A/N: Hey everyone, thank you so much for the reviews. I love that all of you have so many questions/thoughts/views/concerns etc about the characters in this story, especially in regards to Lauren's family. As Spyklv sovery well put it, this story is messy and will continue to be so for a little (VERY little) while until I'm ready to clean up the mess. I just hope you all stay along for the ride because it is going to be very rocky. So please continue to review! I love reading about how you all feel about this story, the good and the bad. Now, I really loved Ciara in the show but since I'm still sour about what happened to her, I decided she should make an appearance in this story as well as a few other familiar characters you'll come across. Well, hope you all enjoy. Fingers and toes crossed anyway. Lol.

P.S: I wasn't so sure what Tamsin's last name was so I decided I'd make one up. So no, I don't actually know what her last name is just in case you all think I found out.

Chapter 3: I'll be holding all the tickets.

When Lauren woke up the next morning there was a moment of panic before she realized she was back in her old room. It was the same room that she grew up in. As she turned onto her side, she watched the analog clock on the wall. It was just passed 7 a.m. in the morning. Thinking back to last night's events, she wasn't so sure about how she felt about it. Everyone seemed to be dropping major hints about Bo. Her whole family was on Bo's side and no one had considered her feelings. No one considered her side of the story. No one knew exactly what happened except her and Bo.

Lauren sighed and closed her eyes again to will back the tears that were threatening to fall. Even after three years the thought of what happened still hurt her like it happened yesterday.

3 years ago:

"Hey babe, just hoping work doesn't keep you too long tonight. I miss you and love you."

Lauren hung up the phone and looked over at the table in the middle of the pent house suite. Tonight was going to mark their two-year anniversary. Bo hadn't said anything to her this morning before she left for work. Lauren for the moment could forgive it and just let it go.

'Maybe she just forgot. She did say she was busy with a case.' Lauren thought to herself as she moved over to the huge glass window overlooking the city, Lauren watched the busy night streets and passing cars down below. The blonde had taken the day off today, unbeknownst to Bo, to plan their anniversary dinner. She'd rented out the pent house sweet at the most expensive hotel she could find and set up the table and the entire room ready for Bo tonight. Tonight she was going to ask Bo to spend the rest of her life with her and Lauren was nervous. Lauren loved Bo and she knew that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with her.

Bo had no idea what was going on and Lauren had simply left a note for her on their bedside table giving her instructions on where she was to go. Lauren had been planning this for months now and she hoped everything was going to go according to plan. When Bo had left this morning she told Lauren she'd be home by 7 tonight. Lauren took a peek at her phone again, it was already 8:32 p.m. and Bo had yet to call or text her. The blonde sat down on the couch and poured herself a glass of red wine and watched the flames in the fireplace. By the time the clock struck ten, Lauren had finished the bottle and passed out on the couch in her black figure hugging dress.

When she woke up the next morning, Lauren could feel a slight pounding in her head. It had been a while since she drank like that. As she checked the clock on the wall, she saw that it was just past 6 a.m. Reaching out for her phone, she checked it to see two messages but no missed calls. Opening them, she found two messages from Kenzi. The first one read, "How'd it go?" and "Dnt do 2 mch damge 2 da pent house."

Lauren sighed and threw her phone unceremoniously onto the couch beside her.

"So much for a romantic dinner," she said aloud to the empty room. Standing up from the couch, she made her way into the shower and got ready to check out of the room. The blonde wasn't angry, she was hurt.

After locking up and checking out, she made her way back to Bo's place. It was raining today. When Lauren got to Bo's house, it started to pour with rain. Squinting into the rain, Lauren spotted Bo's yellow Camaro parked in its usual spot. Quickly getting out of the car she walked as quickly as she could over to the apartment complex. By the time she made it up the stairs and into Bo and Kenzi's apartment, Lauren was already soaking from head to toe. Shaking off the rainwater from her leather jacket, she placed it on the coat rack by the door and made her way into the living room. There were two empty beer bottles on the coffee table and a set of keys next to it.

Lauren froze immediately at the sight of them. Looking up at the stairs leading up to Bo's bedroom, the blonde couldn't help the sickening feeling in the pit of her stomach at the thought of what she might find up there. As she scanned the kitchen and dining area, her eyes landed on a half eaten apple on the kitchen floor.

