This is an Idea that popped into my head. I do not own Naruto or Fairy Tail
Story Start. (Before Cannon)
"Hello Naruto Uzumaki, winner of the last great Shinobi War, Child of Prophecy, bringer of peace, and holder of the title God of Shinobi. It is a pleasure to finally meet you." A girl with long black hair that looked ten years old said to the confused Naruto. He had just been celebrating his victory over Obito through the use of his Sage Mode with the rest of the undead Kage when all of a sudden he was hear. He had just barely won the war against Obito using a good old Rasengan to the head, so he deserved the rest.
Naruto looked around and saw nothing but white.
"Who are you girl, and how did you bring me here?" Naruto asked in confusion. He really did not care that he had been summoned here, since as a Sage he could sense her power. This girl was stronger than Obito at his best, and while he wanted to fight her he knew that he would lose.
"Hehehe, I am glad you asked. I am as you would say, the keeper between worlds. I am also the one that decided who will be the savior of what worlds. I have no given name, but I like the name Kurohime or Black Princess in other languages." Kurohime said as Naruto raised an eyebrow.
"Why am I here?" Naruto tried again as the girl giggle.
"Because as one of the last two Jinchuriki I have decided that you and Killer Bee will be moved to another world that has need of your powers. I have already sent him on ahead, and he has told me that 'Tell Nine-o to chill-o, it's all good bro' his words." Kurohime deadpanned. Naruto chuckled at how even what he would guess was a god hated his bad rapping. "I will offer you the same thing I did him. A start in a world that will not have any knowledge of the Tailed Beasts, and has rarely ever seen war. If you go back to your world you will be fought over by all the nations as the last Jinchuriki and chaos will reign. You will be able to make new friends in this world, and will achieve new levels of happyness." Kurohime offered as Naruto smiled. He did not want to be the cause of another war, and if him going to this new world kept his friends safe he would do it.
"Sign me up. Bring this new world on, and show it that Naruto Uzumaki is the greatest ninja ever." Naruto said with a cheesy grin. He then caught a pair of keys that was tossed at him by the girl.
"Those are a gift to you for accepting my offer. They are known as the Golden Zodiac Keys. The previous contract holders for them abused the contract, and since you will no longer be able to summon toads this is my trade to you. You will be keeping almost all your powers when you go to this new world, but I will be giving you one more thing before I let you go. This is a world of magic, and I would find it fitting if you had at least one type of magic. I warn you though, like Killer Bee, you will only be given the chance to learn a single branch of magic. One type, one magic and no more than that." She said seriously as she tossed him a list of different kinds of magics. He noticed that the whole list was based on wind element. {He will use Chakra, not magic to Summon the Spirits so it does not count}
Sky Dragon Slayers Magic, Wind Dragon Slayers Magic, Sky God Slayer Magic, Wind God Slayers Magic, Wind-Make Magic, Aero Space Magic, Cyclone Magic, Wind Demons Magic, Wind Demon Slaying Magic, Wind Armor Magic, Wind Kings Magic, Sky Magic, Hurricane Magic, and Sky Blast Magic.
"Before I pick, you said almost all my powers. What am I not keeping?" Naruto asked as he stared the girl down.
"Your Tailed Beast Kurama will be a seperate entity from you again, and will be your traveling companion. Much like one of the smaller summon toads could have been. He will be allowed to have only a miniscule amount of his power though, since this world will not do well with Tailed Beasts. He has already agreed that most, if not all, of his power will be used to enhance the magic you choose before you came here. The reason I am giving you one type of magic is so that you make up for losing his bonus." Kurohime said regretfully, the truth was that Tailed Beast chakra would poison him if he went to the new world. The three conflicting energies in his body would rip his organs to shreds in a mtter a days, and his stomach acid would enter his blood stream causing much pain before dying.
"What did Bee pick?" Naruto asked curiously.
"He picked Lightning Dragon Slaying Magic from his list. He said and I quote 'Float like a Dragon, and sting like a Killer Bee. Who Bee the slayer, the Slayer be me!' Then he yelled 'Wheeeeeeee' before I gave him the magic and kicked him to the new world." She said as Naruto laughed and looked at the Magic's with Dragon in it.
"What is the difference between Sky and Wind Dragon Slayers magic?" He asked, seeing as he knew that behind his dumb persona Bee normally made great choices. If he thought this Dragon Slaying Magic was the best choice then Naruto would pick one of the two.
