That Blonde Bitch

Chapter 1- Shut Up

"I love you"

"I know."

"Do you love me?"


"But everyone else does."

"I know."

"So why don't you?"

"You bore me. I don't find you completely attractive. The way you undo your shirt buttons to show that much cleavage and shorten your skirt annoys me. That stupid side pony tail looks weird. You're too full of yourself. You-"

"Okay, okay! I get it."

"And you're a bitch."


"Miss Heartfillia, is there something you'd like to share with the class?"

"No, sorry sir."

"Good, now pay attention."

"You asked." Natsu hummed.

The blonde huffed in annoyance and a cute pout graced her lips. She ignored the looks other students gave her and kept her attention solely on the Pinkette beside her.

"Why won't you just give me a chance, Natsu?"

"Why won't you just leave me alone, Lucy?"

"But Nats-"

"Heartfillia, last warning."

Lucy sighed and turned to look at the teacher. "Yes sir."

"Idiot." Natsu muttered under his breath.


He glanced over to the blonde and sent a glare her way, the girl poking her tongue out in response.

"Dude, something's seriously wrong with you; The sexiest and most popular girl is apparently head over heels for you, and you don't accept her feelings!? Any sane guy would date her in a heartbeat!" Loke whined, changing from staring longingly at the blonde to glaring at Natsu.

Natsu turned to his left to look at the playboy. It'd make sense that he'd say something; he's been trying to get a date with the blonde for years now.

"Then I guess I'm not sane." Natsu shrugged and returned his attention back to the white-board.

"Natsu." A voice whispered.

Said boy groaned at the sound of her voice. Why couldn't she just forget about him?

Deciding not to bother with whatever she had to tell him, he continued to listen to the teacher.

Until a flying paper ball hit his head.

He snapped his head to look at the blonde, eyebrows narrowing in irritation. "What?!" He hissed, keeping his voice low.

She said no words and only looked down at the scrunched up paper before looking back up to his own coal black eyes.

He eyed her for a few moments until picking up the paper and smoothing it out.

'I love you

-Lucy H'

Written beside her name was a small love heart and smiley face.


He looked back up at her with his jaw clenched tightly. She smiled sweetly in attempt to get the boy to smile back.

Natsu suddenly scrunched up the paper again, turned around, and placed it on the Max's desk. Her smile quickly turned into a frown.

"For you." He whispered and turned back around, flashing Lucy a quick cocky smile.

"Bastard" She growled out.



"Heartfillia! Out side, now! Take your work with you!"

Lucy groaned and stood, picking up a pen, sheet of paper and book.

She eventually began to slowly and effortlessly make her way through the desk, sending Natsu a glare at the sound of his laughing.

Natsu shook his head and looked over to the now empty desk beside him.

She was such an idiot.

Getting a sudden vibration in his pocket, Natsu slowly took out his phone and quickly made sure the teacher wouldn't notice then looked down at the bright screen.

He quickly went into his messages and read the text 'I love you' from 'That Blonde Bitch'.

How'd she even get his number?

He looked over to the windows that lead to the hallway, seeing Lucy smiling back at him, mouthing the words 'I love you'.

That was sure to make a boy who accidentally saw it blush.

'I don't.' He mouthed back with a smirk.

Her mouth was set in a firm line as she raised her middle finger without any hesitation what so ever.

Natsu's smirk widened and he quickly returned the gesture.

"Dragneel! Outside, now! Take your work!"

"Wha- But!"


The boy swore under his breath and gathered his things before leaving the class room.

"Hello sexy. Come to see me?"

"Shut up."

"I will if you kiss me"

"In your dreams."

"That's completely true actually"

"Fucking hell..."

So do you like the new twist? I've never actually seen a story with this sort of theme, I'm actually starting to stop reading one of my favourite authors stories because its always a story about Natsu trying to get Lucy when she doesn't think he's all that.

So let's spice things up a little?

Thanks for reading!

Other chapters will be a lot longer than this! :-)

Follow/Favourite/Review and I will love you forever!