Gritting her teeth and bracing herself for the ride Lauren willed herself up the stairs careful not to make a sound. The closer she got to Bo's bedroom door, the tighter the knot in her throat seemed to get. Lauren didn't know if she was really prepared for what she might find. As she came to a halt in front of Bo's bedroom door, her hand just seemed to rest on the doorknob, slightly shaking. Whether if it was from the cold her not, she wasn't sure. Taking a deep breath she opened the door. The sight that greeted her confirmed her suspicions and on top of being hurt, soaked to the bone and being stood up, Lauren finally snapped. Stepping into the room and slamming the door, Lauren stood at the foot of the bed, arms folded as she glared at both Bo and Dyson as they bolted upright at the sound.

"So THIS is how you wanted to celebrate our anniversary is it?" Lauren asked coldly her eyes narrowed dangerously at Bo.

"I—"Bo started but Lauren stopped her.

"I've been stood up before, but this…" Lauren said gesturing between Bo and Dyson as they continued to sit on the bed with the covers drawn up to their chest. "THIS sure as hell is quite the scene!"

"Lauren, it wasn't her fault, we got drun—"Dyson started to say except Lauren wasn't having any of it.

"FUCK you Dyson! Just FUCK you both! Oh wait…you already have…again!" the blonde's voice was starting to shake and she could feel the tears of anger start to form.

"I wish you both a happy fucking life together. Oh…and Bo? Here," reaching into the back pocket of her jeans, Lauren pulled out the small box that had the ring in it and tossed it on the bed. Before anyone else to say or do anything, Lauren turned on her heel, opened the door and ran out of Bo's apartment.


That had been the last time Lauren had seen Bo before she left for France. After what happened that day, she had driven straight to her parent's house that day. When they asked her what happened, all Lauren told them was that Bo had cheated on her with Dyson. No one knew what happened or the details of why Lauren had reacted so badly and booked the first flight to France that day. All they knew was that, Bo cheated and that was enough for her to cut all ties with the brunette and leave.

For weeks, Lauren spent sleepless nights crying. Her parents and her siblings had no way to contact her for almost two months. All she had done was call them to let them know she was okay and that in time she would give them her contact details. She spent the first month settling in. She found herself a nice little two-bedroom apartment and a new job at a private hospital in the south of France. For those first two months she kept herself as busy as she could. She hardly slept because she knew that at night when she was alone, she couldn't help the onslaught of pain and hurt that washed over her. She started taking more and more shifts just to avoid being home alone.

That was until she met Ciara. Ciara was a successful and wealthy businesswoman whom Lauren had the pleasure of meeting at a bar one night. They quickly became fast friends. Lauren couldn't help but feel relieved that she had found a friend so quickly. Ciara had been the only person Lauren had told about what had transpired between her and Bo those years ago. There was just something about her that made Lauren feel like she could trust Ciara with anything.

The night Lauren had found her alone at the bar; she too had just gotten out of a relationship with her boyfriend. So by the end of the night, both had made promises to each other that they would help each other get over their heartache and move on. Lauren owed the other woman for helping her those first few months. In that three years, Lauren went on a handful of dates thanks to Ciara but none of them had lasted more than three or four months. After 18 months of trying, Lauren gave up and had told Ciara she really didn't think she could get into another relationship again for a while.

When Lauren had told her about her last minute trip and her Mom, Ciara offered to come with her for support, but Lauren had declined saying that she was all right. Ciara was in England for a business meeting with clients and Lauren didn't want her to cancel. Lauren knew how important that meeting was for her friend so she told her to stay and finish things up.

Not being able to go back to sleep, Lauren sighed and sat up in her bed. She had to call Ciara and let her know she'd arrived safely. She was certain the other woman must have been going crazy. On the second ring, Ciara picked up.

"Ah…hey Ciara…" Lauren tested.

"Hey Ciara? That's all you have to say? Lauren, I've been going nuts here waiting for your call! You were supposed to call me when you landed!"

Lauren laughed into the phone knowingly. Ciara was always such a worrywart when it came to Lauren that it sometimes reminded her so much of Sarah.

"I know. I'm sorry. I got caught up…Bo picked me up yesterday from the airport."

"What the hell?!"

"Yeah, that's what I thought too."

"What happened?"

"Anything and everything. Ever since I got here, everyone's been going on about how much Bo's changed and all but…I don't know Cici. I don't know if I can talk to her without yelling at her."

"Then don't?"

"I have to. As much as I would love to, I can't ignore her Ciara. She lives here and apparently my family has a soft spot for her. Even though my family thinks I am, I'm not a heartless bitch."

