Hi my dearies! Thanks to all those who read followed and especially reviewed! Special thanks to natbenson, I will definitely take your review into the story! Thanks so much and keep reviewing!
Sleepily, Elliot and Amelia walked into the bullpen a few hours later with Michael in Elliot's arms.
"Liv?" groggily Amelia called out.
Olivia emerged from under her desk with a sadden expression. "Yeah?"
"Where did we put our bags again?"
"We put them in my locker, El knows where they are. Can you?" asked Liv as she gestured to Elliot pointing in the direction of the lockers
"Of course," he said as he lead the kids towards the lockers, starting a little small talk along the way.
Olivia let out the breath she was holding, and crawled completely out from under the desk. After she made the call to the judge she had printed out the necessary paperwork that she was currently filling out when they walked into the room. She didn't want Amelia or Elliot to see it so she quickly opened her desk drawer, but instead of smoothly throwing the papers in, they fell onto the ground underneath of her desk. She went to go pick them up when they walked in, and she realized then that it looked a little awkward flashing her bottom to the world.
The paper work was long and tedious, as she piled it all up and placed it back on top of her desk. She sighed, and got back to filling out page seven.
"I just called the judge, and I got us a search warrant for that warehouse Coldman went into.," Munch said rising from his seat and opening his drawers looking for his gun and badge.
"Oh good. I will call back up on the way, after I find Elliot. We'll meet you there," Olivia said to Munch and Fin., briskly walking towards the lockers.
"Do we know that he's still in there?" Fin asked Munch on the way out the door.
"I was watching the footage all night. He's still there with the other guy."
The two unmarks speed up towards the building a few minutes later, followed by three unis. The detectives quickly climbed out of their cars and raced up to the door of the building where they had seen the two men enter yesterday.
"So what's our plan of attack?" Olivia asked Munch.
"Well, according to the building records, there is the main room which encompasses the whole floor, a few closets off to the sides on the far side of the wall, and a back exit that empties into an alleyway that the unis have covered right now. There is a subfloor that can be access by the door next to the back door. The basement is just as big as the upper floor and has no other exit than the door which you go down in."
"Ok, Elliot and I will take the subfloor, while you guys take the main floor. If you must shoot, try to shoot not vital areas; we want to take these guys in alive."
"Copy that." Munch and Fin said at the same time.
With that, after a silent count of three, the door was kicked down and the four entered the dark building.
The unis in the back came through the door a few moments later, flashlights and guns drawn.
"Freeze! NYPD!" almost everyone shouted at once. Except the room was empty. There were no boxes people, anything. The whole top floor was empty with the smelling of musty books and sweat.
Olivia and Elliot moved to the door in the back, leading to the basement. The duo slowly opened the door and started their descent towards the cold sublevel. Olivia's heels clicked along the floor as she descended behind Elliot. The stair were made of concrete, and a constant drip of water could be heard. The air was cold and damp. As Elliot reached the bottom, he shined his light toward the other side of the room.
There was a lining of boxes and tables scattered throughout the space, creating a maze to get to the two men who were talking loudly in the middle of the room.
As the duo of cops moved around the boxes and tables, trying not to touch anything, they caught pieces of the conversation.
"We got to get more wire, Jack," Coldman said. "This isnt going to be even close to enough. Remember who our target is?"
"Well Jason, I thought this was just to scare the women so we can go in, take my kids back and then leave. No one was supposed to get hurt."
"Two feet of wire isn't going to cut it. The moment the cops here about the bomb, they'll track this place down and find all this evidence that we have left lying around. They'll find our fingerprints and track us down and this whole thing would have been for nothing. We have to destroy this place too."
Olivia could understand exactly what was going to happen, what they were planning. Meeting them at the Renson's apartment was all part of the plan. They wanted to see who they were up against and if they could take Elliot and her out before they had to take the kids.
Olivia was fuming. How could Amelia's father do this to her? Create all this death and destruction. All he had to do was come back to her life and the state would have graciously granted him custody.
Now that she thought about it though, she would have rather the kids not go with this nut job and his brother who seemed to be the one planning all of this.
Elliot and her had been creeping slowly towards the two men, close enough so that they had a shot at each of them. They exchanged glances and paused a moment before popping out and screaming, "Freeze! NYPD! Don't move!"
The two men jumped and turned towards the two detectives whose guns were raised and pointed at them. Jack stayed still hands in the air, fear in the older man's eyes. Jason on the other hand, stayed still for only a moment before sprinting off in the other direction away from the detectives. Olivia being slightly closer to Jack, stayed to cuff him as he was kneeling on the floor, while Elliot ran after Jason.
The door that Jason ran through must have been some sort of secret as it was not on the blueprints of the building. Elliot ran through just as there was an explosion, trapping him in the tunnel.