Author: Moiranna
Title: Nightmares
: Good morning
Rating: PG
Realm: the Chronicles of Riddick
Pairing: Riddick/Kyra
Characters: Riddick, Kyra
Genre: general, romance
Warnings: None really
Word-count: 247
Summary: It was one of those nights when there were no needs for talk, when closeness took overhand. Riddick/Kyra Post TCOR and AU since I'm disregarding her demise.
Notes: Written for Tumblr-user hatenotbeingthebadguy under the drabble-claim "Good morning."

It was one of those nights. Riddick had heard faint noises some hour ago, and while he'd stirred he catalogued the sound and decided to back to sleep. She could have this one.

The door whispered open and closed, footsteps padding along the darkened bedroom towards where Riddick rested before the covers parted and a figure ducked under them, curling up against him. It took some twenty minutes before the breathing slowed and the newcomer fell asleep, and Riddick shifted his position to drape the figure closer, nuzzling her by the throat and going back to the realm of Morpheus.

Some hours later he felt the other stirring to wakefulness and cracked an eye open to watch grey-blue eyes stare back at him. For a few moments they just looked at one another, and Riddick read fear, shame and comfort in those brief seconds, understanding that it was more the sign of weakness that was the problem. After all this time she still came to him during nightmares. They'd never broached this subject, and Riddick was content with waiting until she brought it up. "Mornin'," he muttered, the word holding all the grumpiness he felt about being woken up.

Raising an eyebrow at him she lazily stretched herself, brushing her body against his and giving a content little hum as she did. Riddick saw the movement for the bribe for what it was, and hey – who was he to complain. It was just another way to say good morning.