"Sky Dragon Slayer Magic can be used for attacking, healing, enhancement, and it gives you total immunity to Wind and Sky based attacks. Wind Dragon Slayers Magic can only be used for the first and the last." Kurohime said as Naruto knew that the first sounded much better than the second. The ability to heal and enhance your body was a great ability to use when you are trained from a young age to use teamwork like Naruto was. He had never been much of a healer so this was like a chance to be a little more like Granny Tsunade.
"Then I pick Sky Dragon Slayers Magic." Naruto said as he felt Kurama dissappear from his body, and his chakra in his change to become this new power. Surprisingly enough he was able to feel his body change as well, when he looked very closely he could see that he now had miniscule scales on his body. They were unseen by the normal human eye though, and all Naruto's senses increased. He felt the seal on his stomach dissappear altogether as his new power became a part of his body. He then felt something plop down on his head.
"Yo Naruto." Kurama said from on top of his head as he waved a humaniod hand to the new dragon slayer. His rabbit-like ears twitching every so often. It was only now that Naruto noticed how little Kurama looked like a fox besides the legs, head shape, and tails. He had a humaniod torso, humaniod arms and hands, and his ears were so long and rabbit-like. His only other fox trait was that he was covered in orange-red fur.
"Hey Kurama, nice to see your out." Naruto said as the knowledhe of how to use this magic flowwed to his mind.
"Nice to be out. Ever since your ass of a father gave me back my other half the desire to be out has been eating at me for hours now." Kurama said as he sat on Naruto's head. He really did not mind the chane in size. At least he had legs, unlike Gyuuki who didn't. He still had the strength of an S-rank in this body so he did not care.
"Good for you then." Naruto said as he gave a fanged grin to the fox. His already larger than average fangs had also increased in size from the change.
"Looking good!" Kurama complimented seeing the feral change in Naruto. Now he looked a little less human, and that was a-okay with him. It seperated his ex-container from the rest of the trash that was humans.
A cough got both of their attentions as she girl looked at them with a smile.
"Now, seeing as you can't tell anyone about me I am going to have to ask you two to keep me secret. Bye Bye." She said quickly as the both of them vanished.
[With the two of them]
"AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! THAT BITCH TELEPORTED US INTO THE SKY!" Kurama yelled in anger. He had just lost his immortality, due to the Ten Tails being dead and now this bitch was trying to kill him. If he ever saw her again he was going to attempt to kill her, and then if he managed to do it he would dance on her dead body.
"SHUT UP KURAMA!" Naruto yelled as the knowledge on a flying technique came to his mind. He was now really thankfull that he had picked this magic. An almost invisible bubble of air surronded them as they started floating to the ground slower than before. About three hours later they touched the ground and both were cursing Kurohime for doing that.
"Who dares disturp the sleep of the great and powerful Lectris!" A huge voice came from next to them as Naruto facepalmed. Of course he would run into a dragon right after he was teleported to a new world. It was just his luck, and Kurama was now looking at the dragon while sizing it up. Kurama always was the better sensor of the two.
"How good do you think you can do those fancy new moves of yours Naruto?" Kurama whispered with a sigh. Naruto could defeat this dragon as he was right now with his base skills, but he had a fealing that it would be best to use the new moves.
"I know what to do, and how to do them. Though I can't say that I know where a Dragon is weak at." Naruto admitted with an embarrassed blush and awkward laugh. He then turned serious as he jumped away from the jaws of the dragon that tried to take a bite of him.
"Fuck you to, you need a breath mint." Naruto yelled as he went left to avoid a beem of lightning coming his way.
"Roar of the Sky Dragon" Naruto yelled as he sucked in his breath and used the same compression concept of the Rasengan to compress the wind and magic inside his chest, and then release it in a tornado of wind as his cheeks puffed out. The tornado collided with the stunned dragon and left a gash in it's side.
"Brat!" The dragon yelled as it hissed in pain. It did not think it's opponent would know the dragon slaying arts, nor that he would be able to use such a powerful blast. The twenty meter wide crater that the attack made before it hit him was proof of that. It looked around and saw that the fox from earlier was sitting on it's snout and before he could do anything about the fox it grinned and jumped off it's nose.
"Giant Rasengan!" Naruto yelled as he used the distraction caused by his partner to hit the gash o the dragon's side.
