherrif's car on the way to Forks.

Rachel watched as land around her was changing when they got closer to Forks. Slightly bigger shops were replaced by little ones with old construction and more trees. Distance offered look at mountains proudly leaning over small town. Welcoming board assured her, that Forks was still occupied by something about 3000 people.

"We're here Rach," car stopped in front of well know house little more away from centre of town.

She used to spend here almost every spare time in summer and winter, even her dads were coming with her, but then she grew up and was trapped in her fame hunting ambitions and broadway dreams. A little she regreted it now, she stopped coming here. Bella and her used to be inseparable.

"Will Bells come this summer too?" her eyes examined entrance hall and she stopped in living room hopefully looking at Charlie which were now in front of her with her bags.
"She left almost month ago when her boyfriend and his family left town, she was devastated afterwards," saddnes and hurt was something she hated to see in her favourite uncle's eyes, "maybe she would come if she knew you were here. You were so close not long ago."

You could hear the tone of hope when he said that. Since Bella left Charlie took every extra shift he could just to make himslef busy.

"I make sure I call her," trying to sound the most enthusiastic as she could, knowing how much Charlie cared about his only daughter.

"Okay now go to bed it's already late and you had long day," she nodded and when she was almost at top of the stairs Charlie called at her once more.

"And Rachie?" smile rose on her lips as she heard again her old nickname.


"Would you mind if Billie Black would come tomorrow? There's this game and we use to watch together, besides his son Jake could show you around."

"I wouldn't mind at all Charlie,goodnight," she smiled and made her way to room.

Bella's room was right opposite her's, just like when they were younger.

How much I miss you Bells, she thought to herself and entered Bella's room.

It was just like she remembered it, just with slight changes. Bed was covered in dark purple covers with some light purple on sides with flower patterns. Curtains were matching bed sheets and were curled and tied into corners with deep blue ribbons.

Rachel absorbed the smell of the room. Not even flowery scent with vanilla overtone never changed. Only thing that changed was that Bella wasn't here.

Rachel's fingers danced through phone, dialing Bella's number, just to get into her voicemail. Sad sight escaped Rachel's mouth. but she started talking to Bella's voicemail.

"Hey Bell's, it's me Ray. You wouldn't believe where am I right now," Rachel chuckled softly, trying to sound enthusiastic , "I'm in Forks. I heard, partly, what happenede and I'm really sorry Bells. How are you doing? I hope you are fine and I really hope I will see you, who know maybe this summer. I miss you, just like Charlie."

She put her phone in her pocket and finally after long day she took shower and layed in bed. Laying there, she let her hands feel the covers. It was silk and colour changed from blue, like they used to be before, to dark pink.

Charlie still remember my favourite colour, it made her smile again bright like sunshine.

After couple minutes she slowly drifted to sleep.