Disclaimer: I don't own Kuroko no Basuke.

A/N: Loosely based on Sleeping Beauty. My first multi-chaptered KuroBasu fic so I'm not quite sure if about the characterization but I'll do my very best to keep everyone in-character.

This is an AU where Kuroko is 18 and Akashi is 26. (So the height difference is a bit bigger because my teacher in biology said that men don't stop growing. I'm not quite sure if it's true.)

betaed by my dearest sister wasabi cake. Thank you!

Chapter 1 The Prince




The steady beeping of an alarm clock echoed throughout the whole luxurious penthouse, bouncing on its cream-colored walls. The sun sipped through the dark blue curtains covering the floor-to-ceiling windows.

After the fifth call of the alarm, a pale hand emerged from under the thick black covers, unceremoniously pressing the button to shut the alarm clock off. A few seconds later, a young man with red locks and a pair of mismatched eyes – one red and one gold – groggily sat up. Before he got out of bed, a pair of thin arms wrapped around his lean torso.

"Sei-kun, why are you up so early? It's a Saturday." The woman's warm breath ghosted over Seijurou's nape. Any man would have been turned on by the sexy voice of the blonde behind him and any man would have gone back to bed that instant and ravished her. But, Akashi Seijurou was not just an ordinary man.

At the age of 24, he is now the CEO and sole heir of the Akashi Group. With his wealth coupled with his undeniable good-looks and beautifully sculpted body, he was easily included in the top ten of the most sought after bachelors of Japan. He could land any woman - or man - in just the flick of his fingers. Thus, having a beautiful blonde model in his bed is nothing but an ordinary occurrence.

He gently gripped the hands wrapped around him then slowly coaxed them to release him. Being the head of a corporation, and being extremely time-conscious, he prioritizes work over early-morning sex. Romance, relationships and what-not had never been on his to-do list. Occasional one-night stands were just a way for him to satiate his raging hormones. After all, he was a healthy young adult.

"Do not call me Sei-kun. I don't like people getting overly familiar with me. And we do not even know each other." He didn't have to look at the woman, he didn't even bother to remember her name, to know that she was pouting. He had seen the kicked-puppy look so many times that he almost is sick with it.

"So cold." The woman commented. She had been aware of Akashi's reputation – cold and uncaring. Despite that, the bachelor was still able to attract women because of his mysteriousness. A lot had hoped to get pass the one-night stand phase, but, no one ever did.

"If you want to take a shower, the bathroom is over there," Akashi pointed at the door located at the far corner of his large bedroom. Then, he stood up and went straight to the dining room. As expected, there was a meal prepared by the maid the night before.

It had only been a month since the mysterious maid was sent by his father. The maid would come while he's at work then leave before he comes back home. A decent meal was always present on his dining table with a pot of earl grey tea. Along with it was the usual note: Akashi-san, if the food had gone cold, please heat in the microwave for 15 minutes.

It was the first time a housekeeper stayed under his wing for more than a week. He would usually find a reason to fire an employee. His father had gotten tired of this that the older Akashi decided to send a maid personally chosen by him. For the first time, Seijurou was satisfied with an employee. His unit had always been cleaned thoroughly. His things were kept on the right place. And, his dinner, though he knew it wasn't included in the maid's job, was always satisfying to his palate. He had wanted to meet the mysterious maid but never had the time.

He opened the dinner cover and the smell of basil softly tickled his nose. His stomach grumbled at the sight of the lasagna and garlic bread. He grabbed the plate then shoved it into the microwave setting the time at 15.

Just as he heard the ding from the microwave, the woman came out of his room already dressed. She smiled seductively, all the while pulling a calling card from her purse. She laid it on the table then mouthed "call me" before turning her back, walking out of Akashi's suite.

Without any hesitation, Akashi picked the card up, crumpled it, and then threw it in the trash can.

Clearly, these women do not know the concept of a one-night stand, he thought as he shoved a spoonful of lasagna into his mouth.

"We'll be having a site visit today." He announced as he studied the papers on the center table. He was currently sitting on the beige sofa in his office, reading and signing papers for approval. An irritated sigh escaped the man sitting across him.

"Honestly, Akashi, I'm not your assistant. I'm the CFO. Why do I need to accompany you on your site visit?"

"I enjoy your company." He stated without looking up.

"Really now?" Shintarou Midorima snorted.

Akashi laid down the papers he was holding. He leaned on the back of the couch, making himself comfortable. A confident smile played on his lips.

"Shintarou, I will be the Chairman of the Board sooner than you think. I want you to replace me as the CEO. I'll teach you everything you have to know before that time comes."

Midorima pushed the bridge of his eyeglasses, calculatingly staring at Akashi. "Don't you think it's too early to say that you'll be replacing your father soon?"

"You know I'm always right, Shintarou. It's the duty of the heir to surpass what his father had achieved. That is how the Akashis are groomed. Soon, there will be a big change and I want you to be ready for it."

The CFO didn't answer, maintaining an impassive face. But, Akashi could see through him. There was a fire burning in those green eyes, eager to know the near future. He knew how talented and ambitious Midorima was and he's planning to use it to his advantage.

Satisfied with what he was seeing, he resumed to reading the submitted proposal for the expansion of their real estate business. The silence that reigned over the room was disturbed from time to time when Akashi asks questions regarding finance. He was just about to finish when his secretary came in, informing him of his schedule.

