A/N This is an AU, in which Green is blind. I have absolutely no idea where this came from but...yeah. Enjoy and I will hopefully be able to add chapters almost weekly.

Life had not been kind to Green Oak.

Sure he absolutely loved his life, but it was in no way easy. From a young age, he had been expected to do great things simply based on the fact that his grandfather was a professor known around the world. He tried his hardest to get the best grades possible and even attempted to help his grandfather with his research on several occasions, but his effort was all for not because of one horribly simple fact.

Green Oak was blind.

Due to a horrible incident that included wild animals and a cliff, Green's sight had been ripped away from him after only 10 short years of having it.

However, being the person that he was, Green hated sympathy. Sympathy not helpful in the slightest and annoying in his opinion. No. He did not need sympathy. What he needed was understanding.

Knowing about one's situation and feeling bad for them were two entirely different things.

When it first happened, people had come to his bedside and promised that it was ok. How the hell was it ok? He could no longer see the beauty of the world, or watch TV like a normal kid. He would never again see his older sister's face light up when she saw him or see the vibrant colors of her paintings. It was most defiantly not ok. But he would live.

High school became much more difficult as a result of his problem. It wasn't the work that bugged him. Green had picked up brail quickly and he breezed through his courses. It was the kids that bugged him. They would openly avoid him like the plague. Even now when he was alone in the hall, the occasional teen's running to catch the bus would slow down once they were within a five foot radius of him. It was as they though his blindness was contagious. Idiots.

Once he was alone again, Green placed his hand back on the lockers and slowly guided himself to the main exit where Blue would be waiting. Green had memorized the halls based on the ways certain lockers felt. In a similar fashion, Green could tell how far away from the door he was based on the sound his steps were making. Almost there he silently told himself.

Just as he reached his hand to push the doors, a soft sound caught his attention. Even though his ears had become more acute due to his disability, he still had to strain to hear it again. Remaining still, Green concentrated on the sound for a few seconds before coming to the conclusion that it was coming from the band room. It was defiantly coming from a piano, and even though it was beautiful, Green could just barley hear the song's haunting under tones.

Now tuned completely towards the music, Green placed his hand back on the lockers, intent to follow the melody back to its maker. Again, before he moved, he was stopped, this time by a hand on his shoulder.

"And where do you think you're going?"

Green growled only slightly as the girl know as Blue took his hand and literally dragged him outside towards what he assumed was the parking lot.

"Annoying woman…" He hissed under his breath as she shoved him into the car almost as though he was under arrest.

"What was that?" She asked cheerfully as she started the car. Blue had been Green's friend before his incident. She had remained loyal throughout the years, helping him when she could. However, she had a tendency to be slightly over protective of him. He remembered once a couple of kids thought it would be funny to trip 'the blind kid.' However, before they could even go through with their extremely intricate plan, Blue nicely asked them to do something that was physically impossible before literally chasing them away.

Maybe that was another reason people avoided him.

Resigned to his fate, Green leaned back in his seat and strapped in for the ride ahead.

Sure Green knew where he was going based on the way the car was turning and by how many pot holes they hit, but Blue was a plain scary driver. He was surprised she wasn't pulled over more based on how fast she was going and…

"HOLY CRAP THAT WAS THE SIDE WALK?! YOU IDIOT! ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL PEOPLE?!" Green screeched at the top of his lungs as half the car was elevated slightly over the other. The car came to an abrupt stop, and Green nearly slammed his head on the dashboard in front of him.

"Welcome home!" Came that cheerful voice again as Green wearily stepped out of the car, whispering 'She devil' under his breath.

"Call me if you need anything!" She yelled as Green opened the door to his home and stepped thankfully inside. He replied with a dismissive, "Ya.", as he closed the door and dropped his bag on the stairs. He made his way to the kitchen and pulled out a bag of chips before he dropped into one of the chairs with a huff.

Green ate the chips without really paying attention, his mind drifting back to the song he heard right before being forcefully dragged to one of the more horrifying car rides with Blue.

Who was playing it?

And more importantly, Will they play again tomorrow?

IF you liked it or if you have any ideas on how to make it better, feel free to review or send me a PM.