"Laur, are you sure? She hurt you for fucks sake. On your anniversary too! You can't just take her back so easily!"

"I never said I was going to make it easy on her Cici or 'take her back so easily'. Don't worry, so much. Anyway, where are you? Sounds like you're in a rush," Lauren took a quick glance at the clock; it was almost time for her to go into town today. She had a coffee date with her brother that morning at 9:30 a.m.

"I'm packing. I have to be at the airport in…" there is a short pause followed by rustling and then a loud 'Shit' could be heard before the other woman returned to the phone again. "Look Laur, I'm glad you've arrived safe and sound but I've really got to get going. I have a flight to catch in half an hour!"

"But aren't you supposed to be there another day?"

"Change of plans darl, you'll have to catch me up, talk to you later. Mwah!"

The phone went dead seconds after. Lauren just stare at her phone a little puzzled.

'That's strange…Ciara never rushes. She's always so well prepared. Hmm…guess there's a first for everything.'

"Dennis, I swear if you're not downstairs in the next five minutes I'm coming up there and dragging your ass out of bed and we're going to work in whatever it is you're wearing right now!" A voice yelled from outside Bo's bedroom door. The brunette in question groaned and pulled a pillow over her eyes to try and block out the light that was threatening to peek under her tightly closed eyelids.

'How much did I have to drink last night? Shit!' Bo thought as she tried to will away her impeding headache.

'To think I was going to have the day off today.'

"Dennis?! DENNIS!"

Bo was getting annoyed as the person on the other side of the door was now started to pound on it. Throwing the pillow onto the ground next to her, the brunette sat upright in her bed.

"Fuck Tamsin! Break my door down already why don't you?!"

Just then, the door swings open as Tamsin makes her way into Bo's room wearing a scowl on her face.

"Look Bo, I'm not exactly thrilled about the change in plans either. I had planned to spend my well-deserved day off in bed fucking Dyson's brains out but now the asshole Lachlan wants us to work on this stupid case. Now either you get the fuck up now or I swear I will make good on that threat to take you into the office like that! You look like shit."

"One: I didn't want to know that. Two: I'm not too pleased about this either and Three: Your words are as always, ever so flattering."

"Whatever, you have eight minutes."

Bo quickly changed out of her clothes from last night and made her way into the shower. Last night had been a complete and utter disaster. Although the door to the kitchen had been closed, Bo, Kenzi and the entire Lewis clan had heard most of Lauren and Sarah's argument. She hated to admit it, but Lauren had been right. Not one of them knew the exact reasons behind Lauren leaving all those years ago. Even Kenzi had no idea of what actually happened.

That day when Lauren had left, Kenzi came home to find Bo crawled up in a ball, crying her eyes out. The only thing Bo told Kenzi was that she had forgotten their anniversary and that she had hurt Lauren. She never told her that she'd cheated on the blonde with Dyson. Kenzi had assumed that Bo had said 'No' to Lauren's proposal that day. To this day, Bo still felt guilty about lying to her best friend. Now that Lauren was back, she had a feeling that the truth would eventually come out, whether she liked it or not.

After her shower, Bo made her way to her underwear drawer. With one hand holding up her towel she opened it with the other. Bringing out the small velvet box that held the ring Lauren had tossed at her, Bo opened it and stared at the ring again for the umpteenth time. It really was a beautiful ring. It was simple but it's what Bo loved about it. It was a one-carat diamond ring with smaller diamonds running down each side of the larger diamond stone perched in the middle. When Bo had tried it on the first time, it fit perfectly.

'How did I let something so important to me slip through my fingers?'

"Dennis! I swear I'm so NOT in the mood for playing the waiting game right now! Get your ass out here already!" Bo could hear Tamsin yell from the outside her bedroom door again.

"Fuck! Alright already!" She yelled back, closing the box and placing it gently back into the drawer. She quickly got dressed and made her way out and down into the kitchen. Tamsin was sitting at the kitchen island eating an apple while Kenzi was scoffing down a pile of pancakes.

"Well it's about time."

"Yeah, yeah, don't get your panties in a twist Valkman," Bo replied narrowing her eyes at Tamsin. "Let's go."

"Um…Bo-bo, before you go, can I talk to you for a minute?" Kenzi asked before Bo was out the door.

"Make it quick Dennis," Tamsin said before walking out the door to go wait in the car.

Bo made her way back into the kitchen and sat on the barstool.

