Hi, guys!

Thank you for all the reviews!

Also, just to clear it up, this is NOT a malexmale fic.

Love you all!

Dumbledore, Snape, Tonks and Kingsley all stood before Number 4 Privet Drive. It was late at night, all of the houses had their lights off and there wasn't a sound to be heard.

With a quick 'alohomora' cast by Dumbledore, the door creaked open and the blue light of the TV on the living room cast an eerie glow on the intruder's faces. Which, by the way, were extremely upset faces. Tonks's hair was red with rage. The old headmaster led the way into the living room, where Vernon was snoozing and Petunia was knitting under the barely noticed light of a table lamp. She frowned at the shadows before whirling around, eyes wide and face even paler.

Her shrill shriek woke her husband up, who yelled and fell from his chair.

"Vernon Dursley, muggle, and Petunia Dursley, muggle, have both been sentenced under the both Ministries for child abuse, abuse of a magical being, mistreatment of an underage wizard, torture of a wizard – be it with magical or non-magical methods, neglect of an underage wizard, neglect of an underage person, abuse of custody both of a wizard and a child and trespass of muggle-wizard peace boundaries." Kingsley spoke fluidly, his voice tainted with rage beyond his professionalism.

"You are lucky we are not Death Eaters or by Merlin and all the wizards before me I would crucio you until your spines snapped." Tonks said with venom lacing her voice, her nose clenching with pure anger.

"Now, now." Dumbledore said. "We will be taking both of you to be judged and sentenced under these charges. There hasn't been a day set for your trial, so both of you will be held in the Ministry of Magic under the custody of capacitated aurors. Your child will go to St. Mungo's for a procedure check-up. Is there anything you would like to say to defend yourselves?"

"G-g-get out of my house, you filthy freaks!" Vernon said, even if his body was shaking with fear. Petunia didn't utter a sound.

Tonks whipped her hand out, her wand pointing at him.

"Not all of the torture curses are unforgivable, you fucking muggle." She spat.

Snape put a hand on her arm to calm her down.

"Take us out of here, Dumbledore." He growled, trying to calm his own body down.

Harry held Remus's hand as they stood right before the gigantic house. It was a cold morning and Harry had never worn so many clothes before. Remus had put him into a pair of warm pants, furry socks, brand-new boots, a long-sleeved shirt, a warm coat, a scarf and gloves.

Remus had smiled warmly when they were about to leave the house. He looked so cute!

Harry wondered if Sirius would think the same. He felt his stomach knotting with nervousness as Remus rang the bell. Excited footsteps came running down the hall.

As soon as Sirius heard the bell, he jumped from the couch where he had been waiting anxiously and ran down the hall, pulling the door open and almost screaming in excitement when he saw him. Neither adult could contain the bubbling joy within them as they smiled widely, their eyes watering as they jumped at each other, hugging tightly just like in the old days.

Harry watched as they held each other, laughing and crying at the same time. He wondered what it felt like to love and be loved by someone in such a way. He smiled slightly.

They finally let go of each other and Sirius slowly turned to look at Harry. His eyes watered again. He was… Prongs.

He knelt down to be eye level with him and Harry hid the lower half of his face in the scarf wrapped around his neck.

"Hi, Harry. I'm Sirius."

"Hello." He said softly.

The animagus slowly put a hand on the small child's head, looking into his green eyes.

"You look just like your dad… but you have your mother's eyes. Oh, Harry… they were such wonderful people." He said. He realized the kid was very wary and shy, so he decided to let him adapt first. He got up again and smiled at Remus. "How about we go inside and have some breakfast, huh?"

"Oh, Merlin." Sirius moaned as he tasted Remus's famous omelet. "I missed your cooking so darn much!"

Remus looked at him and smiled as he chewed. Harry silently agreed, constantly shoveling spoonful after spoonful of the delicious food. It was a pity that his belly was so tiny, though, because he got full very fast.

"You liked it, Harry?" Remus asked gently.

"Yes, sir." He said softly, smiling.

"Okay, now that we're all done, let's have a little tour around the house! Last night Dumbledore sent some elves to clean it up and get it ready for us!" Sirius said excitedly.

Harry couldn't believe his eyes. The room Sirius had led him to was enormous. There was a gigantic window through which the sun filtered, illuminating the soft bed, the desk and chair, and the open, empty closet. There was a chest at the feet of the bed, and Harry ached to open it and see what was inside.

"So, do you like it?"

He didn't know what to say. He had never had a room for himself, only the cupboard. Freaks didn't deserve rooms, or beds, or anything else. Freaks didn't deserve any space. They didn't deserve to be comfortable. He felt his throat closing up and smiled shakily, nodding.

"Hey, and that isn't even the best part." Sirius said, walking into the room excitedly. He knelt before the chest and motioned for Harry to sit next to him.

He looked up at Remus uneasily. He didn't like to be close to adults, not even as nice and cheery as Sirius. He tended to mess up a lot and being so close to them made it easier for them to hurt him when he did. But Remus smiled and nodded encouragingly, so he hesitantly walked over to Sirius and knelt next to him.

