So while I was pondering my write-a-story-for-all-the-characters-in-the-pjo-ch aracter-slots, this story... happened. In my head. And now on the screen of your preferred electronic device. It was originally titled The Curse of Repetition but a 30-second focus group with a friend helped. Anyways, the story will be in 4 or 5 parts and the story's plot will get clearer as the story goes on.

Disclaimer: I don't own the character Lupa or the base of the Roman creation myth.

At the Cost of Brotherhood


You, the she-wolf hissed.

Mars raised his hands over his head. "Don't charge me, Lupa. I wouldn't want anyone to get hurt."

Then I suggest you back off my territory, she said trying to remain calm. She'd never had to try before. Being level-headed had always come to her easily.

The god raised an eyebrow. "I see that we're feeling emotional today."

No. She snapped. Her answer was too quick, it took the truth out of her statement. Mars smiled slightly. And if anyone should be, maybe it should be you. Maybe you would consider the bloodshed of the day. Maybe you should consider that your blood is spilled on the Capitoline Hills, drying in the sun and staining the glass as we speak.

Mars shrugged. "Being too hard on yourself, as per usual Lupa dearest."

I am not your dearest.

"You raised the twins. You watched them grow up," he said. Lupa didn't need the reminder. Reminders led to freedom granted to memories. She had visions of babies huddled in wicker baskets and floating down the Tiber going through her head. Toddlers tripping over each other as they discovered just why the gods had given them two legs apiece. Boys playing tug of war with wolf pups. Young men training with sticks. Grown men holding each other at sword points...

And then I watched them turn against each other.

"Remus and Romulus have established what is shaping up to be and will become a great empire. If it's any consolation, at least Romulus is still alive to rule it."

At the cost of brotherhood.

"For now at least, yes."

What is that supposed to mean, God of War? 'For now'?

"I come with an offer," Mars said.

I asked you a question before.

"I'm getting to that," he said. "See, this new empire… It's changing the other gods. Not just me- Zeus, Hera, Aphrodite even... They don't turn around when you speak their names as quickly, it's like the world's backwards for some of them. The ways will be different. The people will be different, the food, the dress, the language… but more importantly; the demigods will be different."

Lupa was listening.

"You've taken two of them in already..."

Now she wasn't.

I'm not watching any more of these brats, she said. I've had enough. Yours were plenty to handle on their own, I will not play babysitter for the various whims of Olympus.

"Oh. So would you skip the chance to see them again?"

The blood froze in Lupa's veins.

Mars grinned. "I thought so."

Explain yourself, god.

"Some things are still going to be the same. Rebirth, the Underworld… that's not going anywhere. With a bond like the one that Remus and Romulus shared –a bond as strong as Rome will be… the twins will return one day. Most likely to Rome, and most likely in the shape of a demigod. But definitely together"

As who's children?

"I can't guarantee that one by a long shot. However I can guarantee that they'll be demigods at least once more."

And… whoever were to guard the children of Rome…

"To teach them, guide them, test them," Mars said.

Yes. Whoever were to be their mentor…

"Chiron can't do it all himself..."

That person would eventually meet them again.

"Yes," Mars said. "Are you taking the job?"

And of course she did.

Time to fast forward through demigod history.