The knock on Izaya Orihara's door was frantic, the sound bouncing off the walls of the spacious apartment. "Coming, coming." Izaya said cheerfully and elegantly strode to open it.
A smirk lined his face when he realized who had come to visit. "Ah,Kida-kun, back already-" He caught the fist that aimed for his face in mid-swing. Kida was panting, eyes blazing with fury and red from obvious crying, streaks of tears still visible on his cheeks.

"Now, now." Izaya chided, "Violence is not good, did you never listen to Simon?" "You – you bastard!" Kida yelled, staring at the black clad figure infront of him, "You – you never picked up the phone! I needed your help and you did not pick it up! Why? Why? I could have helped her, I c-could..." The thin boy started trembling again and made a weak tug on his held wrist which Izaya slowly let loose.

"You see, I was busy at that time." Izaya lied swiftly and turned away from him. He let his signature smirk shine again: "Now, as I see, Saki is in hospital and well, I have clients, so if you could-"

"Listen to me!" Mikado cried, voice breaking with every syllable, "Y-you said you'd help. You didn't. They broke her legs! She can't walk and it's all my fault,'s my fault-" his voice was cut out by a series off sobs breaking through his throat.
Izaya sighed and cast a look back. He truly looked dreadful, hadn't slept or showered for days, as it seemed.

"Go home, kid." he said quietly, "I have clients waiting. And your parents are certainly. Your girlfriend is being taken care off, you have nothing to worry about. So." He turned around and raises his hand in goodbye.

Kida felt as though someone had knocked him in his stomach. Izayawas not helping. Izaya did not even care. The realization flooded through him, sharp like the sting of needles. And it hurt more than he would heave expected I too. He opened his mouth to reply anything, anything to get a good come back at the information broker but he found no words. He turned around, ready to leave when a tall figure blocked his way.

Shizuo Heiwajima.

Kida froze in fear, when the strongest man in Ikebukero glances at him through dark lenses. He wanted to say something, but Shizuo had noticed the tears on his cheeks. Suddenly, a thumb was there, roughly brushing them away and Shizuo inclined his head towards whereIzaya stood, smiling grimly at Kida. Before the younger one could reply anything, Shizuo had already taken a step into the apartment.

There was no answer. Izaya frowned, did not turn around just yet. Had the kid left without making any noise? Was he made out of thin air? Then he heard a footstep behind him, but it was far too heavy to be Kida's. "Izaya-kuun." a growl slowly reverberated around him and Izaya could not suppress his grin. "Ah, Shizuo-kun, so nice of you to visit me-" He was caught off guard when he felt a grip on his arm.

Someone yanked him around and Izaya Orihara found himself face to face with he death glare of Shizuo Heiwajima.


"What is THIS?" Shizuo yelled at him while tightening his grip, pointing back at Kida, who was still standing next to the entrance door, "How dare you not clean up after the mess you made Izaya!"

"Which mess?" Izaya cocked his head, "I can't remember-" "Of course you remember!" Shizuo's holler drowned his words, "You remember how you set up your little plan for some nice gang rivalry and how when it got ouf hand, you just stood by and watched it! And now that kid- that kid is suffering because a teenage girl- the one that used to adore you so-" Izaya saw Kida-kun twitch at the mention of Saki's Izaya-complex, the only thing he had learned that had truly bothered the teenager, "had her legs broken-" Shizuo shook Izaya roughly to stress his words, "Because that damn flea could not control himself!"

"But- Shizu-chan." Izaya panted slightly, the shake had made him a little dizzy. He took a step backwards and found himself back to back with the wall, "You know how much I love my human experiments, right?" The malicious glint in his eyes reflected inShizuo's lenses and he growled: "You damn flea! Don't you realize what you have caused! Don't you ever feel any regret?"

There was a moment of silence in which Izaya actually thought about Shizuo's question. Did he? Had he ever felt regret? Was he feeling it now? There was a soft sobbing coming from the entrance door and both men glanced back for a split second to see that KidaMasaomi had let his self-control slip for another moment. The glare lit up in Shizuo's eyes again, fiercer than before, "Look what you have done!" he snapped. Izaya mentally rolled his eyes, the situation was getting out of hand.

"Fine, I admit, it was not as well calculated this time, alright, Shizu-chan? Now let me go, I have work to do!" He tried to pry himself free but was slammed against the wall even harder in response, His back ached from the collision. "Your fucking work can wait!" Shizuo spat at him, "You fucking piece of filth, you will not go around any longer ruining others lives-" "Shizu-chan!" Izaya said, sounding mock-impatience to overplay his uncomfortableness at being confronted like this, "As I said, it was not the best idea, but I really need-"

"You don't need anything!" the bodyguard yelled, tightening his grip until Izaya felt bruises starting to form, "You will wish that you'd never set a foot inside Ikebukuro again, I will beat the living shit out of you-"

"Stop it!" a voice cried out.

Shizuo's expression shifted from anger to concern within seconds and he looked behind himself to see Kida Masaomi taking a tentative step towards them, raising his hands, "Please, stop it!" Kida said, beginning to sob again, "Stop fighting! It d-does not help Saki...her legs are still broken..and..I c-can't do anything...I can't go home either..b-because..b-because...m-mum and d-dad are also...f-fighting...always f-fighting...stop fighting..." his voice cracked further "I want to stop the fighting..they are always yelling and fighting and scares me..they d-don't ever stop's..and...they don't cares about Saki and..I-I did everythign wrong b-but ...they d-don't listen...they d-don't hear w-what I say...b-because they are y-yelling so l-loud..."

The sobs became heavier and Kida broke, lowering his head, turning away from the pair.

"Shit." Shizuo muttered and even though Izaya did not feel the shock the bodyguard's eyes reflected , it was almost as though a shard of guilt had embedded itself within him. "Yes." he said glanced at him and let him go as though he had burned himself. Izaya then expected him to exit the apartment as quickly as possible and leave him to deal with an upset Masaomi, something he was not looking forward too.

Instead, he saw the bodyguard walks towards Kida, laying an arm around the teenagers shoulder before pulling him into a rough embrace. Kida's eyes opened at the touch and widened in fear, but he did not object and tentaively leaned his face against Shizu's broad chest. "Hush." Shizuo said quietly, his voice a low baritone, "Izaya and me are not fighting, are we, Izaya?"

Over Kida's head he shot a glare at the informant and inclined his head in an unspoken message. Izaya nodded and flashed a fake smile, "No, no Kida. We are not fighting. Don't worry Shizu-chanmight have come across a little loud, but really,we were just-" he broke off, glancing at Shizuo for help. "Just discussing." Shizuo carried on, awkwardly patting Kida's back, "That's what adults do, ne? Discussing is important so everyone can get his opinion across."

"But not fighting." Kida mumbled, burrying his face a little more inShizuo's chest. He found the warmth the strongest and ironically scariest man in Ikebukuro emitted oddly comforting. "No, not fighting." Shizuo reassured him, "No-one is fighting. take a shower and lie down for a while? You're upset, you should get some rest. Right?"