(A/N: a little story made by us, Mira and Luna, at two in the morning. (': it's quite genius, so please please please review or favorite to let us know what you think!)

Chapter One

"Nooo!" Eren moans in his sleep, tossing and turning in bed. Above him stands corporal Levi, who is watching him with disgust. Eren is awoken by a slap to the face.

"What are you doing, sleeping at this time, brat?"

Eren bolts upright, and presses a hand to his swollen cheek. "What!? Oh, it's Levi Heich-" He's cutoff when Levi decides to jump into the air and do a swan dive directly into Eren's face. The older man bounces off and falls onto the floor. Eren laughs. "Nice try but, you're too small to pack a good punch."

Levi's eyes narrowed. "WHAT did you say?"

"C-crap..." Eren says, and Levi pounces onto the bed like a puma. He swings at Eren repeatedly, making sure to give him a few extra kicks in the... nether regions. Levi pauses when he sees an angry Mikasa standing at the door.

"Help," Eren cries. "I must still be dreaming. There's this little man beating me up."

Mikasa dashes toward Levi with an evil glint in her eyes. As she is about to drop kick Levi, he dodges, and instead Mikasa hits Hanji. "Eh? HANJI?! What are you doing under my bed?" Eren questions.

"For... my... research.." Hanji says faintly. Within moments, Hanji is passed out.

"We'll continue this later," Levi says while walking out the door. "What about Hanji?!" Eren yells. "Take care of it!" shouts Levi from the hall.

Eren and Mikasa are left with a passed out Hanji on the floor. "I guess we should bring her to her room..?" Eren says, lifting her up and resting her head against the bed. "So heavy though..." As he says this, he notices something small gleaming in Hanjis pocket.

"What's this?" He reaches in her pocket and takes out a small vial. Mikasa steps back.

"Eren, we shouldn't be messing with her stuff."

"Wait Mikasa, look! It says my name on it." Sure enough, the vial is labeled 'Eren'.

"I wonder... if maybe I should drink it?" he asks.

"That's... No, Eren, don't!" Mikasa tries to take the vial out of his hands, but it's too late, he's already drank the strange substance inside. She watches him in awe.

"Whoa!" he says, clutching his chest. "What's wrong?!" Mikasa places her hands on his shoulders.

"What is this.. warm feeling in my chest? And my heart is beating so fast!" Eren takes Mikasa's hand and blushes fiercely. "Your hair is so pretty. It makes my heart go doki-doki!" Crap, he sounds just like Jean.. but WORSE! Mikasa thinks. "E-Eren? What happened to you?!"

"You know what happened to me? I've been infected by the love virus!" Eren replies as he prances around the room. Mikasa runs towards Hanji's body and slaps her face left to right repeatedly yelling, "WHAT DID YOU DO TO EREN? WAKE UP!" But it's hopeless. Hanji is knocked out.

"Ohhhhhh, Mikasaaaaa!" Eren sings. "Oh crap," she murmurs to herself.

Levi re-enters the room. "Oh, by the way Eren-" He stops, a confused look on his face. "Why is he dancing over there like an idiot?"

Mikasa sighs and explains to Levi, "He accidentally drank something of Hanji's that gave him a love virus. Now he's super emotional, super ditzy, and super... in love."

"In love with you?" Levi asks, and Eren immediately stops and runs up to him

. "HEEIIIICHOUUUUUUU!" he says, a pained look on his face. "I need...!" Eren pants, falling to the floor. "I need..."

"Need what?" asks Levi, kneeling down beside him.

"I need... a map... because I'm so lost in your eyes!"

Eren receives a swift kick to the face.

Mikasa snaps. She roundhouse kicks Levi aiming for his head, but he stops the kick midway and says, "We need to find out how to cure this idiot. Fighting won't get us anywhere."

"Fine..." Mikasa replies. "Miiiikasssaaaaa! Can I have directions?" Eren yells, a stupid look on his face.

"To where?" Mikasa asks.


Her eye starts to twitch. "First a map, now directions. This idiot is truly lost," Levi scoffs. Mikasa faces Levi and says, "We need to find a cure, and quick. I can't take this anymore."

"Oh-ho-ho..." a voice says from behind.


The two turn around and find Hanji standing behind them with a creepy glare in her eyes and a wide smile.

"It won't be that easy to cure," she laughs, as if it was totally normal for her to wake up on the floor. "The only way he can change back to normal is if he receives a kiss from his true love!"

"K-kiss?!" Mikasa says, startled. Hanji nods happily, and Eren comes up to the older woman and starts making kissy faces.

"NO!" yells Mikasa. "I mean.. there has to be some other way. In this state, Eren is in love with EVERYBODY, how can we find out his true love?"

"Does he even have one?" Levi remarks. "I don't think he feels love at all."

"I heard that, you silly boy, you!" Eren giggled.

"Mikasa! Quickly, close the door before anyone else comes in." Levi orders.

"Okay, it's closed. What are you trying to do?" Mikasa asks.

"We have to prevent Eren from seeing anyone else, or it'll be harder to find his true love."

"Oh, I understand, but what about the kiss?"

The two of them stare at Hanji. "Are you going to tell us another way to cure him, or are we going to make you?" they said simultaneously with a sinister grin.

"Wait..." Eren says. Levi sighs. "What now?"

They all stare at Eren in anticipation.

His eyes widen as if he just remembered something important. "I MUST... KILL ALL THE TITANS!" he yells angrily, cracking open a window and jumping out the three story high building.

The three stand there in silence. "Ah... looks like some of his true feelings are showing through," Hanji notes.

Mikasa grabs Hanji. "What?! Is he going to try and kill a titan or something?!"

"Well, he'll probably forget about it soon enough and go back to his lovey-dovey state again," Hanji explains. Levi makes his way to the window and enters a jumping stance.

"Hurry, we have to find him before he can fall in love with anyone else!" he exclaims, and falls out the building in search for Eren.

/end chapter 1