"Urgh! I could shoot myself for not realising it sooner, Asami; what Akihito is looking for is you. It's been all about you from the start!" Laughed Fei Long and it was only him laughing as Asami, Suoh and Nagashima stared at him in shock "It's always been about Asami!" as Fei Long's words began to sink into everyone gathered in the small room Akihito responded.
At first his hand twitched then his eyes opened and as he began to fight the restraints on his wrists and ankles he had once again silent tears flowing softly down his face to drip onto the bed covers beneath his chin. "Go...gone!" Akihito moaned out as though stricken as his voice cracked before he was silenced as his mouth continued to form the words gone and it hurts; his voice no longer worked the sheer stress of his deliria had made him lose his voice.
Nagashima approached slowly and placed his hand upon Akihito who immediately recoiled from the touch and tried to get away, he began to silently scream as though such a simple touch had burnt him. Asami tried to help soothe Akihito but it only made him scared. He tried to fight, tried desperately to break free but all the time his body was held down by the thick restraints. Akihito's thin body could no longer take the pain and he began to breath worse as he started to hyperventilate.
Asami, Fei Long, Suoh, Yoh and Tao could only watch for so long before Nagashima ordered them to vacate the room so that he may stabilise Akihito. They knew instantly though that Akihito would be forced into a drug induced sleep. And every single time they were reduced to doing that to Akihito he had even worse dreams. Mikhail's torture of Akihito had him constantly being harassed by the older Russian. His body told him he was being violated, embrace by the darkness of Mikhail and yet he could do nothing but beg and cry out not to be touched.
Everyone took a seat on the bench opposite the viewing window as Kirishima finally arrived in his hand he held a tattered looking book with different multicoloured post it notes plastered to some of the pages. Asami glanced with tired eyes at Kirishima as he stated "We are no longer looking for the light. Fei Long realised he was looking for me" Kirishima bowed to Asami as he handed the book over and paced to the window. "How is Takaba-san doing?" with such a simple question voiced into the open, Kirishima never got an answer. Tao had looked at everyone and stood to walk to stand beside Kirishima. It was another moment before Tao spoke to him "Akihito is broken. He hates to be touched and the doctors have him tied to the bed for his own safety. He is in so much pain...and it's my entire fault!" cried Tao as he clung desperately to the window ledge to keep himself upright. Seeing the younger boy distressed moved Kirishima.
Gently he brought his hand up to wipe Tao's face as he spoke softly "I don't believe it was your fault Tao-kun. We all know Takaba-san did what he did to protect you from what he went through. He wanted you to be safe; he chose to protect you and Asami-sama. Now it is our turn to take care of him and make sure we see his fire ignited again" smiled Kirishima softly when all of a sudden Suoh clapped his hands together. "Come on Tao-kun, Kirishima we have shopping to do. Let's get some decorations for Takaba-sama's room, we can help cheer him up that way" the massive guard looked extremely odd smiling the way he was, as it had a strange effect of distorting his face and made him look as though he was plotting something with a more ulterior motive.
"Make sure you buy items that don't break so easily, that way when he gets out of the restraints he can't hurt himself or any of us" smirked Asami as Fei Long waved his hand at Yoh and said "Go with them and make sure it is tasteful items they buy." Yoh smiled as he realised that Fei Long wanted to be alone with Asami. Once the motley group had left Fei Long addressed Asami "How long do you think he needs? Akihito was strong but this is a whole other level that we need to help him with." Asami nodded in agreement as he turned and rose to his feet pacing to the window to watch the rise and fall of his young lover's chest as he slept fitfully in his confinement. "I'm not sure how much time it will take and I don't care how much it will cost...I will have him back eventually" Asami said as he placed the palm of his right hand upon the glass window.
Everyone arrived at a local store that did tasteful decorations and house ware goods. Of course, the ordinary shoppers whom watched the dysfunctional group enter were caught openly staring. After all it wasn't everyday that three men dressed in impeccable suits and a small child randomly entered into a store. Kirishima turned to the group "Ok now we are here what shall we buy?" he was instantly assaulted with loud voices all demanding "vases", "photo frames", "camera's", "rugs" and the stranger request of buying a stuffed bear. Kirishima rubbed the bridge of his nose gently to ease the tension as he thought over the requests. "Alright we start from the top of the store and go down to the bottom, and then we return to the hospital" everyone agreed with Kirishima. Looking at the store directory they found out that decorations were on the top floor.
