A/N: You guys made my day after reading your reviews(: I'm so happy you like it so far, because I thought it was crazy XD

So Guests, I've decided I'll respond to you in the time order of when you posted a review, using my author notes! So you guys get your own little section! How awesome is that?!

'needaprofile': I will(: Sorry you almost cried lol thank you!

'Guest': I'm sorry it's taking so long XD but I'm working on them! Yeah, I need people to yell at me and get me motivated lol I get so lazy and feel like I don't even want to write, so when I see your guys' comments it gets me moving, so thank you!

'Guest': Really?(: Don't worry more will be coming!

'Guest': Aw, thanks! :D

'Guest': lol can't you see that happening? That would honestly make my life to see him running in like a mad man and scaring the crap out of them XD

'Lya200': So happy you like it!(: Jay's burial will most likely be held first if Garmadon realizes it's him XD Poor guy..

'Guest': Thank you so much! I appreciate the feedback!

'dixicorn': Haha you're so sweet(: Well, here it is!

'Llkuljay': lol I guess you could say that.. Only because they're like my favorite couple ever! But I decided to try something new, and add in some scenes with our ninja XD

I didn't make up the prank call, my brother told me about the lines he got from some app and so I used it for their call XD Alright, I'm done blabbering so enjoy the second chapter!

'Don't say a word' Jay mouthed at the group of teens huddling shoulder-to-shoulder in a formed circle. The stressful suspense increased with every ring, leaving the eighteen year olds anxiously waiting for the phone connection. They bit their lips to keep from giggling, quietly murmuring to one another in rising excitement.

The phone line fuzzed before a whiny voice echoed through the speaker, "What is it?" Garmadon crankily answered the phone call sent from the unknown caller.

"Pfft!" Kai instantly spit out his laughter, earning a slap from his sister and a few threatening glares from the remaining boys.

A dopey grin curved across Jay's lips and he revealed his most talented western accent after he cleared his throat, "Hi, this is Bobby Dan. We're out workin' on a junction box right up the street." The clique of teens squirmed in silent laughter, jokingly smacking the blue ninja as they waited for a response on the other line.

"Hm?" Garmadon groggily yawned, feeling half asleep.

"Bobby Dan. I'm callin' from the power company." Jay caught himself goofily grinning as he spoke, ignoring the escaping snickers directed from his friend's throats.

"Ah, yes,"

Knowing what was about to come, Nya covered her mouth, riskily giggling. "Well.. I-I hate doin' this to ya'll, but I gotta let ya know you're gonna loose power in a couple minutes." Cole snorted and Zane cuffed his hand over the black haired boy's agape mouth.

"WHAT?! Who all was informed about this?!"

"It's gonna affect the whole city. Now, ya'll gonna have an unscheduled power cut. No electrical service for about five hours." Lloyd shielded his face and greatly shook from the giggles breaking from his lips, knowing how concerned his father would react.

"FIVE HOURS?!" Garmadon's voice cracked while he choked in disbelief.

The earth ninja could no longer bare to tame the uncontrollable laughter caged inside his lungs. He released his loud, obnoxious cackle, resulting with Zane and Lloyd forcefully pinning the stronger down. "Its just, we ran into a serious problem with the local junction box, and we gotta fix it before ya'll get in some deep doo doo." The boys split their sides laughing, listening to the older couple quietly consult with one another concerning the unusual phone call.

"Why do you dip shits call this late at night to report an issue?!"

"Now don't be gettin' your panties in a knot! We just got called in on this an hour ago." Kai silently chortled and wildly pounded his fist against the tan carpet.

"Why are you calling so late if you knew about this earlier?!"

"We just had to order some extra cable and replacement parts. I'm sorry sir, this is a huge job." Zane found himself being swallowed into the delirious laughter surrounding him, and could no longer help himself, nor save Cole from hyperventilating with his endless giggles.


"My apologies, there just ain't nothin' else we can do.. Oh, hang on a sec.." Jay dramatically paused and turned from the speaker to spill his severe burst of chuckles, "My co-worker just told me its actually going to be about eight hours."

"WHHAAAAT?!" Garmadon's whiny voice loudly exploded through the speaker.

Jay nearly cried, hearing the former dark lord's painfully concerned responses, "We went to check out the junction box, we got in there, and found the wirings all disabled and torn due to porcupines."


"Yea there's a whole family of porcupines in there, just eatin' up the box." Lloyd rolled across the carpet laughing, and joined the remaining boys as they jokingly slapped each other around in excitement.

"You have to be kidding me.." Garmadon heavily sighed.

"Nope, them critters eatin' those wires like there ain't no tomorrow!"

The older male made a face and glanced toward his concerned wife perched on their bed,"..A family of porcupines? In our junction box?"

"Yes sirre. Man, one of 'em got totally fried!"

"Ahh! Thats horrible!"

