Kurt Hummel thought he had it all. He had lots of friends, he was the captain of the Cheerios!, he was a member of the Glee club. What more could he want? Oh wait, there was one thing that Kurt wanted but didn't have. A boyfriend.

He longed for that person who he could talk to and tell his secrets to. That person who he could love and could love him back, the person he could walk down the hall with holding his hand and stealing kisses in the hallway between classes. He wanted to receive flirty texts in the middle of class and at night that would give him butterflies until he saw his boyfriend. That's what Kurt wanted, but there wasn't a boy in his high school who was like that. There wasn't a boy who played for his team.

But things change. It's Kurt's junior year of high school and things could happen that will make him think that love is possible for him.

Blaine Anderson always thought he would never fall for a guy, until he did when he was 12. That was short lived when he got the living crap beat out of him for it, from his peers and his father. The best thing for him to do was to go back in the closet and try to like girls again. That sucked for him because he was never physically attracted to them like he was to males.

When he switched schools in the ninth grade he was happy to be surrounded by all males, but they were never really his type, so he was just content in their company. Then when he turned 16 and was in the tenth grade, he transferred from his all boy's school to a public school where he became the captain of the football team. Other than that he stayed low-key, receiving lots of looks from different females who wanted to be with him, but he never wanted any of them.

Kurt and Blaine never noticed each other until the beginning of their junior years.

Chapter 1

"Welcome to English 11!" Mr. Johnson the English teacher said from the front of his classroom.

The students were sitting at their desks, on their phones and interacting with people they haven't seen all summer and making new friends.

In the back right corner sat Kurt Hummel and next to him Blaine Anderson. They had never met although they have both been at McKinley for almost a year now. Kurt was texting his bestfriend Rachel, talking to her about plans for lunch. Blaine was in his own little world, drawing up plans for football practice.

"To kick this class off, we are going to do an ice breaker! Partner up with the person next to you and ask him or her the questions I have put on the board," Mr. Johnson said.

Groans escaped the teenager's mouths, but they turned to face their partners. This would be the first time that Blaine and Kurt have ever set eyes on each other.

Kurt looked at the board one final time before he turned to look at Blaine.

"So what is your name?" Kurt asked.

Kurt looked into Blaine's eyes and completely forgot what he was supposed to be doing. Blaine smiled at Kurt and it mezmorized the boy even more than his sparkling golden eyes. Kurt blushed, causing Blaine to lose his train of thought and to stammer over his answer.

"Um, I, my name is Blaine Anderson. A-and yours is what?"

Kurt wrote down what Blaine said and then looked back up at him. "Kurt. Kurt Hummel."

"Okay, Kurt. Next question." Blaine looked at the board for several long seconds before looking back at Kurt. "Um, how long have you been here? At McKinley I mean."

Kurt giggled softly at that. "Since seventh grade. You?"

Blaine jotted down Kurt's answer. "Since last year."

Kurt's eyes got big with wonderment. "I've never seen you around and I practically know everybody in this hell hole."

"I kept to myself when I got here. I was kind of shy and scared of being back in the public school system so I kept a low profile," Blaine shrugged it off as if it wasn't a big deal.

"Oh okay. Well, next question. How old are you?"

"16 and you?"

"17, I'll be 18 in May," he smiled, as if he needed to add that piece of information. "You are a bit young to be in English 11."

"I skipped a grade. I went to an all-boys boarding school before here and we were doing work that was above our grade level so when my mom put me in here, my transcripts said I had already taken all the classes required of me as a sophomore here, so here I am, as a junior," he smiled.

That smile made Kurt melt on the inside. What was it about this boy that gave Kurt Goosebumps? Both boys finished their questions and then it was time to present the information that they gathered.

"Okay, Kurt Blaine will you please share," Mr. Johnson instructed from his desk.

Kurt stood up and began reading from his paper. "This is Blaine Anderson, he's 16 and a junior. He went to an all-boys school for ninth grade and apparently was doing tenth grade work. He came here in tenth grade and was kind of shy and low key last year. Um, he has a brother name Cooper who is a 'dick wad.' His father is dead, he died when Blaine was in ninth grade, his mother remarried last year and is currently pregnant with twins. Oh and he's the captain of the football team."

"Thank you Mr. Hummel. Mr. Anderson you're next."

"Okay, this is Kurt Hummel, he's 17 and a junior. He has been at McKinley since seventh grade. His mom died when he was eight and his dad got married to Carole Hudson, Finn's mom, making them step brothers. Um, he is the only child, but now he has Finn as his brother. He is between being popular and not, but he loves what he has going for him. And he's the captain of the Cherrios!"

Everybody in the room murmured different things. The captain of the football team and the captain of the cheerleading squad are the same sex? Rumors of this will be going around about these two before the days over.