Going up the escalators caused them to gain even more stranger looks, every time Suoh caught someone staring he nearly shouted "What's your fucking problem?" after he began to get fed up with the attention they were rapidly gaining. As they moved around the top floor of the store they had arguments and small discussions about what could be viewed as acceptable, and soon found they had acquired a small cart that Yoh was pushing around soon laden with a couple of intricately decorated vases that could be placed against the back wall of the room away from Akihito's reach, a few photo frames had been thrown into the cart and joining that were some small ornaments and a crystalline lamp. Deciding that they might be slightly pushing the limits to what Nagashima might allow into the room they headed downstairs into the home ware section.
Asami and Fei Long watched as Nagashima left the room and approached with a clip board in hand. "Asami-sama" he acknowledged with a slight bow. Then he glanced around trying to see where the others had disappeared to, and unable to see them; his eyebrows furrowed. Fei Long saw this change and smirked as he lazily drawled "If you are looking for our friends; then you won't find them here. They went out to acquire decorations for Akihito." Upon hearing this Nagashima's frown deepened as he glared at Fei Long. "No...absolutely not. His room cannot have whatever they bring him. Did you not understand when I told you he was a danger to himself and those around him?" Asami slammed his hand down onto the arm of the bench and growled dangerously "I don't care what you say, they are doing this to help Akihito and you will not stop them since I am paying your wage and Akihito's medical expenses. And if you so much as dare to try; you can try to go through me first"
"Well that settles that then" smiled Fei Long before his smile turned into a small grimace as he turned to walk to the window of Akihito's private room and sighing as he leaned against the wall. "How is he?" asked Fei Long with the smallest of glances in Nagashima's direction. Nagashima coughed to clear his throat as he faced Asami "He is stable now but he is plagued nightly by nightmares. A few of the nurses whom have been with him in the rare instances he has been alone or all of you have fallen asleep; have heard him begging not to be touched and calling out no...Mikhail! I think it wise we see about getting him strong counselling." Asami hummed slightly as he thought over Nagashima's words. His golden eyes glowed mischievously as he stated "He might be ok without a counsellor when he is fully awake and under control as he will have me to help him. However what is concerning me is the fact he is stuck in a nightmare of his ordeal." After saying that Asami rose from his seat and joined Fei Long at the window his eyebrows knitting together as he asked a simple question "When will the restraints come off?"
Nagashima sighed as he realised at the back of his mind he seemed to know he would get asked this question for the umpteenth time. "It all depends on Takaba-kun, if he proves stable enough the next time he wakes; I shall try removing the restraints for a few hours or unless he has an episode." He clicked his tongue in slight frustration but was surprised when Asami agreed with him. "That will be fine, at least that way I can see how he responds to me." Nagashima tapped his clip board as he walked to the nurse's station and dropped of some paperwork. He turned and disappeared intending to get himself some refreshments, as he was just about to disappear into a staff room just down the corridor he turned; and saw both Asami and Fei Long returning to the side of his volatile patient.
Once taking back up positions on either side of Akihito, Fei Long glanced to Asami "So what's in that book or haven't you gone through it yet?" Asami smirked as he simply replied back "Curiosity killed the cat Fei, you would do well to remember that." smirked Asami with his trademark devilish smile. "I don't know I haven't tried to read it yet" Asami finally answered and Fei Long glanced to the binding of the diary "It kind of makes me wish not to know what is within, invasion of privacy and all that." Sighed Fei his eyes still glued to the cover of the book. "Since when have you ever cared for anyone's privacy except your own?" Asami asked casually with a raise of his eyebrow, and soon the light banter passing between the two, had them both smiling as Asami discarded the book into an inside pocket of his jacket and placed his jacket and coat onto a coat stand stood near the door.