"Happens all the time! I mean, ya'll haven't smelled nothin' till ya smelled electrocuted baby porcupine!" Zane repeatedly smacked his forehead against the carpet while shoved around by the fire ninja immaturely kicking and screaming.

Garmadon gasped from the other line, "Dear God.. That's so sad.."

Jay covered the speaker of the phone, collapsing on his girlfriend in busting laughter, "One of my buddies grabbed a bite, just for the hell of it, and he said it was actually pretty darn good!"

"Hmm, you don't say.."

"But I'm gettin' off the subject here." The ninja of lightning whacked Kai upside the head and pointed at Zane and Lloyd to get Cole under control, "We need ya'll to switch off your electronic devices."

"I still can't believe this.." Garmadon groaned.

"We're sorry for the troubles really. Now ya'll gotcha selves five minutes to turn everythin' off."


"Oh, and if ya'll smell burnin' Porcupine, don't worry 'bout it." That last comment did it for the clique of teens. Sending them disorderly falling over one another in chaotic, delirious laughter as they praisingly smacked Jay across the back and ridiculously hollered.

"I'll keep that in mind.."

"Well, we'll inform you as soon as we get the job done." Jay shoved Lloyd off his back, trying to quickly rap up the call so they could laugh in peace. Garmadon only irritatedly grumbled without a response, and hung up.

The silence subsequent to the ending tone lasted nearly five seconds before the game room blew up in shrieking laughter. The boys screamed at the top of their lungs, toppling over one another and slapping each other around in unbearable laughter.

"That was great!" Zane crumbled onto the floor, "We must do it again!"

"AHH!" Cole's outrageously noisy laugh erupted from his gut, "I JUST PISSED MY PANTS!"

"Oh man! I can't even breathe!" Kai could barely find his words, beating the carpet with his fists, "I CAN'T BREATHE! I CAN'T BREATHE!"

"That was too funny!" Nya's tears spilled down her cheeks in wild giggles, "He totally bought it!"

"He was flipping out!" Lloyd clutched his stomach, cracking up, "I never knew it was physically possible for a guy to scream that loud!"

Jay busted up laughing, flopping himself sideways upon his girlfriend, "Did you hear him get all compassionate for the porcupines after I told him one of 'em got fried?!"

The group screamed bloody murder, shouting and cheering in laughter, "Let us not forget how upset he was about losing his air conditioner and food!" Zane shook his head and squeezed his eyes closed.

"He was so concerned!" Kai kicked and hollered, "I bet he's calling the power company right now!"

"And the humane society for the porcupines!" Nya elbowed her brother.

"That couldn't have gone any better!" Cole screamed and continuously smacked the blue ninja across the back, "Awesome script, Jay! He fell for everything!"

Jay stood up and performed a boastful bow, "Admit it! I'm the best!"

"Ha! I bet I could do better!" The fire ninja challenged and weakly stood, supporting his weight on Zane.

"Pft! You wish!" The blue ninja scoffed and watched Cole, Nya and Lloyd continue to roll around laughing.

"I PISSED MYSELF AGAIN!" The earth ninja crouched down, laughing hysterically.

"Okay, guys.." Jay, Zane and Kai turned to face their three friends sprawled over the floor, childishly shouting and squealing, "It's really not that funny anymore-we stopped laughing about this five minutes ago."

"IT'S HILARIOUS!" The black haired male hollered and flipped onto his stomach, wiping tears from his eyes, "Common, let's do it again!"

"I get this next call!" Kai ripped the phone out of Jay's grasp and pointed to the delirious teens, "And you guys decide who the best caller was!"

"You don't stand a chance!" Jay smirked and folded his arms across his chest, "He'll know it was you!"

"Trust me, he'll never find out." Kai confidently stepped over the maze of bodies continuing to flip in laughter, and found his way back to the hazelnut couch.

"Oh, he'll find out! Especially if these guys keep this up!" Jay threw his muscular arms in the air, "I still don't know how Garmadon didn't hear them in the background!"

"Jay, he's old! He doesn't even remember what he ate for breakfast!"

"Yes, but he will figure it out sooner or later." The white ninja stepped in.

"And if you screw this up, I blame you for the death of us by his slipper beatings!" Jay threateningly pointed in his friend's face, "I'm in no mood to have slippers chucked at me!"

"Calm down, we already decided he would run us over for our punishment," Kai chuckled, "And then he would chuck his slippers at our tombstones."

Lloyd's face flushed bright red from his uncontrollable laughter and pulled himself up, trying not to make eye contact with Cole or Nya as they continued to joke. Their racket came to a sudden halt as the double doors of the game room flew open, welcoming the former lord of the Underworld and his bride.

A/N: I think it's only funny if you actually imagine yourself being there when they're calling him XD Crazy enough, right? I don't even know what goes through my head anymore! I only start writing during the middle of the night so that explains why anything I post doesn't make any sense XD

I don't know.. Think they got busted? XD You'll find out in the next chapter!