"Excuse me, Serena, but the mock run of the transporter is showing some errors in the formula. I recommend some adjustments to the sequent that allows one to travel through space-time."
Serena paused from working on a circuit panel on the side of her machine. Running the formula in her mind, she realized that her personal A.I. was right about it. She had made a mistake when calculating the exact numbers needed to travel through space-time.
"Thanks, Lua, the transporter had a 63% chance of either short circuiting or causing a small explosion. Even being smart, mistakes can still happen. I'm glad that I brought you to life, my friend."
"I'm glad as well. It truly has a joy being able to experience something new each and every day. Ah, speaking of days, the Mizuno girl has been trying to fiddle with security door at the entrance the past few mornings."
Nodding her head, Serena grabbed her soldering tools and went back to work on the circuit board panel. She knew that Ami was going to do something after her little show with Rei. Breaking into her lab was one of the things on her list of what she might do, but doing that so soon was a bit surprising. Of course, she wasn't that worried about it. The security door was only the first in many of the measures she had taken to ensure the safety of her lab. Ami had no chance of getting in here even if she did bypass the first door.
"I've been in here for a few days now, can you tell me how Artemis is doing?" A screen popped up besides the machine's panel and showed her living room. From there she can easily swipe the digital screen to show her every room in the apartment. It took her several tries before she found him sleeping on her bed in the sun. Even being a talking magical cat from the Moon Kingdom, he still acted like a regular Earth cat sometimes. "I should go back home sometime today to show him that I'm still in one piece. Speaking of home, did you send off that email yesterday to mama and papa?"
"Yes, they are happy that you have settled in well and wish that you would call them sometimes. Your brother even sent his well wishes and hopes that you will be coming back down to see him graduate middle school."
"That's right he's graduating soon. He even told me before I left that he was accepted into the high school of his choice. I'm glad he's doing well." Setting her tools aside, she closed the panel and walked over the front of her machine. It didn't look like much with a tower on the side and a few steps up to a small platform, but in theory once it starts up there should be a circler white line of power that surrounds the platform. That power line will then move around the person or object in the middle until there molecular structure disassembles from point A to point B.
"Once I correct the formula we will be sending out test objects. After we confirm that they have reassembled safely on the other side, we can start on the return bracelet so that we won't be stuck there."
"Yes, of course, before that happens, you need to go home and rest."
"Why? I'm still not done with my list for the day." Serena heard a sigh before some mechanical arms appeared from the ceiling and pushed her towards the door.
"You've been in here for a week straight, barely eating and sleeping. Not to mention, your cleansing spray that you made to eliminate the need for a shower can NOT replace an actual shower. Go home, Serena, and be sure to rest, eat, and spend some time with Artemis. He doesn't get to go out of the apartment like you do."
"…..Fine, you're right. As usual." Serena grumbled as guilt weighted on her mind about her beloved friend. It really wasn't right that he was stuck in there day after day.
"Of course I am! You made me after all~" Lua laughed as she waved Serena off and set about cleaning the lab. "Now I don't expect you to back before at least 3 days! Any sooner and I'll lock you out for a week if you don't have a good excuse!"
Giggling, Serena gave a fond smile and walked through the security measures and into the hallway. Lua was right, it has been awhile since she last ate something filling and some chicken teriyaki sounded amazing.
"How's is going at your job?" Lita asked as they gathered up in Rei's temple once more. Rei and Minako looked at each other before looking over at Ami's red face. Rei knew all about the bluenette's trouble with her job. She's been so focused on getting into the new girl's lab that she was starting to neglect her own work.
"Oh, just swimmingly, Lita." Ami snapped, "It's just fantastic when some upstart shows up out of nowhere and takes every single thing I've EVER WANTED!"
"Well, no need to bite my head off." Lita shrugged as she took a bite of her sandwich. "Either admit that this person is better than you, or break into her room and steal some of her work."
"THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN TRYING TO DO!" Ami shouted in fury, her red face clashing horribly with her blue hair. "She's made some sort of door that I can't even hack into! Even with my mercury computer!"
"Sounds like we all need to have a 'talk' with this girl." Minako piped in, "We need you to have a high position in that company. If you can't even do this much then we might not even need you in the group."
"Please, if it was anyone we didn't need in the group is was Serena. She was always such a cry baby and a coward that if it wasn't for us and a few lucky moments, the world would have ended by now." Ami spat out in hate. Lita stayed quiet for a few moments before speaking up once more.
"I agree that she was a crybaby, but did we really have to do that to her? I mean, we could have just crippled her, not…."
"I've told you this before, Lita, even if she was crippled, she would still have the Silver Crystal and we need that to establish the new Era." Rei glared at her friend. "This was the only way we could—"
"BUT WE DON'T HAVE THE SILVER CRYSTAL!" Lita yelled as she shot up out of her seat. "IT DISAPPEARED FROM THIS WORLD SAME TIME AS SERENA DID! IT WAS TIED TO HER LIFE! AND WE KILLED HER! We're just a group of murderers."
Silence went around the room. Each girl thinking about that night with varying emotions and all but one couldn't help but feel that it was the right thing to do.
"You know what? I'm tired of this. I'm out." Lita stood up and walked towards the sliding door of the room.
"Lita, even if you walk out of this room and out lives, you'll are still an accomplice to want we did that night." Minako said, her eyes glaring into the back of her once friend." You agreed with us that Serena was no longer fit to be our leader."
"Yes. I did agree." Lita whispered, her eyes glistening with unshed tears." I agreed that she should be replaced, not killed. I didn't know what was happening until Rei gave the finishing blow."
She walked out the door, quietly shutting it behind her, along with everything she wants to keep in the past. Lita knew she had more time to herself, so she went to the one place she knew she could be herself. The place that started this whole fiasco. The place her best friend died because of her error in judgment.