Meanwhile the group had finally picked out some things from the house wares of the store which included a single lens reflex digital camera and a pale golden coloured fuzzy bear which Tao had picked out. Upon arriving at the check out that started a new argument. Kirishima was adamantly stating "I will pay since I am Asami-sama's secretary and must always care for Asami-sama and any lover which happens to be Takaba-sama!" Whilst Suoh demanded "I don't think so Kirishima. I'm paying since it was my idea in the first place to buy things for the brat's room that might help his recovery!" Yoh argued back saying "Oh no! I am paying as Fei Long put me in charge of making sure we bought suitable items for Akihito"
With three adults arguing and holding up the people behind them in the queue Tao reasoned "Why don't we all pay with loose change?" three pairs of eyes stared at the boy as the shop assistant sat gawping in utter amazement that the group were bickering over not only payment but at what they were about to purchase. However as it would turn out Tao had the least amount of money as he only had several five hundred yen coins whilst Kirishima, Suoh and Yoh had a wedge of ten thousand yen notes either rolled up or seemingly lodged into small leather wallets; that threatened to burst at the seams. The other customers began to get irate but didn't dare say anything for fear of their lives. After they were given the total amount Kirishima, Suoh and Yoh each pulled out a few notes and handed them over together which caused a new dilemma for the poor check out assistant: she had to decide whom to give the change to. Deciding that Kirishima in his kind looking, bespectacled face was calmer and more caring than the others she rapidly handed him the change, receipt and stated "Thank you for your custom and have a nice day"
The group took all the purchased items back to the shops parking lot and packed them away into the boot of the vehicle. Suoh was in the process of driving them all back when Kirishima ordered him to pull over at a dainty looking yet expensive cafe. They waited for half an hour before Kirishima returned with a few carriers. Once he got back into his seat in the front passenger side Kirishima stated he had bought lunch and drinks for everyone to eat back at the hospital. In total their shopping trip took almost four hours before they returned.
Arriving back at Akihito's room they saw both Fei Long and Asami talking softly to the young man tied down, Asami's hand gently stroking the young man's forehead. Entering as quietly as possible so as not to greatly disturb Akihito with their sudden presence they began to unpack the decorations. The lamp was placed on the table unit against the back wall and the frames they had bought which were ornately decorated but were made of what seemed to be silicone got placed on the side units nearest the bed. The vases where placed either side of the crystal lamp and flowers were soon occupying the empty space within. The small ornaments were placed in a line in front of the lamp and vases and the camera was placed in a draw in the unit next to Asami. Tao however held the soft plush bear gently against his chest, trying to decide how to give it to Akihito.
"When we said to get things that don't break we didn't mean the vase or lamps." Smirked Fei Long as he seemed to figure if Akihito managed to get his hands on them he could potentially cause great damage. Asami laughed at Fei Long, his laugh containing a hint of maliciousness "It's all right, if he hits anyone with them it will most likely be the doctor not us" everyone chatted softly and shared out lunch, Asami tried to get Akihito to eat with them, but his young lover just stared blankly at the ceiling. As the day drew on they refused to leave and decided they would stay and, in order to maintain their cleanliness they would shower in the private bathroom attached to the room.
As morning dawned on a new day Asami woke to find Akihito was once again staring blankly but this time he was staring at the window, as though he couldn't really see what was beyond the room. Asami decided to get a shower first and Tao who sat reading a book: still with the golden coloured bear sat in his lap watched as Asami disappeared to use the shower, then watched the older man return twenty minutes later. The strong scent of his cologne filled the room and caused a response from Akihito. Although the mentally wounded young man couldn't speak, his gaze aligned with Asami upon smelling his scent. He could smell the soap Asami had used but the scent he loved more was Asami's cologne; it brought back just the faintest of memories, he had bought that for Asami as a present for his birthday. Asami saw Akihito looking towards him and smiled softly as he took his seat. Before Asami had the chance to speak with Akihito, Tao asked if he could use some of Asami's cologne.
