
I know you hate me...I know... Am I still awesome? Hell's yeah!

Again, you find those mistakes, you have to forgive me! I'm horrible at English! Even if it's my first language. I'm not gonna lie like some people I know, as in face-to-face know. English is my first language, and I suck at it! I'm not proud at sucking (hehehe) just that I don't Lie.

Disclaimer:God Dammit! No! I don't own this! Wait... I own the story. Not the Hetalian story, but you know, this story.

~When The Sexy Couple Lands!~

"Lovi! How was our first date!" then I looked at his still blushing face. "Was it your first?"

"No! I have had Tons of dates!" I stared at him, who instantly looked down. "I have!"

"Then why are you always single?"

"I didn't like the girls, at all."

Both our tummies grumbled.

"Why don't we go to a restaurant!"

"Whatever bastard..."

Lovino POV

And, not that it surprised me, the restaurant was beautiful. I mean, it's Italian. When we walked in, we were greeted by a waiter, to be sat in the corner.

It was a reservation.

He knew that I would want Italian.

I guess this guy might not be so dumb after all.

A cute blonde waitress came over to greet us. She had Blonde hair, blue eyes, and - wait. Isn't she one of Germany's Girls?! "Hello, I'll be your waitress today. Here are your menus."She passed out bright green, white, and red colored menus.

"Before I go, would you like anything to drink?"

"What? Oh, I'm sorry, I was staring at your beautiful face. I can't help it, especially if I see an exceptionally good looking girl like you." I said, throwing a wink her way.

I was taught to please women. And that's what I do.

"Okay, I'll repeat, would you like anything to drink?" She said, a small blush coming into color.

"Actually I would, How about your finest wine."

She nodded, turning to Antonio

"And you sir.?"

"What I'll have? Hmmm...maybe I can take you? He said with a smirk. But not like the one he gave me, a fake. Which may have made me feel special.

"I don't think I'm for sale." she said giggling.

"hmmm...then I'll have what he's having."


"I see you like to flirt." I heard him say

"As do you." I said, while winking to a waitress walking past.

"Well, tell me something." Then I thought 'Me and this guy don't know anything about each other, but we're room mates. Except that I suck at math. That counts, right?

"Well, you've met my brothers, right?" with that he nodded "and well you can obviously see the difference, right?"

"But while Feliciano puts up quite the smile, you never do know if it's genuine. But to get your smile, it's totally different." He said, and as of he were deep in thought (HA HA! Yeah, okay)

But my face didn't redden. Not at all...okay maybe a bit...okay fine, my face may have reddened a lot.

"Aww, Lovi, you look just like a tomato!" I knew it was coming.

"Don't call me a tomato! And since we're on the topic, don't fucking call me Lovi! I have a name and it's not that! It's fucking LOVI-"
"have you two sirs decided on what you'll have?" The Lady's cute and all, but that does not give her the permission to cut me off from a fucking important sentence!
"yes, I'll have pizza, " tomatoes...tomatoes sound good right now. "with tomatoes." I'm gonna keep my cool.

"Well, pretty lady, I think I'll have...tomatoes!"

"Tomatoes? That's all?"

"Yup! That's all I want!"

After the waitress left, we pretty much just sat there waiting for something to happen.

"You're Italian, tell me something."

"Well, I'm Italian, what do you want to know?" God, did i just put a freaking purr in my voice?!

"What are you good at?"

"multiple things; cooking, painting, all those things. But not as good as Feliciano."

"But I like your things much better than Feliciano's." Of course he'd say that. He's Antonio, for crying out loud, he has to make other feel good about themselves!

"Well, that's because you haven't gotten to know Feli! Once you get to know him, you'll fall for that smile too!"

"No I wouldn't. Why don't I get to know Feli, that way, I could see who I like better." then He leaned into my private bubble, which is small enough (my private bubble, people! Nothing else on me is small), whispering, "but I bet you, that I'll still like you and your curl much better." as he mentioned my curl, I'm not even gonna try and hide it, my face burned. And I'm sure that I looked like one of the Loony-toons characters. You know when they drink some Extra-Extra Hot Pepper Sauce or some shit like that. I felt my face get hotter and hotter until I literally heard that 'DING-DING-DING' sound that always meant I've reached the limit.

The damn Private-Bubble burst-er leaned back, clearly satisfied with my little Loony-Toon moment.

"I'm not gonna take the bet..."

I say things so that if those 'you never said that! ' Arguments come up, I can say 'I did say that! You just didn't hear me!' But when something is considered embarrassing, I'll whisper it. But I can still say I said it, right? But whenever I'm with this Bastard, he hears EVERYTHING! Fuck, I think- no, scratch that, I Fucking know that he heard me whilst I was dreaming 'THAT' dream.

So of course he's gonna hear what I said. Damn his Super-hearing skills!

"Aww, Lovi thinks I'm gonna leave him!" after he said that, there was a silence, for only 2 second, and noticeable. Then everyone started to talk again. '' I would never leave you for your brother, okay?''

Of course I was more than happy, I mean I may not have been able to show it but, hey! I was Happy, alright.

After the food, which he really only ate tomatoes, the pretty rude blonde lady came back with the bill. As I finish signing my name, the lady gasped.

"You-you're Lovino Romano Vargas?!" She stopped to take a breath ", Southern Italian?!"

"Yes, I am..." I mean it's embarrassing when people are like that, as if i'm something big.

"Then this must be-" Antonio cut her off, finishing the sentence off for her.

"Yup, that right! I'm Antonio España Carriedo Fernandez!"

She stood there dumb founded. her mouth shaped like a small o, and I swear (I think I do that enough though) i heard a small 'woaahhh' coming form her.

"Um... before you leave, c-could you s-sign my Dress?" I thought about it, Then thought why the hell not?

so literally, this girl took out a sharpie from space, around her crotch area.

"Ugh...where?" I asked, unsure.

She pointed across her chest, right above her breast "Right here!''

Spain stood there as I signed my name along with my country. As she saw that I was finishing she yelled over to Antonio, saying how he's next and to write on her stomach.

I ignored him as he signed her dress, so when I turned around to see how her dress looked now with two countries on it, my jaw hit the floor

this ass-hole wrote his fucking long ass name along with 'Are in Love.'

Lovino Romano Vargas


Antonio España Fernandez

Are In Love!

The Woman musta saw me, because that's when she looked down on her stomach.

A smile and giggle from the blonde lady and that fucking tomato bastard.

and Guess what I did.

I stomped outside, ignore all grins coming my way.

And I did it like a fucking boss! Not like some love-sick puppy dog or worst; an embarrassed Lovino Vargas. No I walked out there like a boss.




ahh, screw it! I didn't walk out there like a boss. I ran, my face being cover by my freaking shirt...and I saw every small smirk.

Me and Lovino Vargas are in love, everybody! That's what I heard him scream, or wait...was that a freaking microphone!?
I'm gonna die, today, aren't I?

Romano found me...He started hitting me on my head, with a FUCKING TEXTBOOK! It's was large as hell! It hurt more than Hungary's pan! Fuck! That means something these days...

Anyway, before anything major happened, Antonio 'Tamed' the beast...and me being a spamano fan and shit, I thought it was freaking hot. I'm mean really hot.

Anyway! I hope to see you in the next chapter!

Goo bye!

Canada: Yes, I just invaded Gilbert's story, but I come to ask you, for Gilbert, to review. That way when he see the reviews he'll be happy!

So review! I wouldn't wanna get Manada on you!