"Jerry didn't say that he brought his wife." Olivia brought her straw to her lips as her mind began reeling. 'This certainly changes things,' she thought to herself. Another potential suspect. Could the swinger lifestyle have caused a rift between the couple? Perhaps Jerry's relationship with Cassandra was too much for his wife to handle. The detective's mind began to ponder the possibilities and she was only broken out of her thoughts when she felt a hand on her lower back. Olivia delivered a small smile to the couple on her left who she'd been subtly drawing information out of for the last fifteen minutes. It was clear by the way they were looking at each other - and Olivia - that they were done talking. If she didn't make her way out now, Olivia could only imagine what she would have to endure.

"I'm going check on my husband," she said, smile still on her face. Olivia and her partner had gone undercover as husband and wife so many times that it was in her nature to refer to Elliot as her husband without having to think twice about it. She picked up her royal blue cocktail and turned to make her way toward the curtained "playroom." Olivia didn't like to drink while undercover, but the sugar-rimmed glass called for at least one sip. A taste, even. She lifted the glass to her lips and took a sip, letting out a soft hum of pleasure as the warmth of the gin slid down her throat. Damn, it was delicious. Another sip and she continued to make her way toward the playroom.

Though she had never been, she was certain about what lie ahead in the playroom. With a deep breath, she pushed aside the thin fabric curtain and stepped inside. Her expectations had been on point. The room reeked of sex, mixed with a slight hint of alcohol and just a dash of perfume. Dozens of nude bodies lined the plush, round couches. Olivia's eyes searched for her partner. She wanted to kick herself for even considering that Elliot would be partaking in the acts she was seeing, but a small part of her wondered, just for a second. Sometimes detectives went in too deep, and though Olivia hoped Elliot wasn't doing exactly that, she had to wonder. Cassandra was a bit of a temptress, after all. Olivia was relieved as she spotted Elliot and the temptress across the room, perfectly placed between a threesome and a foursome. She could see Cassandra's fingers crawling towards Elliot's inner thigh, which made Olivia unconsciously quicken her speed as she walked over to them.

"Olivia," Cassandra said, lifting her head with a smirk. "Join us."

Olivia looked at Elliot, indicating that it was time to go. This look had been perfected over the years and was undetectable to anyone else. Her attention then went to Cassandra. "I'd love to, but we actually should get going. We both have early days tomorrow."

Elliot nodded. "She's right. We'll be back, though. I promise." Elliot flashed a toothy grin at the younger woman and then stood up from the couch, immediately bringing one arm to wrap around the waist of his fictitious wife.

With another smirk, Cassandra looked up at the detectives. "You better. I have a lot more that I'd like to tell you...And show you." Within seconds, three men were crowding around her, each seemingly eager to please and ready to go. With a cocked brow, Olivia turned mimicked Elliot's move, her arm now around him as well. As the pair made their way out of the playroom, Olivia lowered her voice and said, "Did she tell you about -"

"Doug," Elliot finished and nodded. "Yeah. Guy sounds like a real prick."

"Did she also tell you how Jerry came here with his wife?" Olivia asked, leaning in a bit closer with her second question. If they were made right then and there, that would be the end of finding out more information from Cassandra or others at a later time.

Elliot looked at Olivia, obvious confusion and shock on his face. With a small shake of his head, he responded. "No that she failed to mention. I can see why, she's pretty into Jerry."

Olivia scoffed. "She was pretty into you, too. I'm glad I rescued you when I did. That woman wastes no time." It was the truth - Cassandra had all but mentally undressed and fucked Elliot right there on that couch, and Olivia had only seen them together for two minutes. Of course, Olivia's saving wasn't all so selfless. Something about seeing Elliot and another woman, especially in such an intimate setting, set off an alarm of sorts in her brain. She knew that Elliot was just doing his job, like always, but it made her incredibly uneasy.

"She knows what she wants," Elliot said simply, his eyes looking straight ahead, not bothering to meet Olivia's.

