Rock smiled and spared a glance at his partner

The infamous revy, of the black lagoon company

She was sat in his car looking out of the window with a smile on her face as she went on about their latest job (which of course involved killing)

"-I swear to god that dipshit had all that coming to him" she finished before giving a sadistic laugh

"I wouldn't say that revy, I mean sure he was getting in balalaika's way but it sounds abit cruel to say he had THAT coming to him"

"the fuck he didn't! That bastard knew balalaika would deal with him harshly but man" she said "I never thought she'd go as far as making us release a man eating dog to totally—"

One of Roanapur's most dangerous women was cut off when another car swerved in front of them and blocked the road

Rock stepped on the breaks as fast as he could and had to swerve the car to the side to avoid a fatal crash.

Revy groaned and thanked god she had worn a seatbelt like he was always bitching she should

"Get out of the car slowly" someone said "and drop the guns"

Revy looked up and saw someone pointing a gun at her head

She then surveyed the area and realised there were quite a few of these guys

"I didn't know we had some beef with mercs" she said as she got out of the car and gave then her cutlasses

"not you" one of them said before grabbing rock "you've been quite a naughty man these past three years Mr. Okajima but now we're going to bring you home"

And with that the man took out a needle and stabbed the negotiator of the two in the neck

"What do we do with this one?" the guy who had the gun to revy's head asked

"she's not our problem" the obvious leader out tf the troop stated before taking out handcuffs and using them to secure the beauty to a lamppost "it's nothing personal babe" he said before signalling that it was time for them to go.

Revy watched in anger as they drove away taking her partner with them

"Just what sort of shit has he gotten into now?!" she exclaimed angrily starting to pick the handcuffs with a hairclip.


When rock awoke, he felt really sick.

Like really sick.

"Sorry mate but you're going to feel like shit for a while" someone said with an Australian accent

Rock looked up and noticed he was

In a plane

Handcuffed to a heavy box

Over sea

Rock stared outside at the seemingly endless ocean for a while

"What the hell?" he said under his breath unable to piece together what exactly was going on "where the hell am I?" he asked angrily "and who the hell are you people"

"On route to Japan" one of the men said quite happily

"What? Why? Haven't done anything to anyone in Japan" he said certain of that fact

The Australian man shrugged

"we were just told to bring you to a certain place by a certain time without hurting you too much" he stated "look I don't think your going to get killed or anything bad like that but I'm not making any promises"

"Can you at least tell me who's employing you?" rock asked the man

"We don't exactly know some Japanese executive or something like that," he stated simply.

Rock groaned

"this is just like me, getting kidnapped by mercenaries and taken somewhere far away..."he paused "well at least this time they're not out to kill me" he said thoughtfully as he took off the handcuffs (a trick revy had taught him) and moved to stare out of the small planes window.


Revy kicked down balalaika's office door angrily

"Alright where are you bitch?!" she shouted angrily

Balalaika sighed

"I'm going to have to call you back," she said into her phone before glaring at bois who had let the cutlass-wielding woman in "hello revy"

"Don't 'hello revy' me you fucktard!" revy exclaimed "what the fuck have you been stirring up in Japan?" she asked slamming a hand on balalaika's desk

"I don't know what you're talking about" the Russian said simply "I've only been doing minor business there and nothing too dangerous"

"Then do you care to tell me why the fuck I was handcuffed by mercs while my partner was kidnapped?" she shouted shooting a statue across the room in the mist of her anger

"I don't know" balalaika said "but I can ask Chang if he's done anything, just. Don't shoot at my things"

Revy clenched her fists and swore as she kicked the desk that the statue had been placed on

"I can't believe those motherfuckers got the drop on me!"

Balalaika looked at Boris who then led the gunslinger outside calmly before once again picking up her phone

"Chang, baby. You wouldn't happen to have stirred something up with the Japanese and somehow gotten rock involved" she said as soon as the phone was picked up

"First of all, please don't call me baby." He stated "secondly. Definitely not, why do you ask"

"Great" balalaika groaned "now I can't pin you to the bill of getting me a new desk and statue"

"You could always go on a date with me and I could buy you one" Chang chuckled

"Funny" balalaika deadpanned "but this is not the time, it seems that roc has been kidnapped and dragged to Japan and unless we do something about it revy might go over there by herself and shoot up some our associates in the area trying to get him back"

"That could be troublesome," Chang stated thoughtfully "tell you what I'll send shenhua and sawer with her so she won't do anything too stupid"

"So you're not going to stop her from going over there"

"Oh, come on. We both know that rock is more use than he is useless in many situations, to let someone like him die inadvertently would be stupid, not to mention heartbreaking for my darling Rebecca"

"right" balalaika sighed "fine, call me if the situation escalates and for no other reason"

"Not even to ask you out?" he asked in a seductive tone

At that balalaika hung up

"Men" she said shaking her head before looking at the files, she had been working through before the distraction

"But a night out does sound good" she said to herself as she leaned back in her chair.


Rock looked back at the two mercenaries who were due to exchange him as they once again tied him up

"Good luck rock" one of them said putting a blindfold over his face as they exited the car and stepped out into the parking lot of a building he couldn't particularly describe

To be honest they were one of the best kidnappers he'd had but he'd figured that was because he didn't really make a fuss or try to escape

He knew that if they were planning to sell him off revy would rescue him, or balalaika would get involved and when she got involved, everything turned to shit.