After leaving a few reminders, the gentlemen went on their way to the construction site of their newest project – a high-end subdivision just outside the city.

The 30 minute ride was spent in silence with both men lost in their thoughts. Half-way through the trip, Akashi's phone began ringing. He frowned as he saw his father's number flashing. There was a soft click as he flipped his phone open.

"Chairman," he greeted his father from the other line.

"Seijurou, where are you? I need some documents signed immediately." His father spoke from the other line, his voice exuding with authority.

"I'm on my way to the site of the Chrysanthemum project." There was a brief pause and the young Akashi could hear paper's shuffling from the other line.

"I need the documents immediately. I'll send someone to give them to you." With that, the conversation ended.

"Akashi-sama, we're here." The driver informed as they entered the premises of the Chrysanthemum Village. He eyed the model houses being constructed, feeling satisfied with the contemporary designs. The car stopped in front of the biggest model house and both men alighted the limousine. They were greeted by the chief architect[,] Hyuuga Junpei.

"Good morning, Akashi-san, Midorima-san."

Akashi returned the greeting while Midorima just nodded.

"I take it everything's running on schedule." he stated, not asked for he was not expecting a "no" for an answer.

"Of course, Akashi-san. Three of the model houses had already been fully furnished. Would you like to take a tour?"

The redhead answered with a brief nod and followed Junpei as they were lead to the houses being constructed. Akashi and Midorima carefully inspected the materials used in the construction and the furniture used for the furnishing. Halfway through the inspection, Midorima was already complaining of the unbearable heat. Akashi ordered Junpei to bring the CFO to their temporary office so he was left alone.

He stopped by a stack of red bricks just beside one of the constructed houses. It was then that a young man approached him.

"Good morning, Akashi-san. I'm Kuroko Tetsuya. I was sent by the Chairman."

Akashi regarded the messenger for a moment, contemplating whether he was already of legal age to work. Surely his father wouldn't hire a minor. The messenger was petite, reaching just below his chin. He had unruly powder blue hair and blank eyes with the same color. His skin was pale, like he had never been out in the sun. What was unsettling for Akashi was the smaller male's lack of presence.

"Akashi-san," Kuroko called for his attention.

It was only then that he realized he had been staring longer than necessary.

"You're late. You should've been here 15 minutes ago."

"I'm sorry." The messenger bowed his head. Akashi waited for an excuse but none came. Instead, the messenger rummaged through his sling bag, producing a brown envelope.

Kuroko was just about to hand Akashi the documents when they heard shouting from the workers of the house situated above the slopes. It was then that Akashi noticed a pay loader fast approaching them. Then the soft voice of the messenger called out to him.


Before he had the time to react, he felt the force of two hands on his chest, pushing him. He felt his body suspended in the air and all he could see was the solemn face of the younger male who pushed him. He landed with a loud thud followed by the sound of the pay loader hitting the stacked bricks.

Akashi closed his eyes and shielded his face with his arm as dusts flew everywhere. He could hear the shouts of the workers coming nearer and nearer. When he opened his eyes, Kuroko was hovering above him. Blood was trickling down the pale face.

"A-Akashi – san… a-are you o-okay?"

"Idiot." Was all Akashi could say as the messenger slumped on top of him. For a reason Akashi had not contemplated, he wrapped his arms around the petite body. Around the fool who had saved his life.


Sky blue eyes stared back at him.


Akashi grew up dealing with people of all sorts. At a very young age, he was trained to read people. And he could say that he was pretty good at it. It was an advantage when you're looking for a weakness in those you deal with. So, Kuroko Tetsuya is an anomaly for him because he couldn't read those sky blue eyes.


Kuroko Tetsuya is foolish. That was what Akashi thinks because he saved his life – him, a stranger. Akashi would never give his life for a stranger. He would never give a limb especially if he won't get anything in return.

"Akashi." Midorima's deep voice pulled him out of his stupor. He opened his eyes, only to be greeted by the white ceiling of the hospital room – too white to his liking.

"How is he?"

"He's in coma," was the CFO's brief answer. "We don't know when he'll wake up."

"Make sure he gets the best medical attention this hospital could give." Akashi slowly sat up then adjusted himself so he could lean on the headboard. "I don't want anything leaked to the media. And, I want a thorough investigation of the incident."

"Don't worry. I've already taken care of that."

"What about that messenger's relatives? Have you talked to them?"

"He's an orphan." Midorima adjusted his glasses then sighed. "I've looked into his emergency number."

Akashi raised his eyebrow as he waited for the man to continue.

"The emergency number…," the CFO paused, " Kuroko Tetsuya's emergency number is your father's personal number."

-End of Chapter 1-

A few (not-so-technical) explanation of the terminologies:

CEO (Chief Executive Officer) - this is a high position in a corporation overseeing operations, management and what-not. Akashi currently holds this position in the story and is aiming to be the Chairman.

CFO (Chief Financial Officer) - an officer who oversees the financial activities of the corporation.

Chairman - is the highest position in a Corporation (usually the founder). In large corporations, the Chairman and the CEO are occupied by two different persons to keep the check and balance.

Akashi Group, Incorporated - the parent company that holds various subsidiary corporations engaged in real estate business and similar businesses.

Additional A/N: I'm not really adept in business matters but I have a Corporation Law subject. So, most of the terminologies and processes I'll be using are from what I have studied. So, if you have any corrections, please do tell me. Thank you for reading!