"Gaaaaaahhhhh! Human!" The dragon yelled before he saw another Naruto holding a giant white screeching bell shaped ball over his head. That and his eyes were green with toad shaped pupils. Naruto had made a clone earlier and had it try and collect sage energy, and fond that it only took seven seconds to get the energy in this world. That and his eyes weren't yellow when he did use Sage Mode.
"Rasenshuriken!" Naruto yelled as he chucked the attack and cut the dragon's head straight off it's shoulders. Blood from the dragon covered Naruto as he gagged at the taste of it, since some had gotten in his mouth. Somewhere in the in-between world Kurohime smirked and muttered how everything went according to plan. Whatever magic he had picked, he would have had to fight and kill something to make room for his existance in the new world. He was not a natural part of the world, so someone would have to dissappear for him to stay there. Him picking dragon slayer magic was the perfect chance to do both at the same time.
Killer Bee had to do the same thing.
"Hahaha, the overgrown lizard got it's ass kicked." Kurama said while laughing. It was good that he had been able to distract the dragon long enough for Naruto to use his instant kill move. Kurama knew from experience how much those hurt, and if it hurt his in his huge form it would easily kill a non-wind related dragon.
"Hell yeah we kicked it's ass." Naruto said as back Kurama hoped on his shoulder and took his seat. Naruto did not mind since the fox did not weigh all that much. "I don't think I am going to use my 'magic' all that much though. As long as I have clones and my Rasengan I should be good." Naruto stated as Kurama nodded. He thought that Naruto should train and practice his new moves for awhile before using them in battle. Until then he could make do with only his basic ninja skills. He was above S-Class back in his world with only his basic skills and Sage Mode after all.
"Hey, what are we going to do now?" Kurama asked as he leaned against Naruto's head.
"We need to find a town or something, and then learn a bit about this world. Can you sense anything around here." Naruto asked his partner as he sniffed the air, and then tried sensing the area.
"Seven miles from here their are two human scents and a cat smell, and three magic signatures. Around them are a lot of fake people, illusions made to look real if I was guessing." Kurama said as he flicked a tail west. "I don't see why you don't just summon with those keys that girl gave you." Kurama said as Naruto took the keys from his pocket and picked one to use. Holding out the one that had a ram on it he put some chakra in it to see if that worked, and in a glow of light a pink curly haired girl wearing wool skimpy clothes and other wool accessories. She looked about 18 or 19 years old.
"Huh? Sorry, but are you my new summoner. That girl told me that I was getting a new summoner today." The girl said with a bow as Naruto noticed her twisted horns. Much like a ram.
"Um, yeah. I don't really know how this works, and am new around so could you explain stuff to me?" Naruto asked as the shy girl looked at him strangely, like she was not used to someone asking something nicely of her.
"Um before I answer, can you tell me how old you are. Sorry." The girl said as she appoligized again. It must be a quirk she had, so Naruto waved it off.
"I'm sixteen right now." Naruto said as the girl smiled.
"I am known as Aries the Ram..." She started before Kurama interupted her with a statement.
"Aren't Rams male?" Kurama asked as Aries nodded, but gave the strange talking animal a strange look.
"As my new summoner it is my duty to follow your orders, but know that we can only be summoned on certain days. I can be summoned on any day of the week though, but not on the third friday of any month." Aries said as Naruto nodded. It sounded reasonable to him.
"What can you do?" Naruto asked curiously as Aries blushed at the younger man.
"I can do Wool Magic. I'm sorry." Aries said a bow. Naruto pat her on the shoulder and gave her a smile. He did not mind if she was not very useful in battle, and frankly he did not want her to get hurt either.
"It's fine, but what can you tell me about this land?" Naruto asked as Aries got what he was asking. He was literally from a different world after all like that girl said, so he was looking for info on the world he would be living in.
"This is Earthland. A world where mages and magic reign supreme. Mages sometimes group together in places called guilds, and guilds will do missions for nearly anyone that makes a request. Sorry." She said again as Naruto felt the desire to join a guild.
"Do you know if there are any guilds nearby?" Naruto asked as he tilted his head to the side that Kurama wasn't on.
