A/N: Sorry for the long wait guys! I was stuck with these stupid exams and shit! Thank you for the reviews all you wonderful people!

Chapter 11

Neji walked down the dull corridor outside his room. Hinata had left with regretful eyes, not knowing how to console her cousin. He had heard everything he needed to and yet he wished that there was some explanation to all of it. His father…..the man he had looked up to till now…..had done something that was no different from what he was doing and for the first time, he felt utterly disgusted with himself.

When he neared his destination, which was Hiashi's room, he knocked softly with uncertainty. He wanted to clarify some things.

"Come in", came a stern voice from the other side of the door and taking a deep breath, Neji entered.

Hiashi, who was looking at a book, gave a quizzical look at his nephew, wondering what the boy could've wanted with him. When Neji didn't say anything for a moment or so, he thought it would be better if he initiated instead.

"What brings you here?" he asked

"I wanted to ask you something", Neji finally said as his eyes interlocked with equally pale ones.

Hiashi shut the book in his hand and waited for him to continue.

"It's about my father."

Hiashi immediately stiffened which did not go unnoticed by the younger Hyuuga.

"I found out some things about him", Neji continued. "I wanted to find out if they were true."

"What exactly is it that you found out?" Hiashi asked, his voice betraying that he was indeed a bit fearful of the answer.

"I know what happened. There is no reason to hide it from me anymore", Neji replied. "I finally understand the reproachful looks you give me and why it was that you sent me to America. You didn't want a reminder of my father, did you? Because it reminded you of the things he did to you."

Hiashi looked close to shocked and then he sighed, turning his back to Neji so that he was now facing the window.

"Hizashi is not totally at fault", the Hyuuga said. "Our clan's system drove him to do the things he did. But I do not hate him now. I always wondered if he did the things he did because he was angry or if it was because he wanted something more from me."

"And which was it?"

"It was both. He needed love that I could not reciprocate which made him angry. As a main family member, I was always held in higher regard, always surrounded by people. Hizashi's death, however, was in vain."

Neji frowned as he felt a twinge in his heart. "What?"

"He could have reformed himself, made me look at him in a different perspective than the monster he was, but instead he chose death over that", Hiashi explained. "He died an unloved man."

The words were like daggers to Neji and they were killing him.

"But on what you said, Neji", Hiashi turned around to face his nephew and took a step closer so that they were an arm's length away. "It may be true, that I didn't want a reminder of Hizashi, but my true intentions were to get you away from this vile atmosphere. I wanted you to live a different life and not be chained down by the burdens of the branch. You are different from your father, Neji", Hiashi said as he placed a hand on his shoulder.

"No, I'm not! I'm just like him!" Neji screamed in his head. Right then, he knew that he needed to correct his mistake, no matter how impossible it was. He needed to see Naruto.

"Thank you, Uncle", Neji said and with a swift bow he left hastily. He got into his car and started the engine. "He died an unloved man." Hiashi's words replayed in his mind. He had craved for Naruto in the beginning, when he first saw him, but it was for his body. Even when he got what he wanted, he always felt that something was missing. He had always wanted to see something more beyond those sharp blue eyes than hate and disgust. He realized now, it was affection. He had wanted the blonde's attention and affection so much that he actually thought that he could force it out of him. How stupid was he? Even Hinata knew that love could not be forced! He could only curse himself more as he hurriedly made his way to Naruto's small apartment.


Naruto looked at the blade as he slid down the bathroom wall to sit on the floor. Sasuke had Ino now to look after him, he didn't need him anymore. He then looked down to his wrist. Just one little cut and it would be all over. He didn't need to worry about Neji anymore; he didn't need to worry about making Sasuke suffer anymore. He wouldn't have to worry about failing another test anymore. The last thought sent a bitter smile across his whiskered face. Maybe if he had studied harder, he wouldn't have had Neji as his tutor and ended up in this whole mess. He sighed as he rested his head against the cool wall. Why didn't he just get this over with?

With another small sigh he took the blade and placed it to his wrist. He wasn't really sure where to cut so he just picked out the place where he saw the blue outline of a vein and placed the sharp tip of the blade directly above it before dragging it across the tan skin. He hissed when he felt the pain begin to shoot out, but didn't stop. He went deeper than he thought he would and his hand shook when he neared the other side of his wrist, passing over the tendons that popped out and let the bloody blade fall to the ground, clutching is arm as the pain radiated from the deep cut. Blood flowed freely, dripping to the ground within seconds before spilling over his jeans.