The black-haired man opened the chest, and Harry's jaw dropped.

It was full with all kinds of toys. Cars, action figures, lego's, and he suspected that a good portion of them were magical. And all of them were brand new!

"I… I can play with these?" he asked softly, a part of him fully expecting Sirius to slam the chest shut and laugh in his face.

But it didn't happen. He just smiled widely, with care shining through his eyes.

"Of course, Harry. They are all yours!"

Harry sat back on his ankles and looked around, his eyes watery.

"A-and the room… it's all mine?"

"Of course it is." Sirius said, putting a gentle hand on his head. "You deserve the best of the best, Harry."

Harry trembled as he tried to suppress the urge to cry. He had never felt like this in his life. Nobody had ever given him anything, not even if he tried. Whatever he received from the Dursleys was just to keep him alive, and even that was as little and in the worst state as possible. Horrible food, ridiculously small amounts of water, terrible clothing, a very small cupboard with a worn mattress… he couldn't believe that all of a sudden they were giving him a big bed with more than one blanket, an entire room that he didn't have to share with cleaning supplies, and toys! Toys!

Before he could do anything to stop it, sobs spurted from his mouth. Sirius's smile fell and he looked up at Remus. The werewolf walked slowly over to Harry and knelt down next to him.

"Harry, little one, what's wrong?"

He looked up at them through his teary eyes and another wave of sobs assaulted him. The looks on their faces… They cared for him! He hid his face in his tiny hands and wailed harder as he felt someone hugging him tightly, and then the other one joined in, both of them rocking him back and forth as they tried to calm him.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you…" he whispered brokenly. "Thank you so much."

It angered Sirius that Harry would be so thankful for something as basic as a room and toys to play with, but he didn't let it show.

"Hey," Remus said softly. "Why don't you show Harry the rest of the house? I'll go make us some cookies."

The werewolf actually wanted Sirius to spend some time alone with Harry. The small child turned to look at Remus with frightened eyes, still insecure about being left alone with Sirius, but his former teacher simply winked at him and released the embrace, walking away.

Harry had stopped crying, but Sirius was still holding him close and rocking him back and forth softly.

The same warm feeling spread throughout his body and he smiled.

Sirius slowly let go of him and leaned backwards, placing his hands on his shoulders and looking into his eyes.

"Harry, from now on you will always have everything you need. Everything. You will never miss a single thing. I'll make sure of it. I want you to promise me that whenever you need anything; if you're hungry, thirsty, cold or scared, tell me. Let me know and me and Remus will do our very best to fix it."

Harry smiled widely and nodded.

The day went by slowly as they showed Harry around the rest of the house. Soon, the medicines he had been taking caught up with him and he fell asleep soon after they sat on the couch to eat cookies and Remus and Sirius began to talk about their lives.

They took him to his room and put him on the bed, under the blankets.

"Remus…" Sirius asked hesitantly as he looked at Harry sleeping calmly. "Tell me everything."

Remus swallowed and sighed.

"Okay, but promise me that you will keep it together." He answered.

Sirius nodded stiffly, and Remus began his story. He told him all about art classes with Snape, how they noticed Harry always being depressed, very shy and towards the end, badly hurt. He told him about the great difference between Dudley and Harry, and how they began to suspect but ignored it stupidly, until it was too much. And then the way they found out he was a wizard, and that he was Harry Potter.

"We went and told Dumbledore, and went to talk to Mrs. Figg. She confirmed our fears. The Dursleys were abusing Harry. So… we went over that same night and…" his choked on a sob as he remembered how they had found the small child. "He was at the brink of death, Sirius. We immediately took him to Poppy's house and she healed him as much as she could. He's still a bit hurt, sporting some bruises and he can't move around very much… but he'll be fine."

Sirius closed his eyes and lowered his head, his whole body trembling with rage and his hands fisted tightly.

"Those… bastards." He growled. He swallowed painfully. "I'll kill them, Remus. I swear."

"We can't." Remus said sadly. "But let's not get angry. Harry needs us to be happy and cheery around him."

Sirius nodded and sighed as he looked at the calm face on his little godson.

"He's okay now." He said, more to himself than anything. "He's going to have a loving family from now on and that's all that matters.

After Harry woke up, they had a delicious lunch and Sirius's proposed going shopping. Neither he nor Harry had clothes, anyway.

Harry couldn't be more excited than he was at the moment. New clothes, too, on top of everything they had already given him! No more threadbare shirts, ripped pieces of clothing, or dirty and smelly things to wear.

They still didn't want to apparate and use the floo on Harry, with all the injuries still healing on his body.

It was a very long trip by bus, but Harry was enjoying it. Remus and Sirius were telling him all about their old adventures as marauders, laughing heartily and making him laugh along with them.