Rock listened as they entered the elevator and went up to presumably one of the highest floors, not stopping even once.

"if I get shot as soon as I'm passed over, can you do me a favour and tell that lady I was with that this really wasn't her fault?" he asked one of his kidnappers

"She your girl?" he asked

Rock smiled

"It wasn't like that, but I kind of wish it was," he said

"I'll do it for you," the Australian leader he now knew at Jett stated

The elevator doors opened and rock was ordered to step forward roughly before he could even say thank you.

"I believe you brought him in good shape like I asked?" another man's voice said coldly

"He can walk, we didn't bruise him and he's till sane" Jett (presumably) smiled "that good enough for us to get paid in full"

The man retreated for a second before there was the sound of a case being removed from somewhere

He then came over and placed it on something before clicking it open

"50 thousand, a promised"

"Wow wonderful to know that that's what I'm worth" rock said quite amused at this "I would have thought I'd be worth less"

"Well, it looks like it's all here so pleasure doing business with you" Jett said lightly patting rock on the back before leaving with his associate

Rock stood there for a while before the doors slid open and some people entered

"Is he ok?" a woman asked tearfully

'I know that voice...' he thought in confusion

"As you can see he is perfectly fine. The man stated before rock felt someone reach up and remove the blindfold

Rock blinked twice as the light invaded his eyes before staring at the people in the room

"Rokuro I'm so glad you're ok" one of the men said sincerely

Rock opened his mouth to say something but then shut it

"I was so worried about you son" his father smiled putting a hand on his shoulder as his subordinate untied him

"These past few years must have been hell for you" his mother said going forward to hug him but he didn't allow it "Rokuro why won't you hug your mother?" she asked

"You orchestrated my kidnapping" he said incredulously

"Yes" his father said quite proudly "it was hard but we got you out of that hell hole"

"You had me kidnapped and flown into Japan against my will"

"Enough of the details Rokuro" his older brother Ryouichi said "your home now"

"Home?" rock said spitefully "I had built myself a life there"

"how can someone build a life in such a place Rokuro, stop talking nonsense" his father Isamu said dismissively "we paid good money to have you back here and we'll pay more to have you settled back into a good life, a better life than before" he smiled

"We were so angry when we learned the truth about what your executives did" his mother Akemi said "so we located you and brought you back" she then studied his face "hwy aren't you happy?" she asked

"I'm going back," he said firmly

"Going back," his brother said with blatant surprise, "you can't do that after what we did to get you here!"

"I didn't ask to be rescued," he said "I was actually doing quite well back there and I intend to go back whether you like it or not" he stated firmly

"If you want to go back then pay us back the 50 thousand we used to pay those mercenaries" his father said quite smugly

"Gladly, I can get Dutch to wire it into your account by the end of the week" rock said noticing a phone and going over to it "and I'll also pay for the phone bills" he said calling dutch

Of course he had 50thousand lying around

After doing so many good paying jobs over he years and not spending his money on much other than his own apartment, car and various gifts (guns) for revy as well as the odd gifts for his other associates he had been able to keep a lot of money.

Speaking about the gunslinger, she must be on a rampage trying to find him

"Oh" his mother said breaking down in tears before clutching at her heart "Isamu our youngest son is..." she cried sinking to the ground

"Now look what you've done!" his brother shouted

Rock sighed and took a look behind him

His mothers face was going red.

Dangerously red.

"What's going on?" he asked putting down the phone and rushing to his mother aid.


Rock stood outside his mother's hospital room staring at a colourful poster that was on a button board

This was nothing like sawyers place

"So what exactly happened?" rock asked

"she has a heart condition which has been getting worse these past few years" Ryouichi said as his father went for help "this is why we need you here Rokuro, we were planning on burying you before she passed as well but then we found out you were alive and she got so happy"

"So what I'm meant to live here until she dies? What if she lives through this Ryouichi, I'd be abandoning my life"

"'d be abandoning someone special to you" his brother said sighing and shaking his head "it's just like you to make attachments"

"Well I'd assumed I'd be living there for the rest of my life, not getting kidnapped after 3 years and dragged back here"

"Look Rokuro, all I'm asking is that you stay here a year, after that you can move back to that godforsaken city and live your life however the hell you want to"

"A year?" rock said in shock "why so long?"

"because that's all the doctors have given her if she continues to be so upset over your wellbeing, after that you can tell her your moving countries or whatever the hell else excuse you want and just go back there, I won't stop you and I'll make sure dad doesn't either"

Rock took a deep breath

It was just a year...right?

He'd once spent 6 months on one job, spending the nights trying not to get shot up and the days trekking through the Himalayas with revy so they could get the documents to the government safe house.

"Fine" he said "but that's all I'm giving you".

That was unbelievably fun :D

I actually like writing about rocks family and i was sad that there weren't that many fanfics about it

I'm calling the bother Ryouichi because it seems to suit him and that's what gunman put it as :D

But I changed the parents names (no shit Sherlock)

Anyway if you guys review then I'll definitely update probably on Saturday when I do all my updating.

Until then I'll try to stay a happy panda (●´∀`●)