"God dammit, it hurts!" Naruto cursed within his head as he clenched his teeth, his breathing heavy. He shut his eyes as he laid his head against the wall again. As the minutes ticked by, he slowly felt his consciousness slipping away and he thought he heard a familiar voice, but his mind became too foggy to analyze anything. He felt someone shaking him and he opened his eyes halfway only to get a blurred image before he totally blacked out.


Neji reached the blonde's apartment to find the door ajar and frowned. It was unusual for Naruto to leave the door open like that and he felt worry overtake him. He entered the living room to find it empty and walked towards the bedroom only to find it empty as well. Where the hell was he? He looked over to the door of the bathroom and wondered if he could be in there. He gave a knock and didn't hear anything. He tried to knob to find it unlocked and opened the door. The sight made him momentarily paralyzed to the spot with shock. Naruto was on the floor, surrounded by blood. His body looked limp and his breathing was shallow. It seemed like a hundred thoughts ran at once through Neji's mind and he immediately kneeled down and placed his hands on Naruto's shoulders.

"Naruto!" he shook the boy. "Look at me!"

The blonde opened his eyes a bit before completely losing consciousness. Neji immediately took out his cell phone and dialed the emergency number.

"What is the emergency?" came the voice from the other side.

"Someone's bleeding. Th-there's a lot of blood loss", Neji said frantically.

"Sir, calm down and tell us the address", the woman replied.

Neji quickly gave the woman the details and received instructions on first aid. After ending the call, he took off his shirt, tearing a long strip of cloth before tying it around the deep gash across the blonde's wrist.

"What were you thinking, you idiot?" Neji whispered, his eyes holding grief.

The ambulance came within the next few minutes and the paramedics loaded the stretcher carrying Naruto into the vehicle and Neji followed. Once at the hospital, the blonde was shifted to the emergency room and the doctors prohibited the Hyuuga from entering. After another few minutes, one of the doctors came out.

"We're going to need A positive blood. Do know any people that can donate?" he asked. "We can order from the blood bank, but it would take too long."

"I'm A positive", Neji replied.

"Sign here please", the man said as he handed over a clipboard with a document attached to it.

Neji did as he was told and was led to a small room.

"We're just gonna run a few tests and then we can start the transfusion", a nurse said with a smile to which Neji was hardly in the mood to respond to.

After testing is blood to see if it cross matched and was free of any pathogens, Neji was taken into the room Naruto was in and laid in a bed next to him. One of the nurses attached a needle to his vein which led to a transparent tube that in turn led to a small container like thing to which Naruto was attached to as well.

"Keep squeezing that ball every now and then", the nurse said before she left, placing a stress ball in Neji's hand.

After the white clad woman left, Neji looked over to the blonde. He looked to be still unconscious and his wrist was wrapped up in gauze. He wondered what would have happened if he hadn't come when he did and the answer that came to his head was not pleasant. No, in fact he should've come sooner. He had only himself to blame. None of this would've happened if he never entered the blonde's life. He closed his eyes and felt some of his energy being drained away slowly.


Sasuke woke when he felt his head hit against something hard. He opened his eyes, blinking for a bit before realizing that he was in a car, which had apparently stopped, causing him to hit his head against the window. But this wasn't his car. It took several moments to realize that he was in one of his bodyguards' car and that they were parked in front of his house.

"Sasuke-sama, you're home", the driver said as he looked at the rear mirror.

The raven tried to remember how he got in the car. The last thing he remembered was that he was in Naruto's apartment and he had…..raped him. Cursing, he nearly tore the door off from its hinges as he opened it forcefully and slammed it behind him. He staggered a little and the men around him instantly came to his aid.

"Get off me!" he growled as he shrugged them off. The men backed away immediately and Sasuke walked off, still staggering now and then until he reached the door which was held open by a maid.

"Welcome home, Sasuke-sama", she greeted her master who didn't even bother to reply. He started towards his room, unaware of two crimson eyes following is form.

"It seems that the young master is finally home, sire", the old butler said to a sitting Itachi as he served him a late night snack to help him continue the piled up work.