Intrigued by the request Asami agreed and handed the bottle to Tao. His golden eyes watched with interest as Tao removed the cap and began to spray the fragrance all over the stuffed bear in his lap until it had gotten damp from the amount Tao used. He handed the bottle back and Asami smirked gleefully as Tao rose and addressed Akihito "Akihito-kun, here...I got this for you" Tao smiled sweetly at Akihito and it was as Tao stretched out his hands to offer the bear to Akihito six pairs of eyes watched as the younger man drew his gaze to the young boy whom questioned "Akihito-kun?". Akihito studied the young boy and vaguely felt he knew him from somewhere but couldn't place where. His eyes lowered to the shimmering gold bear that was being offered to him; and as he ignored the darkness that threatened to overtake him and plunge him back into deliria once more he caught the strong scent.
The light slowly flowed into the room slightly illuminating the bear and the fragrance of Asami that had been absorbed into its textile surface drew Akihito. Akihito's hand twitched in the restraint and he gasped slightly, knowing he wouldn't get far. Nagashima then stepped forward "Be on your guard" he warned as he slowly released Akihito from the restraints on his wrists but left his feet bound. Akihito felt the freedom of his wrists, freedom from his confinement; even if he could still feel the ones on his feet he didn't mind. Placing his hands down on the surface of the bed he slowly pushed himself up, unaware of the gentle touch of Asami as the older man helped him to become upright. Tao trembled slightly as Akihito dropped his expressionless gaze to him. "Here Akihito-kun, its f...f...for y...you" Tao stuttered as he repeated himself.
Akihito lifted slightly bruised wrists to extend towards Tao, his blank eyes watched as Tao placed the bear lightly into his fingertips. Akihito gently took hold of the bear from Tao and brought it closer into himself. He studied it closely, he could see its colours in the dark world he found himself and it comforted him. The shimmering fur felt light and fluffy and the deep golden eyes seemed to sparkle with life. The deep richly blue velvet bow adorning the bear's neck finished it off with a smart and sleek stylish look. He marvelled at how something so inanimate could appear so alive; whilst he was alive and felt truly dead inside. He had long given up hope of escaping Mikhail, and now the bear he had clutched in his grip brought him great comfort. And most of all he loved how it smelled of Asami.
Everyone gathered watched in morbid fascination as Akihito closed the bear into his grasp and crushed it to his chest, breathing in deeply the scent Tao had put upon the soft fur. Asami smiled as he thought silently "At least if he accepts my scent then he will still accept me. We have a massive chance of bringing him back"
Akihito sat motionless as he cradled the bear against himself, his hands entwining and stroking the furry exterior. He smiled every time the light caught in the golden eyes. It was so far the only true emotion of his former self he had shown. Nagashima watched and jotted down Akihito's behaviour towards the bear and decided he would test out what would happen if it got removed. He had a nurse go out and buy a black bear with blue eyes for a purpose. He asked Tao to do what he had done with his bear to the one Nagashima held. So Tao sprayed the cologne once again, but this time he got stopped after spritzing it once. Nagashima took the second bear and gave it to Akihito, placing it upon his knees. Akihito gave Nagashima the opening he required and placed his golden bear down next to him so he could study the new offending item. He never felt the gold bear get removed but when he decided he really didn't like the black bear, he turned to find his golden bear missing. He tilted slightly over the bed to look upon the floor; this caused Asami to worry as he rose from his position next to Akihito, discarding his file upon the unit.
"What's wrong Akihito, what are you looking for?" asked Asami rather simply only for Akihito to pitch further over the bed to try see under it. When Asami pulled him upright to face him, it was then he saw Akihito mouthing the word "Gold" ever so slightly in sound; his voice still not working fully. Asami stroked his head and soothed him "It's alright Akihito, I will look under the bed for you" he offered however before Asami could complete the task Kirishima was already on his hands and knees, his eyes glaring underneath the bed for any sign of Gold as Akihito called the bear. Akihito's grip on the black bear turned vicious as he clenched it that hard the stuffing seemed to be trying to force the seams to rupture.