Olivia wasn't sure if Elliot was stating facts, defending Cassandra or both; all she knew was that she didn't like it. It made her stomach sink, the same way it once sank when she saw Elliot and his old, temporary partner together, or the few times she'd seen Elliot and his wife exchanging hurried kisses during Kathy's short visits to the precinct. Olivia couldn't pinpoint the reason she responded like this, though she had an idea; but that idea would be pushed down yet again. She was an expert at this point and tonight wasn't going to change a thing.

"Want a taste before I get rid of it?" She said as she held out her glass to him. "It's actually really good."

"What is it?" Elliot asked as he took the drink from her and examined the blue liquid.

"Sapphire Martini."

Elliot took one sip and then another before giving the glass back to his partner. "Maybe I'll have to come in here more often. For that, I mean."

With a teasing roll of her eyes and a smile, Olivia took two generous sips before setting the glass down on the bar as they passed by. The twosome had almost reached the exit when they were abruptly stopped by Olivia's new "friends," who were now standing right in front of them.

"Leaving so soon?" The woman said with a clear hint of disappointment painted on her face.

Olivia relayed a sympathetic smile. "Yeah, we uh...I think we're going to go home and talk about this. All of this. We're just a little unsure."

"Talk," the curly-haired man repeated, as his hand dropped to graze Olivia's hip. "No one wants to talk after being here. There's only one thing on everybody's mind..."

Elliot gripped Olivia's side a bit tighter and took a few steps to the side, effectively pulling her with him and away from the other man. They may have been at a swinger's club, but over his dead body would he let anyone grope his partner without her consent.

"Oh, come on. You just got here, Olivia. Stay. Have a little bit of fun," the other woman said. She was right about that. She and Elliot had barely hit twenty minutes in the club. They could at least make it a full half hour, Olivia concluded in her head. Ten more minutes and then they could go. There was a possibility that they could gather new information about the case. Not to mention, leaving so quickly looked suspicious.

"I guess we could stay just a few more minutes?" Olivia turned to her pretend husband. "How about it, honey?" Another look was given, and Elliot knew exactly what she was thinking. Yet again.

"Alright, you got us." Elliot smiled as he and Olivia followed the couple to a corner of the room that harbored a love seat just barely big enough for the four of them. They took their seats, Elliot on the outside while Olivia wedged herself between him and the other woman.

"I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name," Elliot said, putting his arm on the back of the couch directly behind Olivia. Olivia instinctively scooted closer to her partner now that there was more room. Her bare thigh pressed directly against his clothed one, and for a second, Olivia's mind went somewhere that was normally only visited while she was at home, alone, and in bed. She had to wonder why. She had felt Elliot against her plenty of times before. Was it the alcohol? Couldn't be, she'd barely finished the drink. Maybe her leg had just been cold and Elliot's was nice and warm. There. That was it.

"I'm Leila," said the woman who then pointed to her significant other and continued, "And this is Scott. There isn't usually time for introductions here. We like to just jump on into things."

"Yeah, that's kind of what we're trying to do. Loosen up, you know? Be a little more spontaneous," Elliot said, giving Olivia's shoulder a soft squeeze. God, he was good at this. Even his mannerisms were foolproof.

Leila grinned and reached out a hand to touch Olivia's arm. Olivia glanced down at the hand, its mocha tone rivaling her own olive complexion. "We like spontaneous." The other woman's tongue slowly dragged across her own lips, her fingertips now lightly caressing Olivia's arm. "Why don't you guys show us something?"

Fuck. This is exactly what Olivia had been afraid of. These people didn't seem to care that they were only supposed to be observing. A nervous chuckle escaped Olivia's mouth as she shook her head. "Oh, no, we're still a little bit shy. I don't think we're really up for that..."

"How about just a kiss?" Scott said with a sly smile. It was clear that these two weren't going to quit. "Give us something to fantasize about later," he said as his hand went to Leila's thigh, most likely on a path to somewhere much higher. They weren't going to quit AND they weren't going to hold anything back either, apparently. This wasn't going to be easy.