"About last night Bo…How much of it do you remember?" Kenzi asked warily.

"As far as I can remember, we went to the Dal and after my fifth shot, I couldn't remember a thing. Please tell me I didn't do anything stupid?"

"Not…really. It's just you sort of spilled your guts and got all sappy over Lauren. You're still in love with her aren't you?"

Bo looked down at the fruit bowl in front of her and scowled at it. Over the years, Bo had been vague about her feelings for Lauren every time Kenzi asked. She'd dated a few people here or there but she always found herself comparing them to Lauren and none of them ever came close.

The night she'd slept with Dyson on that night three years ago, she'd gotten drunk to the point of no return. They had been celebrating the arrest of a murder suspect they'd been chasing after for six months. One drink became many and Dyson had ended up in Bo's bed that night. However, Bo knew that wasn't a good enough excuse for what happened. She knew it never should have happened.

"Helloooo," Kenzi said snapping her fingers in front of Bo's face. "Earth to Bo? I asked you a question!"

"Right! Sorry…" she trailed off.

"Well?! Are you?"

Bo sighed and looked up at Kenzi.


"Then fight for her Bo. One day I want you to tell me exactly what happened between you two but my only advice for you right now, is to fight for her. If you really want her back, you have to prove to her that you've changed and for fucks sake don't screw this up Bobalicious because I can't handle this workaholic with no social life anymore!"

"I am not a workaholic!"

"Yes you are! I want my old best friend back. That really happy one that always looked like she was walking on cloud nine. Anyway, back to Lauren. From what I can see Bo, she's still hurting. I'm not saying that she'll wait for you, but from what I can see, there's still something there. So fight for what makes you happy before someone else comes along and snatches it away from you. Though Bo-bo, don't be so disappointed if someone else does come into the picture."

Kenzi was right. Bo knew that she would be lucky for Lauren to even talk to her properly after what happened. Lauren owed her nothing, but Kenzi was right, Bo had to fight. She had to win back Lauren's trust, even if that meant she had to step aside for someone else or to be put in the friend zone no matter how much it hurt her.

"When did you become so wise?" Bo asked Kenzi giving her a smile.

"Honey, I was born wise!" she replied. Just then the sound of the car horn reminded Bo just exactly where she had to be right now. Quickly jumping up off the barstool she round the kitchen island and pulled Kenzi in for a hug.

"Thanks Kenz. Love ya," she said before she planted a kiss on the side of Kenzi's head before heading out the door.

Lauren arrived at the small café in the corner ten minutes early. When she didn't find her brother's car anywhere, she decided to go inside and wait inside for Brian. He had called her this morning because he needed her help for something. He wouldn't give her any details but he promised to tell her when he got there.

Finding a table in a quiet secluded corner, Lauren took a seat. She'd only been sitting for a minute when a waitress approached her to take her order. Lauren was mildly surprised to see who it was when she looked up.


At the look of confusion on Nadia's face, she continued.

"It's me! Lauren, Lauren Lewis? From High School," she offered with a smile.

"Oh my god! Really? Wow! How've you been? Wow, you look so different. In a good way of course." Nadia said with a smile.

"Thank you," Lauren replied a small blush tinting her cheeks. "But I've been good. I've been living in France for a while. I got back yesterday. How about you? I always thought you were going to be a photographer?"

"I am. I'm just working freelance. I work here just to help out my aunt sometimes when she really needs it. I can't believe you still remember! What about you? Lawyer still?"

Lauren chuckled at that.

"No, I found I preferred Science instead. I'm a Doctor now," the blonde said beaming. Everyone that knew Lauren found out quickly that she loved her job. When Lauren talked about her job and 'geeked' out, no one knew what she'd be spouting. She was passionate about her job and she wasn't sorry for her choice in career. It was just an added bonus that she was able to help people.

"Wow, Doctor Lewis now huh? Guess I'll have to come in for a check up some time then huh?" Nadia replied with a wink. Lauren couldn't help but smile at Nadia's obvious flirting.

'How bad could it be anyway? Not like you're attached to anyone.' She thought quietly to herself. Just then, Brian came bursting into the café. He spotted Lauren and quickly made his way over, plopping himself not so gently into the seat across from Lauren.

"Hey," he said breathlessly, "Sorry I'm late sis, got caught up with Lachlan. Asshole."

"It's all good, I was just talking to Nadia here," Lauren answered gesturing towards Nadia who just nodded and smiled politely at him.

