Chapter 5- Do You Know?

Something was wrong, Lucy had decided. And this time it wasn't about Lisanna.

No, it was about mainly all the popular girls, not including herself. Juvia, Erza, Lisanna and Levy all seemed to be on edge lately; kind of angry, sad, pissed, regretful and Lucy just couldn't find out why.

It has been around a week since Levy and Jet broke up, so it wouldn't be about that. It wouldn't be about Lisanna's sister either, because they all seemed angry.

"What's up with all the girls?" Lucy asked Jellal in math, her words a quiet whisper so the teacher wouldn't snap at her for being disrespectful.

Jellal shrugged. "I don't know, ask Gajeel." He said without taking his eyes from the whiteboard.

"Gajeel!" She called out and jogged through the hallway, not noticing how people of a lower status moved out the way for her.

"What?" He called out but continued walking with long strides.

"I- God dammit Gajeel!" She hissed and sprinted until she was beside him, huffing and puffing out long breaths. Gajeel cackled at her sad state and Lucy glared at him through blonde strands of hair that now hung in front of her eyes.

"What do you want bunny girl?"

"I wanna know what's happening between all the girls." She said and straightened her posture.

Gajeel scoffed and looked down at her. "How the hell do you expect me to know that? Ask Gray, Juvia tells him everything whether or not he's listening. If anyone would know it's him." He said and suddenly took a turn down a pathway to his next class.

"Uh, thanks." Lucy said and looked at retreating figure.

"You okay Lucy? You look kinda wierd just standing there."

"Oh Gray!" She squealed, shocking said boy and making him take a step back.

"Do you know what's happening between the girls lately?"

Unlike Jellal and Gajeel, Gray actually took a moment to think about it before opening his mouth to speak. "No, sorry. Loke or Natsu might, they usually know everything that happens with them."

"Oh okay, thanks anyway." Lucy said and waved with a cute smile before turning away to walk to her designated class.

"Hey Loke~" Lucy purred and sat beside the ginger.

Loke immediately stopped whatever he had been doing and turned his body to face Lucy, resting his arm on the back of the chair and winking at the girl. "Ah, Lucy, what could I possibly do for you?"

"Well I really wanna know what's happening between Juvia, Erza, Levy and Lisanna, because they seem to not be friends at the moment." She said and put on a pout.

"Don't know that, no one does really, seems to be just some inside war between the four of them. But I think Natsu might know;Lisanna always tells him everything about everything."

"Okay, thanks Loke."

Loke flashed a charming smile. "Do I get a kiss for helping you?"

Lucy giggled and planted a quick peck on his lips before pulling away.

Loke cheered. "Good enough!"

"Naaaatsuuuu~!" Lucy shouted and dragged out the pinkette's name after class.

Natsu glanced behind him before stopping with a sigh. "What Lucy? I'm really thirsty and I wanna get a drink from Jellal before Gajeel or someone drinks it all."

"I wanna know what's happening between the girls."

Natsu eyed her for a second then shook his head. "Sorry, I can't tell."

"What!? Why noooot!? Do you realise how many times I've asked this question!?"

Natsu cracked a smile, finding how desperate she was for the answer slightly amusing. "I just can't, Lisanna told me not to tell anyone. You mainly."

Lucy gasped. "Is it about me!?"

Natsu shrugged.

"It is isn't it!?"

"It might. But it might not."

"What? Natsu just tell meee! I need to know things!"

"Just go ask them if you really wanna know."

"It doesn't work that way Natsu!"

Natsu raised an eyebrow before beginning to walk away. "Oh well, guess you'll never know then."

The blonde huffed and stomped her foot on the ground. "This is so not fair!"

"Life isn't fair, Lucy!" Natsu shouted back, not bothering to look back at his not so secret admirer.

Said girl scoffed and crossed her arms over her large chest. "Life isn't fair Lucy." She mimicked.

"I heard that!"

"I don't wanna do this anymore~" Lucy grunted.

"I don't think anyone does." Levy pointed out.

"Gray, carry me."

"No way." The teen-boy snorted and looked back at her. "And by the way, you look like a total train wreck."

At his words Lucy almost tripped over her two feet, panicking that she was looking below beautiful. "This is why I hate P.E!"

"One more lap!" The teacher shouted and a major of the class groaned.

"But you said that was the last lap!" Gajeel barked.

"Don't talk back to your teacher!"

Lucy silently snickered before turning back to Levy. "So, back to what we were talking about before, what's going on with you and Lisanna and Erza and everyone else?"

Levy looked at the blonde warily. "We were talking about that?"

"Yeah," Lucy nodded, "So what happened?"

Levy shrugged, "I don't know, I don't really have a part in it. Basically all I know is that I think Lisanna and Erza got into a big fight, then Juvia joined in with Erza, and I'm kinda hanging in between but I don't really think Lisanna's likes me for not siding with her straight away."

"Really? What are they fighting about?"

She shrugged again. "I don't know that. I think it was something to do with you or Natsu."

"Would it be a good thing for me or bad?"

"I don't know what exactly they were fighting about, I'm just pretty sure that either you or Natsu have a part in it. Try asking Erza or Juvia for more details."

"Okay, thanks."

"You should run more often Lucy," Loke commented, suddenly appearing beside the two girls.

"What? Why? Do you think I need to lose weight!?" Lucy squealed, a look of horror taking over.

"Uh, Lucy," Levy stammered, "I think their saying that because of your chest."

"What!? Perverts!"

"Where's Natsu? Don't we have P.E. with him?"

"I'm behind you, douche." Natsu growled, glaring at Gajeel.

"Why are you behind us?" Lucy raised an eyebrow.

He shrugged, "No reason."

"You were staring at my ass weren't you?"

"You wish."

"Awe you're so adorable when you're annoyed Natsu~ I wonder what you'd look like when we're having sex?"

"Lucy!" Levy gasped and Natsu almost tripped over his feet.

"I'm kidding! I'm kidding!" Lucy laughed loudly with Loke and Gajeel snickering in the background.