"Are his habits always like this?" Itachi questioned, referring to Sasuke's late night arrivals.

"No, sire", the old man replied. "Sasuke-sama has not been himself lately. He's not even eating properly."

Itachi looked as if he paid it no mind as he returned to his laptop and the butler gave an inaudible sigh. It would have been a wonder if Itachi showed interest in his brother's life.

"I will take my leave, sir", the man bowed before leaving and it wasn't until the butler was totally out of sight that the raven looked up from his computer. After a moment of thinking, he closed his laptop and set it down on couch before getting up to walk towards his brother's room.

Sasuke had a hard time with the stairs as he took the support of the railing to walk upstairs, his head still a bit dizzy. When he finally reached his haven, he opened the door and dropped down on his bed, not even bothering to close the door. He closed his eyes when he heard a familiar voice. One that he did not want to hear at the moment. Life was becoming ridiculous.

"Sasuke", Itachi called out once he saw his brother lying on the bed.

"What?" came a sharp response from the younger raven who had his back turned to him.

"This behavior of yours is very unbecoming", Itachi said as he neared the bed.


"Why is it that you have come home at such a late hour?"

Sasuke sat up, his coal eyes furious. "You've never cared, so why now? Stop acting like you actually give a shit! And it's up to me when I choose to come home."

Sasuke was startled when Itachi took a place next to him on the bed and faltered under his stern, unforgiving eyes that momentarily seemed to soften upon seeing Sasuke's distressed face.

"What is it that is bothering you?" the older Uchiha asked. He knew that whatever it was causing his otouto to become so angry was not him.

Sasuke was at a loss of words, first of all, flustered by being so close to his brother after so long and turned his head to the side to avoid the piercing gaze.

"Leave me be. You wouldn't understand anyway", Sasuke replied, his voice not as high as before. "All you care about is you stupid business."

"Is that how you see me now, otouto?" Itachi asked.

Sasuke's jaw tightened as he remembered the old times, when his parents were still alive and Itachi was still a caring brother. He would run to him the first thing if he had any problems. And if he ever cried he remembered what Itachi used to say "there, there, Sasuke, don't cry. Big brother is here to protect you no matter what happens." The memories only brought more pain to his already wounded heart.

"I told you to leave me be!" Sasuke turned his eyes back to his brother once more, the anger returning. "I hate you and every other fucking person in my life!"

Sasuke could only give a small gasp when Itachi pulled him gently forward into his arms, one hand placed softly on his head.

"Don't", Itachi said in a voice close to pained. "Don't say such words to me."

Sasuke was frozen, not knowing what to do. Upon hearing Itachi's voice, he felt somewhat guilty and shocked. He didn't think that his cold older brother was capable of emotions anymore.


"You are right, otouto. I may not understand", the raven said. "But you are all that I have left, so I will try to."

Sasuke relaxed somewhat and his hand slowly went to clutch the back of Itachi's shirt. He had forgotten how warm his brother's embrace was. For the first time he realized that Itachi, too, was fed up with their lifestyle.

"It's…Naruto", Sasuke said hesitantly after a moment's pause and when Itachi began to pull away to look at his face, the younger Uchiha's grip on Itachi's shirt tightened, not allowing him to move back as he didn't want to be scrutinized by his look while he opened up. Well that was one reason. The real one was that he relished the closeness with his brother that he thought was long lost. Itachi stilled, his hand still on Sasuke's head.

Sasuke rested his chin on Itachi's shoulder and continued. "He broke up with me for this other guy."

Itachi's eyes narrowed. So it was that boy? He knew there was a reason he didn't like him.

"But I did something horrible today", Sasuke said, his voice lowering. "I hurt him."

"And you are okay with him hurting you?" Itachi asked, trying to control the anger in his voice. Uzumaki Naruto, was it?

Sasuke pulled away and noticed the familiar look in Itachi's eyes.

"Don't do anything to him", he said firmly. "I will never forgive you if you did."

"And who is this other person he left you for?" Itachi asked, not truly giving any promises yet.

"It's over now. It doesn't matter anymore", Sasuke replied.

Itachi knew that there was no use in trying to coax the answers out of his brother and instead said, "get some rest. I will see you tomorrow."

He got up and was about to leave when he was stopped by Sasuke.

