A/N: This is my fist story so i hope you like it :)

Authors Note From 2018: So I honestly forgot about this story and now I am proof reading this to remind myself of the plot (and because I am a typo queen and that's embarrassing). I may continue with this. I am a busy college student so I can't commit to anything but I thought I should give an explanation as to why this is being updated now.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own any of the characters, Stephanie Meyers does, I'm just using them and my own *insert rainbow here* imagination.

I woke up and I was immediately hit with the all too familiar wave of nausea. I'd been waking up sick for a couple days, but today was worse, I felt as if I'd been on a plane that went through a tornado. I sat up and fought back the vomit as I cursed this body for its sickness.

I turned my head as I heard Ian stir in our bed.

"Everything okay?" he asked concern filling his blue eyes.

"Yeah" I replied shortly not wanting to worry him.

"Wanda, love, you were never a good liar." He said pulling me into him.

"I just feel a little sick. I'll be fine though and there's work to be done." I tried to smile at how well he knows me as I got out of bed ignoring the churning in my stomach.

"Wanda, stop trying to do everything. Come on if you feel sick we can go see Doc" He pulled me into his arms and began to carry me to Doc's.

"I can walk you know" I murmured but made no effort to push him away, loving the feel of his muscles holding me. I tucked my head into his neck and allowed myself this comfort.

When we finally reached the hospital Doc's eyes flicked up to us from his paper work and he asked us what was wrong. Ian gently placed me down on the table and told Doc that I've been feeling sick.

"What do you mean by sick?" Doc questions.

"Nausea" I replied plainly.

Doc opened his mouths to say something, but just as he was about to speak Jeb came to the door and asked why we were visiting Doc.

"Wanda's sick." Ian supplied rubbing my back.

"Well you aint and there's work to be done. Come on, Doc can take good care of her" Jeb said turning and walking out without leaving room for discussion.

Ian pressed a light kiss to my check and whispered for me to get better before following Jeb out to work. I felt heat rush to my checks at this, I've been in this body for almost 2 years, and I still blush at every little thing. Ian and I had certainly been more intimate than this, but my face turned pink making me feel like a silly teenager.

I watch them go away before I turn back to Doc and he begins his exam.


I walked out of the room with a sinking feeling in my stomach. I couldn't believe what I just heard. I sat against the wall of the cave for a little while and thought about what I had just been told.

I wandered through the caves aimlessly knowing I needed to talk to Mel but I was in no rush worrying about the impending conversation. Finally I made my way to her room where she was sitting down fixing her old clothes on her day off. Mel looked up at me and smiled but it soon faded as she saw my face.

"Why are you crying?" She asked, her eyes full of concern. "Did you and Ian get in a fight? I warned him what would happen if he ever hurt you."

"No, its not like that" I said, "Ian is wonderful!"

"Tell me what wrong than!" She said as put her arm around me when I moved to sit down next to her.

"I just don't know what to do!" I sighed laying my head down on her shoulder.

"I can't help if you don't tell me what's wrong." Mel coaxed as she stroked my head.

"Okay," I said trying to get myself together, "I haven't been feeling well and so I went to Docs earlier and I told him about it and he asked all these questions and I can't believe I didn't notice. I can't believe I didn't even know!" I try to talk but my body is taken over by tears as the events of the day caught up with me and the words fell out in a breathy rush.

"Shh, it's okay. What didn't you notice?" She asked softly.

"I'm pregnant," I whispered "about 2 and a half months."

"Does Ian know?" Mel asked gently but I could hear the surprise in her voice.

"No!" I sighed. "We've talked about this and we both said we didn't want kids now. This isn't exactly a place for kids! What if something happens and our kid is taken?" I said my head filling with thousands of ways this could end poorly.

"It's okay, don't worry it'll be fine. Nothing will happen to the baby." Mel promised squeezing me into her protectively.

"What if something does happen?!" I sobbed, "What if I'm not a good mom?!" I whispered.

"Wanda, I have never met anyone in the world who would be a better mom than you!" Mel assured me.

"How will I tell Ian?" I asked slowly beginning to calm down.

"Just tell him calmly," Mel replies, "I'm sure he will understand."

"What if he doesn't? What if he doesn't want it?" I said shuddering at the thought of losing Ian.

"Ian is one of the toughest men I've ever met, but when he's around you he's one big mush ball. I'm sure that even though you didn't plan for it, he will love your baby just like he love you." Mel spoke with such confidence that I felt some of my doubts leave.

"When should I tell Ian?"

"Now." Mel said standing up.

"No he probably working, I don't want to bug him…."

"He's probably at lunch by now you can pull him aside there."

"Ohh, no, I don't want everyone to see me like this!" I gesture to my tear soaked face. "Plus I don't even know what I would say to him."

"I'll go get him you stay back and think. I know I sound pushy, and I'm sorry, but Wanda it's his baby too. He has a right to know."

"I know" I sigh as I stand up and wipe my face.

"I'll bring him here. Okay?" I gave her what was supposed to be a confident nod and she shot me one last comforting look before heading out of the room.

I was left alone in the room to pace and think about how I was going to tell Ian. I walked back and forth trying to find just the right words to say but in my head every scenario ended with him angry at me. I just can't lose Ian, I love him and the thought of him leaving sent a wave of fear through my chest.

"Wanda, love, what's wrong?" I heard Ian's voice and it snapped me out of my thoughts. He walked over to me and pulled me into a hug and I felt the warmth of those familiar arms around me. "What is it? You can tell me anything." He soothed and gently pulled my chin up so I look into his kind blue eyes.

"I'm pregnant." I choked out the words as fast as I could and looked down not wanting to meet his eyes.

"What?" He asked dumbfounded.

"I'm going to have a baby." I said feeling a little more confidant.

"Are, you sure?" He asked breathlessly, sitting down on the bed next to us.

"Yes, positive."

"How long have you known?" He asked seeming to regain some composure.

"I just found out this morning when you took me to Doc's." I answered, "I know this isn't what we planed, and I know that this is not a world you should bring babies into, but this is my baby. Even though I am soo scared of what might happen, I'm going to have it!" I rushed out feeling my confidence grow with each word.

"Wanda," Ian said finally standing up and my heart stopped, "It's our baby, this may not be who we thought things would shake out, but I love you, and I will love our child." He places his hand gently on my stomach, and wraps me in a hug. "You're my Wanderer and this, is our baby."

"What are we going to do?" I whispered into his chest.

"I have no clue." Ian said and kissed my head, "But it's going to be okay. It will all be all right" He pressed a soft kiss on my lips that warmed my heart and chased away all of my doubts and, in that moment, I believed that it all would really be all right.

A/N: Hope you liked it and now that it doesn't constantly shift tenses I hope you like it even more. I would really appreciate feedback on this, thanks for reading and double thanks if comment!