HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLARA:) sorry this is short...

your birthday: August 11th

pairings that i prefer: [claire x derrick], [massie x josh], [massie x cam], [dylan x chris], [dylan x josh], [harris x skye], [alicia x cam], [kristen x kemp]

prompts (three to four, is suitable): candy floss, double dates, promise rings, & long-distance relationships

Kristen remembers him clearly. She remembers everything.

Carnival lights.

The darkness of night presses into the sky, stars puncturing through the black slate. Surrounding her is the Carnival itself. A merry-go-round with twinkling light bulbs with colorful tints going around the rim of the top and the bottom. Children climb onto their desired horse or carriage and hold on tight for the slowly paced spin. A roller coaster zooms around through its loops and down its hills in the distance, towering above them. He hands her candy floss on a paper cone. Cotton candy was always her favorite. "Thanks Kemp," She smiles and a grin laces across his lips as well. His hands are soft and slightly sweaty in her own palms. Next to her is Claire and her date. They've been going on a lot of double dates lately.


Swirling round and round, twisting around the track until you want to throw up. Theirs is a pale blue with white stripes. Kristen can feel the world spinning around her-no, wait, she's the one turning. Her stomach flops over uneasily as they go faster and faster. Kemp's arm is soon wrapped around her and he holds her close. Air slaps against their skin and twists her hair around in the wind. One breath, closed eyes. Calm down, it's just a ride.


One, two, three, sixteen candles on her cake. They're singing, the people are. Strangers with blurred faces and no way of knowing, let alone caring about her or her birthday. But they do, or they say so. She doesn't trust everyone, but she trusts Kemp and he wanted her to have the best birthday ever. Blow, she blows them all out in one breath. Applause then ensues, but not before she hugs him.

Moving Vans.

Leaving is the hard part. "Kemp, I don't want to go away forever." She frowns, leaning her head against his shoulder. "But my last day here was perfect." There's the smile again. He wraps his arms around her. They know long distance relationships never work, but the vans are here and they can't seem to pull away.

Phone Calls.

"Hey, this is Kemp, leave a message after the beep-" His all-too familiar voice-mail rings from her phone and she sighs, shutting it off instead of leaving a message. Kemp was never one to pick up his phone. Suddenly, she realizes she's living a cliche life; waiting up all day for a boy who lives across the country and she very well may never see again. A boy who's probably out partying with girls while she's sitting in her room on a Friday night all alone.

Polaroid photos.

Memories with the gang are sprawled across the wall. Her gaze reaches all corners with a sort of longing, a longing to go back to those days just months before. She spots one with him, his arm around her and smiles on their faces. The promise ring he gave her is on her finger in the picture and suddenly she feels it go cold around her own. Looking down, she thumbs the ring and slides it off.

The Floater.

She's still moving, changing states and homes every few months. Kristen doesn't bother unpacking anymore. Always a newer, better job. Kemp calls her, tells her that he's going to the same college next year. Imagine the look on her face, as she realizes it.

Because she's Kristen and he's Kemp and their bond isn't broken,

it's simply delayed.