'Cute.' Aries thought before mentally scolding herself. She had to admit she was happy with her new master. When that strange girl had first told her that she could be given a new nice master she was sceptical, but if it let her escape that cruel woman then she would jump at the chance. She had heard that Virgo was given the same deal as her. She was told though that she was picked because of her matural instincts and her pink hair as strange as it was. "Yes... I think we are at Hikari Mountain, so Cait Shelter should be a few miles away from here. I think it is that is. Sorry." She said again as Naruto gave her another smile.
"It's okay. Thanks for the help." Naruto thanked her as she went wide eyed at the new experience, she had never been thanked before for anything. This was a truly new thing for her.
'I already think that this boy will be my favorite summoner ever. He has a really pure heart, and I can feel that he has enough love to spare.' Aries thought with a smile. She could even feel that the boy in front of her was extremely powerful. Much stronger than the average S-class Mage. Even the fox was about par with the strongest mage in her old masters guild. Then she looked around and saw the dead dragon... DEAD DRAGON.
What she did not know was that in his old world Naruto had faced being far more powerful than a dragon and came out victories. His usual foes were more powerful, and had more skill. Nagato could literally crush whole villages with a single attack. Kurama used to have the power to destroy whole mountains easily, and he had beaten them both.
"I wonder how much the corpse would go for?" Kurama asked as Naruto nodded. Dragon must go for a lot, and they were going to need money somehow. There was no way to no how expensive things were, but selling a dragon corpse had to be worth something. It was better than nothing after all.
"No clue, but it must way a few tons. I am going to need sage mode to carry this thing for sure." Naruto said as he compared it to the size of the stone toads in the old summon world. They were a little bigger and made of rock so they should be heavier than the dragon he had caught off guard. Aries was simply lost at what they were talking about, but when Naruto's eyes became green and toad-like while he got red-orange marks around them and he went and lifted the dragon over his head she was shocked. "Hey Aries, do me a favor and carry the head for me?" Naruto asked nicely, and Kurama laughed at her pale face.
"I think you should summon your other key, she would be much more help than me here. She is very strong." Aries said as she turned a little green. Seeing dead things was not on her list of things she liked.
"Kurama, toss me the key." Naruto said as Kurama grapped it from his pocket and tossed it to Naruto's mouth. Naruto did the same thing as he did with Aries key, but this time a short pink haired girl wearing a made outfit and chain shackles on her wrists. Her green eyes sparkled with... no visible emotion that her smile told.
"So you are Naruto that girl spoke of. Do you mind if I call you Master?" Virgo asked as she looked at the boy with the huge dragon over his head. Naruto looked at her in disbelief but figured it was another quirk. The toads had loads of quirks that made no sense to him.
"Sure. Call me what you want." Naruto said as his now green eyes looked at her. He looked shocked though when he realized that both girls he could summon had... good sized racks on them.
"I would like to start by telling you Master that I can not be summoned on sunday, but I am free Monday through Saturday for your personal use." She said with a bow of servitude. She was a little surprised that her newest summoner was not a Celestial Wizard. She could feel that he was not, but some otrher energy in his body was allowing him to summon them.
"Great. Aries tells me that you are strong, can you pick up that head over their and help me get this to the nearest town." Naruto ordered in an asking way. If she liked the master thing then she might prefer that he order her around. She smiled at the order and went over to heft the head over her shoulder. Naruto looked to his side and saw Aries holding a docile Kurama in her arms.
Naruto sighed as he started to walk down the mountain path and smiled.
He already had two friends in this new world. Sure they had their weird quirks but it was a sign that he did the right thing in leaving his world. He was kinda sad to do it, but it was for their safety. It might have been better that he did not say goodbye, otherwise he would have changed his mind.
'I just hope that you are okay Bee.' Naruto thought with a grin. He was sure thta Bee had to face a dragon as well. He would be okay though, they faced the Juubi together after all.
Things were looking up for Naruto.
Chapter End.
Naruto uses Chakra, not Magic to summon the spirits. Just to clear that up.
Yes Naruto is a Dragon Slayer. This is to take the place of Kurama as his second source of power. Also he will get their 'weakness' as well. Naruto is ranked as SS-class in the ninja world as having army destroying strength. He is much stronger physically than most mages as well. He has faced opponents that would easily kill most mages. Kurama can use Fire Magic to some degree in combo with Naruto's Wind attacks.
Naruo and Bee will not meet for awhile. Next chapter Naruto gets to cat shelter, and sells his dragon corpse. This takes place a few months before Lucy gets to Fairy Tail.
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