A day before his audition, Kurt Hummel was a nervous wreck. For the first time in his life Kurt had a chance, a real chance to prove to everyone he was special. It was exhilarating, and terrifying, and incredible all at the same time. He knew that this could change everything for him. He just had to be brave enough to go through with it. Every day of the week leading up to the audition Rachel spent basically all her time coaching him. What tea to drink, when not to talk, the right things to say to the producers, everything. Part of him wanted to blow her off, but she was the lead in a major Broadway show so he figured she must know something. Quinn gave him tips on how to stay confident even when you're not feeling it. Santana didn't exactly give him advice it was more of a "You better get that part or I will beat your ass" kind of thing. And Brittany, well Brittany gave him maybe the best advice of all :to just follow his unicorn self and if they didn't understand his magical unicorn power than they were stupid. He was grateful for the advice but the night before the concert he really just wanted to be alone with his boo, cuddle and whine about how scared he was.

Rachel was being nice and staying with Quinn for the night, so that Blaine could sleep over. Kurt was nervous; Blaine had never actually stayed over. And they hadn't actually taken that step. Even though Kurt knew Blaine would never pressure him, the fear that he would become bored or uninterested felt very real to Kurt.

Blaine showed up at around 4 that evening. "Hey baby" He said greeting Kurt with a hug.

"Hi handsome" He mumbled into Blaine's hair

They settled down onto Kurt's couch, it had become routine. Blaine kissed Kurt's head, draping a blanket over them.

"So how do you feel?" Blaine didn't need to ask about what.

"Terrified. Excited. Possibly every emotion that's out there I feel right now"

Blaine cooed "sweetheart I know it's scary. But what happens at that audition does not dictate how the rest of your life will go. You're still beautiful, smart, talented- very talented. And no matter what you'll still have all your friends."

"I'm not so sure about Santana" Kurt laughed feebly

"Santana's just talking shit. She loves you. And more importantly I'm always going to be there for you- always. Because- because I care about you so much and you're the best thing that's ever happened to me." Blaine stopped wanting to say more; wanting to admit that he had fallen in love with Kurt- but he couldn't. He couldn't let himself be put in that vulnerable position again. He just wasn't ready. He instead settled for kissing Kurt gently.

"You are the best boyfriend ever. Really I don't even know how someone as amazing as you is real"

"Well I am pretty awesome" Blaine joked leaning back to peak Kurt's nose, hoping to end the mushy conversation. He was too close to admitting that he loved Kurt, he almost couldn't control it.

"Big ego much?" Kurt teased, sensing he was done with the mush. He knew Blaine was afraid of getting to close too fast and he was fine with that. He was perfectly ok with taking it as slow as Blaine needed.

Blaine took that as Kurt being ready to end the conversation as well. "I take offence to that" He mocked hurt, grinning playfully.

"Well tough" Kurt bit his lip giggling.

Blaine pounced at him and Kurt took off running and for a few minutes they were like little kids running around without any worries. They had each other and in that moment that was all that mattered. Blaine finally tackled Kurt down, playfully rubbing their noses together.

"Got you down baby."

"What are you going to do now that you have me" Kurt giggled, knowing exactly what was about to happen.

Blaine didn't answer instead just began poking Kurt's vulnerable sides. Kurt giggled softly, squirming around, not really trying all that hard to get away. He never told Blaine this, but he loved it when Blaine did this. He had never really been touched much and since everything happened with Dave, well any kind of touch basically scared him shitless. But with Blaine, touch was for some reason ok... no more than ok; it was magical and wonderful and utterly incredible.

"Blaineee" He whined

"Whattttt?" Blaine teased him.

Kurt glared at him "Stop it right now mister."

Blaine laughed at his adorable little pouty face, speeding up the tickling. It lasted only a few seconds before Kurt managed to wiggle out from under him.

"Hey come back here, I'm not done with you yet. I still haven't even gotten too your worst spot yet." Blaine wiggled his fingers in Kurt's direction.

He jumped away "No! Please Blaine I have the audition tomorrow and I don't want my voice to get hoarse." Kurt said making these cute little puppy eyes Blaine just couldn't resist.

"Alright, alright no more tickling- for tonight. Tomorrow night I am going to tickle the absolute crap out of you- no mercy."

"You are so mean. I don't even know why you like tickling me so much."

Blaine pulled Kurt under his arm "Because you're extremely cute when you laugh and because I like seeing you happy and smiling."

Kurt snuggled into Blaine "I am so getting you back one of these days"

"Not ticklish" Blaine said happily

"I don't believe you" Kurt pouted, poking Blaine's sides. No reaction.

"Damnit" Kurt grumbled.

"Told you" Blaine laughed leaning in for a kiss. They curled up into each other, hands holding lips pecking every few seconds. The warm comfort of just being in each others arms. The moment felt so right and real. The quiet was peaceful. Usually Blaine had to constantly be talking, but with Kurt, with Kurt he could say nothing and it felt like he was saying everything. He felt Kurt's hand run through his hair and he purred gently at the touch.

"That feels good baby."

Kurt gently smiled and continued running his fingers through Blaine's hair, his fingers running down to Blaine's neck. When they hit his neck, Blaine scrunched up squeaking. Kurt looked at him grinning evilly running his fingers over his neck to check his theory generating the same reaction.

"Oh Blainey bear, I think someone lied to me. Do you know what happens to liars?"

Blaine was shaking his head, gearing up to run away. Unfortunately for him Kurt was faster and tackled him down before he could say boo.

"Kurt please don't" Blaine begged already giggling. Kurt just laughed

"but you lied to me Blaine. Plus I think it's time for some revenge for all the time's you tickled me."

Kurt leaned down his lips attacking Blaine's neck blowing 3 raspberries on it in a row. Blaine squealed and laughed like crazy and Kurt just thought it was about the cutest thing he'd ever seen. He understood why Blaine did it too him so much. When he stopped they both lay there giggling, sweating, happy people.

They interlocked hands and in that moment both of them felt like nothing in the world mattered but each other.

They both hit the hay around 10:00 Blaine insisting that Kurt need a good night's rest. Blaine took Rachel's bed after Kurt argued that Rachel didn't even have to know he had slept there and it wasn't like they were having sex in her bed, which caused a lot of blushing and an awkward silence. Kurt was fitful the whole night and it ended up with them curled up on the couch, reruns of friends blaring in the background.

Kurt woke up around 8 and immediately started panicking. Kurt spent about three hours getting ready, between hair and clothes and showering. Being a diva was a lot of work. They set off at about 11, the audition at 2.

When they arrived, Kurt was given a number and thrown into a lobby of Broadway hopefuls. People were singing and practicing dance moves. It was madness.

"I'm so nervous" Kurt whispered.

"Don't be. Everyone's in the same boat here. "

As the auditions continued Kurt grew more and more fearful until his number was called.

"You can do it Kurt. I believe in you"

Kurt took a deep breath walking into the audition. Get ready world he thought you just met you're brand new star.