Elliot could sense Olivia's nerves by the way her body suddenly tensed up. It was rare that he saw her like this - genuinely nervous, maybe even a bit scared. Olivia rarely let any vulnerability show, but when she did, Elliot captured the moment and held onto it. Elliot liked that other side of her. He liked knowing that she could be unsure of herself at times; to Elliot, that Olivia was more courageous than the gun-slinging, smart-talking Olivia she was ninety-five percent of the time. Elliot treasured these moments.

Olivia quickly glanced over at her partner and then down at her lap. The look on her face confirmed Elliot's theory: she was scared. Of course she was scared, she had just been asked to kiss her partner of twelve years. Not once had they ever been in a situation like this one and Olivia could feel her heart rate increasing by the second. What were they supposed to do? She couldn't kiss him, he was Elliot. Her partner. Her married partner. Elliot. A man she had thought and even dreamed about kissing dozens of times over the years, but never imagined actually kissing. And certainly not like this.

Then again, she had dreamed of kissing him. Time and time again, she had closed her eyes and imagined Elliot's lips against hers. She would never admit it, but paperwork time was always a treat for her. Every few minutes, she'd sneak glances across her desk to look at him, her eyes fixed on his lips. Those lips. Whenever he decided to let some scruff grow out, Olivia secretly wondered what he would feel like against her face, her breasts, her thighs. That wondering quickly turned to fantasizing and almost always caused her hand to creep down her body. There were some nights that Elliot wouldn't leave her mind and bringing herself to ecstasy was the only cure. Twelve years of those thoughts, those fantasies, those dreams. For twelve years she had imagined what it would be like to kiss him and now, the opportunity was being presented right to her. She would be an idiot not to take it.

But she knew there was no way he would agree. Elliot didn't think of her the way she thought of him. Despite his rocky marriage, Elliot was in love with his wife and his children. Everything he did was for them. Those long, rough work days weren't so that he could spend time with her, but to feed and clothe his family. They were his entire life and she knew that he wasn't going to screw that up.

She expected Elliot to jump in, to be the hero, to dismiss the entire thing and say their good-byes; but when she turned to face him, he was calm. He wasn't moving and he certainly wasn't protesting. His eyes immediately met hers and his stare was so direct that she almost wanted to turn away. She swallowed hard, unsure of exactly what he was trying to communicate with her. In any other situation, this look would have translated to, "We gotta do what we gotta do." In twelve years, she'd seen that look a lot. That couldn't be what he was trying to communicate here, though. Surely he wasn't going to go against his beliefs and his morals and himself just to keep these random people from thinking that they were cops; but as he leaned closer to her, that thought flew away immediately. Maybe he was.

Elliot's eyes were still locked on hers as he inched closer to her. Olivia felt herself tense again and she sucked in a breath. She was afraid and she wasn't ashamed to admit that to herself. It must have been apparent to Elliot, because his lips made their way to her ear, and he calmly whispered, "Only if you want to, Liv."

Well, there was the confirmation she'd been waiting for. Elliot wasn't looking to make excuses and get them out of there. He was seemingly on board with this and Olivia was now wishing she'd finished that drink. This was bad, this was so fucking bad. Elliot was willing to kiss her and Olivia wanted to run out of that club, away from him, and right out of New York. It was backwards and confusing as all hell and she swore she was going to be sick until Elliot's eyes were in front of her again. He was so calm, he seemed so sure. In that moment, Olivia decided that she had to be the same way. This opportunity was rare. It was most likely her one and only chance to find out what Elliot Stabler's lips felt like. She had to do it.

After taking a deep breath, Olivia leaned in too. She shut her eyes immediately, as if closing them would somehow make it easier. She could sense that he was moving closer, her eyelids twitching with anticipation and curiosity.

"It's okay," Elliot whispered, his lips barely an inch away from hers. His voice was so soft that Olivia could barely hear him, but she knew he was speaking to her once she felt his warm breath against her mouth Olivia's stomach flipped as she moved and made contact with his lips.