They finally got to their stop, out of the city. It was a small, abandoned-looking house in the middle of nowhere. It scared Harry a bit, but as both his guardians grabbed each of his hands, he felt safer. They walked towards it ignoring the big, rusted 'Keep-Out' sign.

Harry almost passed our as he saw it.

The inside was a thousand times bigger. It was like a mall, except everything was moving, and twisting and jumping with magic. Colors and bursting stars were all around and the people seemed so happy! There were floors upon floors of different things, including the clothes they were looking floor. But not just normal clothes! Colorful and such funny clothes!

"Pick anything you want, Harry." Remus said.

Harry smiled widely and hesitantly gave a few steps forward, before running towards the clothes section.

Hours later, the trio walked out of the amazing building with tons and tons of clothing and some other stuff to decorate the house.

It was getting dark and Harry fell asleep again on the bus.

They had to wake him up to eat dinner and take his medicines before putting him to bed. He fell asleep in his new pajamas, with a little smile on his face.

The smile soon vanished, though.

Visions of his life began to assault him. His Uncle barging into his cupboard, holding a belt, which in his tortured mind shifted into a bat, a stick, a knife… anything he could find. He could see blood spraying for his mouth and it hurt so badly. He was curled up in a corner as the three Dursleys hit him with everything, and pain surrounded him. The images shifted continuously: his hands being burnt at the stove, his head being banged against the floor, the belt ripping into the skin on his back and bottom, the fists making his nose crooked and weird and his jaw aching, the blurred image of his aunt pushing him under water and laughing, his uncle strangling him, him watching them all eat as his stomach rumbled… and him pleading, and pleading and pleading but they just laughed.

He woke up with a gasp, covered in sweat. The images slowly left his eyes and he swallowed, sitting up shakily.

His eyes widened and coldness ran down his back.

The bed was wet. He had had an accident. More memories of his family punishing him for that entered his mind, and he envisioned his bloody, battered self trying to clean it. He slid off his bed and his eyes watered as he stared at his new pajamas, now ruined. A choked sob escaped him and he trembled.

"Idiot, freak, disgusting…" he muttered, grabbing at his hair. He had ruined it. He finally had a family and he ruined it! A small part of his mind kept telling him that it had been an accident; he couldn't have helped it if he tried. But it did little to soothe him as he imagined their faces. He licked his lips nervously as he thought of what to do. Sobs spurted from his mouth as his fear grew exponentially.

Remus's nose twitched and he groaned before his eyes fluttered open. His nose scrunched up and he stretched as his mind moved groggily, trying to recognize the smell. It smelt like urine at first… but then something much worse settled in his senses. Fear. He could smell strong fear whiffing off of somebody's room –


He shot up from his bed and ran into Sirius at the hall.

The animagus also had a very keen sense of smell. They looked at each other before walking over to Harry's room and opening the door.

Harry whirled around and looked at them. He sobbed and tears coursed down his face as he backed away from both adults.

"Harry, what happened?" Remus asked softly, switching the lights on.

"I'm sorry." He whimpered. "I'm so, so sorry. I didn't mean to. It was an accident. I'm sorry."

His back finally touched the corner of the room and he slid down, hugging his legs as fear invaded him.

Both adults looked at the wet bed. Sirius sighed and walked over to Harry, but the small child flinched and pressed his back into the wall, muttering apologies and sobbing.

"Harry, you have nothing to be sorry about." He said softly as Remus vanished the mess from the covers and the mattress."

"I-I ruined the new pajamas." He said. "And the bed. I don't deserve good things. I'm bad."

"No, no, no." Sirius said softly, his voice trembling. He reached out and, ignoring Harry's flinch and shudder, cupped his cheeks. He ran his thumbs softly over them, cleaning his tears and caressing his face. "It happens, Harry. It was an accident. We're not mad. You're not in trouble. It's okay."

Harry hiccupped as he looked into Sirius's face. His caress felt so good. His sobs slowly diminished. Remus walked to them and also knelt down, smiling softly at Harry.

"Harry, there is something you need to understand. Accidents happen. It wasn't your fault. You couldn't help it." He said. "And if you ever, ever get in trouble, we will never lay a hand on you. We will never hurt you. Okay? Do you trust us?"

Harry looked into their faces and nodded, hiccupping. His mind suddenly reacted, and he flung himself at Sirius and Remus, hugging them. His short arms didn't reach around both necks, but they put their hands on his back, comforting him.

Remus carried him back into the bed and covered him with the clean blanket.

"Harry… did you have a nightmare?"

"Y-yes." He whimpered.

Sirius put a hand on his forehead and smiled as an idea crossed his mind.

"Would you like us to stay here tonight? With you?"

Harry's eyes widened. The Dursleys would always let Dudley sleep with them when he was scared. He never thought anyone would want to comfort him through the nights! He smiled and nodded hastily, excited. Sirius laid down and looked up at Remus, who rolled his eyes and conjured a mattress and blankets next to the bed. He laid down as well.

Harry closed his eyes in pure happiness as Sirius hugged him close.

And for the first time, the night didn't seem so scary.