"It isn't under the bed Asami-sama" Kirishima stated as his eyes scanned the floor in case the stuffed creature had somehow managed to land in a different place. Nagashima remained in his place against the wall, his hands behind his back. He was watching Akihito's response with vested interest. Silent tears began to track down his cheeks as Akihito glanced about the room blankly. It was then he saw the flash of gold illuminated behind Nagashima by the sunlight in the window just to the doctor's right side. Akihito flew into a rage unlike anything they had ever seen before. The black bear hit Nagashima square in the middle of his head with enough force it caused the older man to stumble. The golden bear came into sight as he raised his hands to steady himself from falling.
Asami's eyes ripped into the doctor as he transfixed murderous golden eyes upon shimmering pale brown eyes that belonged to Nagashima. "Why have you stolen Akihito's bear, Gold" quizzed Asami as he held Akihito pinned against himself, in a desperate bid to stop his young lover from hurting himself. Akihito struggled against Asami finally freeing himself but also at the same time, his hand managed to free Asami's gun from its holster. Akihito lifted the gun and aimed straight for Nagashima whom gasped in fear, not realising the extent Akihito would go to in order to get Gold back. Asami moved around the bed and positioned himself between his anxious lover and the idiot doctor. "Akihito!" he growled out drawing Akihito to raise his dull eyes to look upon Asami. "Drop the gun. I'm here...or will you shoot me too?" asked Asami his voice laced with a deadly menace. Akihito's hand began to shake but he never dropped his aim. Asami slowly paced forward until his legs pressed against the metal frame of the bed.
His golden eyes shimmered in the sudden bright burst of sunlight entering the room and Akihito knew; somehow deep within himself, he knew those eyes and recognised that deep and powerful voice that more often than not brought his body the greatest of pleasures. Memories flashed through his mind of every experience he had with Asami, bursting with such intensity that he knew this man was more than a stranger to him. His arm dropped slightly and his hand released the gun, allowing the heavy metal to collide with the floor. But what shocked everyone more was the fact Akihito had just thrown his arms around Asami and hugged the older man, pulling himself into that warm embrace he had missing so desperately. Silent tears falling with more voracity down his cheeks and his hands clenched the back of Asami's waistcoat refusing to let go. Asami rewarded Akihito by holding him just as tightly, squeezing the very air out of his young lover. He freed one hand and stroked Akihito's head, calming his agitated lover down greatly; pushing him back on the bed before he climbed in next to him and forced Akihito to lay his head upon Asami's broad chest. Akihito listened to the calm drumming of Asami's heart beating within the confines of his ribs and was relaxed further. He heard Asami growl deep within his chest but he didn't mind, he was comforted and felt truly warm like he never had before.
"Return Gold to Akihito know or so help me Nagashima, you will also be a patient here but the difference between you and Akihito will be that you will not leave." Asami didn't need to threaten the frightened doctor; whom had realised his foolish mistake. He had upset two people today and he refused to ever do it again. He hurt Akihito and made Asami want to kill him just by stealing a gold bear for a test. Even though he got more of a reaction than he bargained for he was satisfied. Akihito had responded to Asami and allowed the older man to touch him. It was all he was trying to get from the young man as he paced slowly up and placed the bear down next to Akihito. Asami took the bear into his own hands and held it to Akihito, who placed his arm over the creature and squeezed it lightly against Asami, trapping it between their two bodies.
"I love you" whispered Akihito against Asami's chest, as the beat of his older lover's heart lulled him into the first calm and peaceful sleep he has had since before the nightmare began. Asami stroked Akihito's head and very gently placed his mouth to the side of his head, next to his ear and in turn Asami whispered "I love you too Akihito"; just for Akihito to hear. He smiled the first genuine smile in days as he watched Akihito sink against his own body with a soft sigh and a small smile ghosting his lips under Asami's caresses.
I am so sorry to everyone for the long delay in this chapter and also for how short it is. The original version was longer but I accidentally deleted it. Work has been very hectic as our managers (two of them) have been replaced and people keep quitting making it harder for the rest of us who are left.
I have rewritten this chapter several times and whilst doing so lost inspiration...so I started re-reading the previous chapters and came to a decision – I am going to rewrite my story when I have completed it to make it flow better-my question is how everyone would like to read the edited version. I had a review saying it would be better to have the characters speech as separate lines to the paragraphs. Is that what people would like to see?