Oh God, his lips. Elliot's lips were on hers. She so desperately wanted to open her eyes; she needed to know that this was real and not just another fantasy. But she couldn't; in fact, she could barely move. It was as if her body was too stunned to move, in too much shock. Elliot's lips were parting now and her own followed. His mouth enveloped her bottom lip and for a brief second, she thought that she would faint or worse. This was almost too much, but at the same time, she didn't want it to end. The harsh reality set in when she felt him pull away, giving her the cue to open her eyes. There was a look plastered on his face that Olivia was sure she hadn't seen before. He seemed satisfied and proud, but also anxious, maybe even nervous. He was likely thinking about how he had just cheated on his wife with his partner. Olivia's stomach flipped again, only this time it was out of pure guilt and embarrassment. Shit. What had they just done? Olivia's thoughts were quickly interrupted by the sound of the woman next to her.

"Very nice," Leila said, giving them both a smirk. "But we think you can do better than that."

Jesus, what now? Did they actually expect them to start fucking on that tiny sofa? Given the environment, that's probably exactly what Leila and Scott wanted them to do. Olivia knew they were in too deep already. She looked back at Elliot, hoping that he was already gearing up to say their good-byes, but what she saw was something else entirely. He was smiling at her, almost smirking. He almost seemed like he was enjoying this. Nearly a minute ago, Olivia was sure he was going to run out of the club and head straight to the nearest confessional. Now, he looked...Happy.

Without warning Elliot blurted out, "We can do better than that." Well, fuck. Maybe it was a pride thing. Maybe he wanted to show off in front of Scott and Leila, prove something to them. Maybe prove something to himself. Olivia swallowed hard. If Elliot wanted to do it again, she wasn't going to fight it. That kiss had sent her into a daze, almost like a high, and Olivia was not going to turn down feeling that once more.

This time, he leaned in quickly. No hesitation, no words. In mere seconds, she felt his lips again and how quickly they parted hers. His tongue moved to meet her bottom lip, tracing over every inch of the plump, pink smoothness. Olivia felt a chill run through her and it took everything in her not to let out thesmall squeak of a moan she was holding back. Elliot's tongue was caressing her bottom lip and she couldn't deny the facts - it felt fucking amazing. He seemed to be gaining more confidence now, as his tongue slid into her mouth. This time, she couldn't control it. The second she felt his tongue against hers, the smallest, "Mmm," came from deep within her throat. She wasn't sure if he'd be able to hear it; she prayed that he wouldn't. The last thing he needed to know was how much she was actually enjoying this.

Her tongue was eager now as it moved against his. She was following his lead, but holding her own, as she always did. She would never give him too much control or power, despite his tendency to take over. This translated right from their work to this second kiss. Their tongues were mingling, moving faster and with more force. Elliot's hand moved to the side of her neck, causing hundreds of goosebumps to form over her skin. Olivia knew he could tell, by the way his hand was now moving down to caress her arm, almost as if to soothe her now bumpy skin. God, he really did get her, even in the simplest ways. Olivia slowly brought one arm up to wrap around his neck, while the other hand shakily moved to cup his cheek. Their chests were up against one another, now. Olivia felt the buttons of his shirt grazing her bare skin, and that right there was enough to send another tingle down her spine. Just as she was starting to build some more courage, he pulled away again.

Olivia wanted to groan, to ask him why he ended their kisses so fucking fast, but then she watched as his hand moved to her upper thigh, fingertips grazing right along the hem of her dress. More goosebumps. Fuck, how did he do this to her? Sure, she had lusted after the man for years, but how was it that in less than five minutes he had turned her from a nervous wreck, to horny and hungry for more of him? Had he always been that powerful? She quickly decided to address that at a later date. Right now, she had to focus on what they were doing and where this was going. Before she could get a word in, Scott leaned over.

"If you're too shy to use the playroom, try the hallway near the bathroom. No one ever goes over there."