"Nii-san", Sasuke called out, the words sounding foreign after being spoken for the first time in years. "Thanks."

The young raven missed the small smile on his brother's face as he left without another word.


Naruto slowly opened his eyes and looked at his surroundings. How the fuck did he end up in a hospital?!

"Oh, you're awake. Good", came a melodious voice from beside him. Naruto's azure eyes landed on a young female that looked like she was one of the hospital staff.

"What the hell….who the hell brought me here?" he asked in a weak voice.

"Now, now, it's bad enough that you tried to commit suicide. Why take it out on the one who saved you?" she answered with an unimpressed tone.

Naruto was hardly in the mood for some lectures and gave a frustrated growl. His eyes followed the nurse who went over to the bed next to him and he immediately alarm rang in his ears when he saw Neji lying there. What the fuck was he doing here? There was no way that he was the one who ruined his plan, was it?

"You shouldn't get up just yet", the nurse advised him and Naruto frowned. Wasn't he the one hurt?

The blood transfusion apparatus had already been taken away and Naruto was unaware of the fact that Neji had just donated him his blood.

Once the lady left, Naruto spoke.

"Who the hell are you to bring me to the hospital?" Naruto snapped, turning his head to the side so that he could see Neji. "How longer are you going to torture me?"

"I'm sorry, Naruto", was Neji's reply. The Hyuuga didn't turn his head and instead stared at the ceiling.

Naruto blinked. "What?" was he hearing right? And if he was, why the hell was he apologizing after everything had been done?

"I never once thought back on my actions", Neji said. "As a kid, I was shipped off far from my family and never knew the meaning to words like love and affection. I felt like I was rejected from the start. For once I wanted to take what I wanted even if it meant by force and now I realize that it is all meaningless."

"So that's it?" Naruto replied. "You think by saying that you can atone for what you have done?"

"I never said that I wanted to get atonement", Neji answered, still not tearing his gaze from the ceiling. "I know that there can never be atonement, Naruto."

The blonde's eyebrows furrowed. What had caused Neji to change so much? As hard as it was to deny, he felt is anger tone down ever so slightly. He had never heard the proud Hyuuga sound so dejected and beaten before.

"I've just learned something new about my father", the brunette continued. "He had done something no different than I. No, actually, I have done nothing different than him. Heh. Like father like son, huh?"

Naruto's eyes widened. What was he saying? He saw a bitter smile cross the lavender eyed Hyuuga's face.

"To be unloved is such a fearful thing, isn't it?" Neji had a vacant look now. "I wonder if dying like that is just as fearful."

For the first time, Naruto felt pity towards the brunette. He knew what it felt to be all alone, for that was how his life was before Sasuke came. But, that still didn't justify Neji's actions.

"It is fearful", Naruto spoke, he too looking at the ceiling now. "But there are ways to fight it without becoming a monster."

Neji remained silent for he knew that he had failed at that.

"I will talk to Sasuke", Neji finally said and Naruto gave a shocked look towards the brunette. "It's the least I can do."

Naruto couldn't believe his ears and for the first time after what felt like centuries, he felt truly happy.

The doctors discharged Naruto after running a few tests to make sure that he was not anemic. Neji offered, or rather insisted to drive him home and Naruto accepted, not in the mood for an argument and he was now sure that Neji wouldn't try anything. Both travelled in silence and once they reached Naruto's house, Neji parked and just as the blonde was about to get off, he spoke.

"Naruto", he said and the said teen paused, giving him a questioning glance. "I'm glad you're alive. If anything happened to you…..I don't know what I would've done, so don't do something like this again."

"I wouldn't have had to in the first place either if…" Naruto pondered on whether to continue or not and instead gave a hard look and got off.

Neji didn't need the blonde to complete the sentence. He knew what came after the if. "If it weren't for you."


Sasuke got up the next morning, his head pounding from the alcohol last night. He nearly groaned as he felt like his head was going to burst any second and rolled over on his bed. He heard a small knock on the door and scowled.

"Come in", he said agitatedly.

"Sasuke-sama, someone is here to meet you", the butler entered the raven's room as he conveyed the message.

"Me?" Sasuke asked with curiosity.

"Itachi-sama wants you to come down as soon as possible. The guest has already been waiting for ten minutes."