"Oh! Hey Nadia," Brian returned.

"Anyway, what'll you two be having today? Better do some waitressing otherwise my Aunt will kick my ass," Nadia asked smiling down at Lauren.

"I'll just have a caramel latte please Nadia," Lauren ordered. "Bry?"

"Eggs and bacon please and a nice strong cuppa coffee. Lord knows I need one, Lachlan's been on my ass all morning about this case. Shit!"

"Okay, so one caramel latte, bacon and eggs and a strong cup of coffee, got it. Won't be long. Nice seeing you again Lauren." With that, Nadia made her way back to the counter to place their order and serve some other customers.

"Alright, now what's so important that you had to drag me out of bed before 10?" Lauren asked her brother, raising a questioning eyebrow at him.

" First of all, I know you wake up way earlier than that and second, I need your help with this case."

"What? No! You have your own people for that Bry. You can't just ask me to help you like that. Besides, I'm here to spend time with mum, NOT help you do your job!"

"Come on Laur, please? Besides, the Doc that usually works on these cases is on vacation for the next two months and I don't trust anyone else with this. Please?"

"I don't know Bry," the blonde sat back in her chair and narrowed her eyes at her brother.

"Look, I know I'm not supposed to, but I'll give you the file so you can go over them tonight. Just at least think about it? Just think about it as helping a distraught family find closure!"

Lauren hated it when her brother used that against her. He knew she wouldn't be able to resist the appeal of being able to help people. Brian knew just which buttons to push to get Lauren to do what he wanted.

"Fine. But I'll think about it. I can't make you any promises Brian."

"Great!" he answered pulling out a case file. "Just don't open it here. Wait till you get home."

When Nadia arrived with their orders, Lauren said a quick 'thanks' and continued her discussion with her brother after she left their table.

"Who's the victim?"

"Six year old child. Female. Her body was found dumped in the garden at one of the parks in town."

"Cause of Death?"

"That's what I need you for. I want you to see if you can determine it and maybe...I don't know, examine the body and do all your science-y stuff?"

"I'll look over the file, but like I said, no promises."

"Good enough for me. God these eggs and bacon are so good. I'm starving!"

Lauren just chuckled lightly and watched her brother shovel food into his mouth. Between him and Sarah, he was the one that she missed the most. Even though he was the youngest, they always had a closer relationship than she had with Sarah. She could always count on him when she needed a laugh too. Sometimes Lauren found herself wondering why she never told him about what happened with her and Bo.

"So…are you gonna talk to Bo anytime soon?" He asked after successfully polishing his plate.

"Seriously?!" Lauren snapped slightly annoyed.

"Hey, hey, don't get so snappy. Just wanted to know is all. Anyway, I better get going, gotta meet Bo and Tamsin at the crime scene." At this Lauren raised a questioning eyebrow at her brother again.

"You're working on this case with Bo?"

"Shit," he cursed realizing his slip up. "Look, just please look at the file?"

Lauren just shook her head and placed the file into her handbag. She'd contemplated pushing the matter, but she wasn't really in the mood so she decided to just drop the subject and decide to just look over the file.

"You owe me. Big time little brother."

Just when Lauren started to get up to leave, her phone started ringing. After a few seconds of rummaging, she found her cell and answered it.


"Hey Laur, I know you didn't want me to…but could you maybe pick me up from the airport when I arrive there?"

"Ciara? Wait…what?"

"Surprise! I'm coming there. To visit you! Didn't want to have my best friend dealing with her issues alone. So I thought I'd call and let you know before my flight takes off." Lauren could practically see the smile on Ciara's face from the other side of the phone.

"You're kidding me right?"

"Nope. So are you going to pick me up or not? Don't make me take a cab Laur!"

Not being able to help the smile that crossed her face, Lauren replied excitedly.

"Of course I'll pick you up! Just tell me the time and I'll be there with the red carpet," she joked.

"Better be. Anyway, I'll call you when my flights landed."

"Great. Have a safe trip Cici."


Hanging up the phone, Lauren turned to her brother who was now giving her a weird look. He relaxed when she told him who it was. Before Lauren made it to the door, she took another look back at the diner where Nadia was standing, finding the curly haired woman already watching her. Lauren smiled and gave her a small wave before she exited and made her way home. For the first time since she arrived home, Lauren felt a little at ease, especially knowing that Ciara was coming.

'Maybe this trip won't be so bad after all.'