's 2 am in the morning. Mind you I'm on punishment still. And parental controls are worse then ever What's the big deal of getting a 'd' in computers. It's obvious that I can use one. Any how last chapter and I'm gonna cut it short due to lack of sleep you understand.
Ami walked over to Endyimon and popped a senzu bean in his mouth, she then walked over to Bulma and did the same. As soon as Endyimon could stand he dipped Ami into A deep kiss then turned to Bulma and licked at her lips. . He walked over toward Serena's and Vegeta's icy prison.

"Forgot about her didn't you moony. Well you always was a bit of a flake" He pretended to think before a wide smile spread across his face. " I think I'll drop you two out the window and watch as your body get smashed into a thousand pieces." Serena began to panic, for some reason a thousand pieces of Moon Princess pop was NOT the least bit comforting. Vegeta sensing her distress powered up trying to melt the ice.

"Try as you might Little Man, but your ki has nothing on my chi." Ami said laughing.

"MARS FLAMED SNIPER" Two fire arrows hit Serena and Vegeta's ice cells melting the crystal and freeing them. Rei ran up to Ami and put and arrow to her head. "Move and I'll burn you alive" she said coldly. Endyimon and Bulma made a run for it but for some reason beyond Serena's knowledge they ran smack into an inviso-wall

"There all your Aunt Bunny" Hotaru called. With a large jerk Serena felt as though she was falling but her feet was still on the ground. She glances outside and saw Haruka and Michiru smiling at her.

"Now you don't have to worry about falling out Bunny-hime" Haruka said smiling. Rini ran through the inviso-wall.

"Mama we went and got help. Trunks, Gohan, Goku and Gohan are taking out the last of the guards" Mina had also walked the wall and was now tying and gagging Ami. Ami moved quickly and hollered like a manic so..Mina shoved the apple that gagged her even further down her throat.

"Shut up hoe!" She looked over toward Serena and Vegeta. "It's a go Meatball head" She gave them a thumbs up. Serena and Vegeta exchanged puzzled looks.

"If it ani't broke don't fix it" Serena said finally grinning nervously. Rini ran up to Endyimon and tugged at his pants leg.

"Psst.I've got a secret to tell you..come on bend down." The idiot obeyed. "PINK SUGER HEART ATTACK" thousands of pink hearts came shooting out at Bulma's and Endyimon's legs.

"The kid has spunk" Vegeta said in an approving voice.

"Take that, and that, and that" Rini said switching positions every time. Endyimon finally got made at the hearts and just as thunder clashed outside he smacked the Mini Princess. Serena's jaw dropped. The wind howled as Vegeta powered up. Rain started to pour as Serena reached for the Encircled Ring Wand. She quickly transformed into her 'fighting gown' (A/N: you know her moon princess gown.pity it's gonna get dirty) She ran over and checked on Rini, the poor thing's face was swollen and was unconscious. She met eyes with and equally anger Vegeta right across from her. They both turned and Gave Bulma and Endyimon a look that could freeze Hell's flames. They walked slowly but strongly toward the couple with the hate dancing in their eyes. Vegeta didn't even have his trademark smirk on. Serena aimed her wand in front of her. Where as Bulma was preparing a ki blast of her own. The wind from Vegeta powering up blew Serena's gown. Vegeta place five ki bombs on each of his fingers (a/n: that's 25 people)

"That was MY daughter" Vegeta said barely speaking

"My Candybaby" Serena said. Bulma's ki blast was now massive and she finally launched it at the two. With a little effort Serena managed to push it back behind them. Vegeta let his bombs fly all over the floor. Serena's ki blast came pouring out of her wand directly at Bulma and Endyimon. Bulma red ki blast was soon joined by Endyimon's black and slowly the two merged into one Hellbomber.(a/n: nice name eh?)

A little help Veg-head Vegeta moved his index finger positioning the bombs behind Bulma and Endy. He then walked toward Serena m and merged his Big bang with her attack. Rei and Mina turned to watch the fight. Hotaru stood just beyond the wall eyes fixed on the four. Rini began to stir and finally wake up. Haruka, Michiru, Gohan, Goku, Goten, Lita, and Trunks al sat in the window staring. The Trunks opened his mouth.

"Go Mom and Dad!!!" he yelled shattering the silence.

"yeah go Serena and Vegeta!!!" Goten cheered.

" Aunt Bunny!!!.Uncle Vegeta!!!" Hotaru called. Pretty soon everyone was cheering them on and booing Bulma and Endy. Goku even added King and Queen to his. For the first time ever Serena's friend was all there cheering her on while they was alive. This gave Serena a new determination to keep them alive. With a explosion new found energy Vegeta and Serena pushed back the Hellbomber and engulfed Bulma and Endy's body thus destroying them.

There was a moment of silence then a incredibly loud cheer. Serena looked around and then at her mate. He was bloody, sweaty and stinky (a/n" wouldn't you be a little musty after all of that) but she still jumped up in his arms and hugged him tightly. Hotaru started jumping up and down, she reached for Gohan and pulled him info a hard kiss. Gohan got up staggering while Haruka and Michiru gave him a death stare. Goku was actually tossing Rei high in the air and catching her and Mina was having a ball nearly strangling Ami: who looked as though she was in for the biggest spanking of her life. Rini, trunks and Goten were booty bumping occasionally sending Rini flying into a wall. Lita Artimes and Luna was dancing all around in a circle. Serena looked back to her mate and kissed the life out the man.

"WE DID IT!!!!!" She yelled. Everyone cheered. Finally a little order could finally be restored. Trunks ran up to Serena and tugged at her already tattered dress tear a piece off. He quickly hid it behind him and looked up at with a huge grin.

"Does this make you my mom now?" That one took Serena by surprise and she frankly didn't know how to answer it. Luckily Vegeta knew what to say.

"yes" He said simply.


They returned to the DBZ universe to collect the dragonballs. Serena was determined to set everything right in both places. She had asked the Dragon to return everything exactly how it was 2 months ago in both dimensions. And that was just one wish. Everyone was now racking their brain trying to figure out what to wish for next. Ami was still tied up and was begging for mercy. Haruka began to smile as she whispered something in Michiru's ear who nodded and passed it on , and on and on until it finally reached Serena and she began to grin shamelessly. Everyone eyes narrowed as the looked to Ami who was now covered in a thick sweat.

"Mina I really think you deserve the honors considering you are the one who had put up with her shit while commanding troops" Sere said. Everyone nodded their head in agreement. Stopped torturing Ami and stepped forward to the Dragon.

"We wish for Ami to have a one way ticket to the place where all of the universe's villains are stored." Mina said laughing. Ami's eyes widen and somehow she managed to spit out the apple that she should of choked off of.

"Wait you can't!!! Do you have any idea what will happen to me down there.??"

"other then being tormented by every bad guy ever.yep" Haruka laughed. Everyone gave her one last kick before she pooffed away. Serena and Vegeta turned to walk away. When Vegeta began to smirk.

"You know we got Capsule Corp all to ourselves now.." He whispered. Serena began to smile madly until there was a loud crash from behind them.

"Forgot about me? Must of some how slipped your mind. Any way mom, dad, what are we gonna do now?" Trunks said completely unaware that they was trying to get away from him.

"Get a damn lock" Vegeta said.
The end .And please review. Don't forget to check out See ya next life time. It's written by my best friend Saturn but since she's to lazy to get her own account she uses mine. I'm thinking about doing a fic with an original character. Would you read it? Well peace out and keep beatin'