"Hey, do you want sugar in your coffee or not?" A blonde man asks. A raven haired man replied, "Shizu-chan, we've been dating for a year and a half now. How could you not know how I like my coffee?" "I'm just checking..." The blonde called Shizu-chan continued on making the coffee. He took out a carton of milk and pour it in a glass. Then, he brings the glass of milk and the mug of coffee to the raven haired man. "Thanks, Shizu-chan... Just a bit more and I finish. Why don't you watch the tv while waiting for me?" "Hmm..Okay.. You better hurry flea, before I smash the computer again..." replied the blonde while walking to the living room. He took the glass of milk and took a sip.

Izaya continue with his work immediately after hearing his lover said that. Shizuo has broken about four computers since they started dating. He pushes the print button and let out a long sigh as his work is completely done. "I finally finished it... I"ll need to give this to Namie tomorrow." He took his coffee and head to the living room and found his lover watching anime. He puts down the mug on the table and lies down his head on Shizuo's lap. "You still watch anime, Shizu-chan?" "Shut it, flea." Shizuo stroked his lover's hair and they silently watch the anime.

"Nee, Shizu-chan... It's too quiet here... Before we started dating, all we do is chasing, wreaking, destroying, yelling... But now, it's too quiet..." Izaya broke the silence. Shizuo replied, "I think I prefer the quiet life... But it is too quiet.. No challenges..." And they continued watching the tv. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. The couple looked at each other with questioned look on their faces. Izaya lifted his head from Shizuo's lap as Shizuo stands up to answer the door. The blonde opened the door and he was frozen. "Uhhh..Izayaa... I think you need to see this..." Izaya leaped off the sofa and walk towards his lover. "What is it, Shizu-ch..." The raven is lost for words when he saw two toddlers and a basket with two sleeping babies. One of the child said, "Mama?" as soon as he saw Izaya. Shizuo asked the children nicely, "Where are your mama and papa?" One of the children points at Shizuo and called out, "Papa!"

"You... Gave... Birth..?" ask the blonde. His lover punched him in the gut and replied, "Of course not, you protozoan... I'm a guy and you know it!" The loud voice woke up the babies in the basket. Izaya panicked and took the basket inside the house. Shizuo carried the two children in on his shoulders. He set down the children on the sofa and help Izaya calm down the crying babies. "Hush... My little baby, don't you cry..." Sang Izaya. Soon, the babies calmed down and continued their slumber.

They went back to the living room with the basket and sat with the other two. Shizuo puts on a calm face and asked the children again, "Who are you?" The child wearing a blue kimono introduced himself, "I'm Tsugaru, the eldest!" The child wearing a fluffy pink coat is next, " I'm Psyche, the second child, and this is Delic, the third, and Hibiya, the fourth!" He said while pointing at the babies in the basket. "And you are papa!" Tsugaru continued as he points to Shizuo. "You are mama!" Said Psyche, pointing at Izaya. "What?.. But we're not..." Izaya denied. Tsugaru and Psyche tears up and and said, "You are not...?" The lovers looked at the pitiful children and was moved by their tears. "Fine then.. I'm your papa..." Shizuo patted Tsugaru's head. Izaya picks up Psyche and said, "I'm your mama, then..." The children smiled and hugged their 'parents'.

The couple gave an awkward smile to each other while taking their 'children' to their bedroom. They put the basket beside the bed and set down the toddlers on the bed. "Papa sleep beside mama!" Cried Tsugaru. Shizuo took the left side and Izaya the right. Then, the kids snuggled inside the blanket and on top of the couple. They whispered,"I love you.. Mama.. Papa..." before soft breathing can be heard. Izaya kissed Shizuo on the cheek and said, "So we're their parents now? I asked for a bit of noise and got myself four kids at once..." "I pretty sure someone left them at our door just now... But now, let's get some sleep..." Shizuo kissed Izaya softly on the lips and dozed off. Izaya smiled a bit and nuzzled into his lovers neck. He hugs Psyche closer to him and fell into a deep sleep.