Sasuke didn't even get to ask who it was that wanted to meet him when the old man left abruptly and with much effort he hauled his body to a sitting position. Once he was sure his head stopped spinning he got up to make himself presentable. Once he got into a fresh pair of clothes, he started towards the hall, his head still throbbing. Heard a couple of voices, one being is brother's and the other a smooth voice that seemed to send chills down his voice.

Once he was in the vicinity of the hall, he noticed his brother sitting across from a rather renowned man. He had long ebony hair that fell over his long face that held eyes that seemed to be full of devious intent. His smile was nothing short of creepy and his talon shaped earrings swayed a bit as he talked with his legs crossed.

"Ah there he is", the man said with delight as he eyed Sasuke as if he were going to swallow him up any moment.

Itachi looked over to his brother and motioned for him to sit down. Sasuke took his place next to Itachi, not too keen on sitting anywhere close to the guest.

"I think you know this person", Itachi said. "This is Orochimaru, the founder of the Sound Entertainment company."

Sasuke sure as hell knew who this person was. Who didn't? He was responsible for recruiting the members of the most famous band Sound Five consisting of Tayuya, Kidomaru, Sakon, Ukon and Jirobu.

"Yes, I do", Sasuke replied. "But what is he doing here?"

"Good question", Orochimaru replied. "I'm here to change your future."

Sasuke raised a brow. "And how exactly?"

"I want you to join the sound five. When I have sent scouts to recruit more singers, one of them chanced upon you performing at that restaurant Ichiraku and you're just the addition we need to our band", Orochimaru explained.

Sasuke couldn't believe his ears. This was going to confirm a new life for him but on the other hand, he would have to leave behind his own band at the school. Instead he had an idea.

"I have some friends here. I cannot leave them just like that", Sasuke said.

Orochimaru frowned and after a moment's thinking he said, "well that shouldn't be a problem. We can have an arrangement where I can hear them play and if I like it, I can take them in as well."

"I'm going only if they do", Sasuke said firmly and Orochimaru looked deterred for a bit.

"That's quite the predicament you have put me in", the snake like man replied with a smirk. "Well, anything for a voice like yours." Orochimaru seemed to strip Sasuke of his clothes with his eyes and in truth it unnerved not only the younger Uchiha but the older one as well, who spoke to divert the attention to himself.

"What are your requirements?" Itachi asked.

"Oh, nothing, just a few signatures", Orochimaru said. "He won't have to interrupt his studies as he can complete high school in our own educational institute that has teaching hours compatible with the studio."

Itachi glanced at Sasuke as if to ask him his decision.

"I'll talk to my friends and if they are okay with it, I'll give you a call in the evening", Sasuke replied.

Itachi was against the whole thing. He believed that singing wasn't a promising career, but it was something that could divert his otouto's mind from the current troubles he was in temporarily. On the other hand, he didn't like this Orochimaru character the least bit. Something was definitely up with him.

"Well, then, I hope to hear a positive response", Orochimaru said as he stood up with a nerve wracking smile.


Neji noticed the Hyuuga main branch members entering the mansion in groups and immediately knew that they were holding a meeting. He silently made his way towards the conference room once everyone was inside and went to the usual place he would listen in on the conversations.

"Well, Hiashi, what happened to our plan?" he heard one of the clan members say.

"It is going well so far", Hiashi replied. "We can kill both brothers this way since Itachi is already in Japan."

"We can't let our attempts fail this time or else Itachi will surely have our necks", another voice spoke. "After all, he has the akatsuki on his side now."

"We can trust Orochimaru on this one. Sasuke has already fallen for it", Hiashi replied. "But we still don't know if Itachi has yet."

As Neji continued to listen to the conversation, he came to a devastating conclusion. Orochimaru was being used by the Hyuugas to lure Sasuke out of Itachi's protection by telling him that he was being offered a positon in Sound Five and Sasuke had said yes.

A/N: Dun dun dun! Don't worry guys, I'm concluding this story in another chapter or so and for all you Neji haters, I'm not gonna let him off the hook with a simple apology. I'm going to bring his crimes to court lol. Don't ask about the Uchiha hug scene. Just put it there for the hell of it. I don't know, I guess I wanted some brother bonding and for Itachi to come out of his arrogant ass shell before the story ended and it ended up becoming awkward -.- Review please!