…And when it seems that all is lost and the world has plunged into darkness and chaos, the sun will rise and the era of rebirth will begin…
The dream that Roman Nallo had held onto since he was a boy had finally become reality. He was standing on the most famous of the Sommeray Islands as the nobles and commoners alike cheered for him. Charizard blew fire into the air and celebrated the victory alongside his partner, the new Champion Protector of Sommeray. Roman looked around and saw them all. He saw his older brother, Truman, beam with pride and Manuela, his eight-year old niece, cheering his name as she stood beside her father. He saw the king's younger brother, Prince Judah, feigning interest while his daughter, Zitah, imitated his behavior.
The cheers increased in volume, but Roman had suddenly lost all focus. His victory was now at the back of his mind and his gaze was enthralled at the sight stepping descending from the large steps. The only thing that the eighteen-year old warrior cared about at that moment was Princess Savannah.
The Mercado family had ruled over Sommeray for centuries and Roman had the utmost respect for them. He remembered how Savannah's grandfather, King Ahlois Mercado, ended the Sommeray-Highpoint War twelve years earlier and how her father, King Jeremiah, had always been kind to Roman whenever his family would visit the palace in Rayborn. However, it was Savannah herself that was truly responsible for his admiration of the royal family. Roman Nallo had traveled from Highpoint to Tawnport and even to the New World and had met many kind and beautiful women, but none of them had an effect on him like Savannah Mercado did.
"Roman Nallo…" she said gracefully as she approached him.
Savannah had the olive skin and emerald green eyes of her family. Her long, dark brown hair fell down her shoulders in ringlets and a gentle smile had formed on her narrow face. She had always been tall and willowy and even now was almost the same height as Roman himself. The sixteen-year old woman was wearing the elaborate green and yellow robes of her family along with the gold jewelry with an emerald pendant attached to the necklace.
"Princess Savannah…" he greeted as he kneeled onto the hard stone of the stadium floor and presented his sword to her. She took the sword and gently held the steel to his right shoulder before opening her mouth to speak.
"On this day in 1189, you have proven yourself to be the greatest warrior in all of Sommeray. Roman Nallo, together with your Pokémon, you have achieved greatness and your name will be remembered throughout time. Do you swear to protect and honor this kingdom with your life? To uphold all laws and serve as best and as loyally as you can from this day to your last?"
"I swear…" Roman answered confidently.
Savannah nodded her head and smiled at him. "In the name of my father, King Jeremiah Mercado, in the name of Sommeray, and in the name of Arceus, I, Princess Savannah Mercado, hereby name you Champion Protector of Sommeray. As per tradition, you may request anything your heart desires and I will do my best to fulfill your request. Rise now, Champion Roman and tell me what it is that you desire."
Roman stood tall, the island breeze blowing his black hair into his hazel eyes. He had been all over the world and had never been to a place as beautiful as Sommeray during the late spring. Although it was generally warm throughout the entire year in the tropical kingdom, late spring was the time in which the sunrise and sunset were at their most exquisite and many Pokémon roamed freely. It was the time before the unbearably hot summer when everything seemed tranquil and it was a feeling one could only get by being in Sommeray.
"I have everything that I desire…almost," Roman stated. "I have a brother to cherish, Pokémon to train alongside with, and a kingdom worth fighting for. Princess Savannah, my love for you and my love for Sommeray has given me the spirit to become Champion Protector…"
"Y-you love me?" Savannah said softly, momentarily losing her composure.
"I did," Roman answered. "I do and I will always. Your father gave me his blessings before I traveled the world and honed my skills and again before I entered the tournament. I'd like to ask for them again…"
The sound of the crowd gasping in disbelief was heard throughout the stadium. It was not uncommon for a newly crowned Champion Protector to propose to a maiden after winning, but it was unheard of to do so to royalty even if the champion was from a noble family like Roman. Still, Savannah Mercado smiled and seemed to be receptive of the young man's feelings.
"My father would be honored…" the Princess of Sommeray said. She paused for a moment and gazed at Roman, her green eyes meeting his hazel ones. "As would I…"
The crowd erupted into cheers and Roman had to remind himself that he was not in a dream. Princess Savannah rejoined her uncle and cousin in the royal section of the stadium and the celebration was over. With his sword back in his hand, Roman returned to Charizard and mounted the winged lizard. While the celebration at the island was over, the festivities on the mainland would begin shortly and last for days. He assumed that it would be better to make a more impressive appearance if he arrived in the capital on Charizard's back instead of simply riding ride a ferry back.
"Charizard," he started. "My oldest friend, take flight one final time for the day. Our destination is Rayborn."
Charizard let out a mighty roar as he flapped his wings and soared into the sunset. The arrogant and impulsive youth that was once Roman Nallo had faded away that day and a champion had emerged from the ashes.
Sommeray - One of the four great kingdoms of the world.
Rayborn - The capital of Sommeray
Anyway, this is a story that I've been wanting to write for a while and with X and Y almost out, I figured now was a better time than ever. It might seem like a cliche fantasy story, but I'd like to see if I can put my own twist on things as the story goes on. Plus, it makes good practice for if and when I decide to actually write a fantasy novel. The prologue's pretty short, but future chapters will be longer, I promise.
OC's are accepted by PM or at my forum and the form is on my profile. I have all the information you need, but don't be afraid to ask me if there's something you can't understand. I hope to get a lot of forms from you guys. Thanks.
Until next time!