Faragonda and Saladin looked at each other, then at the shocked faces of the Winx and Specialists. Faragonda cleared her throat "Well done on completing your mission, I think you have all earned a night out at the dance club! Go out and have fun all of you!" The Winx jumped for joy before they left with their boyfriends for a night out in Magix.

"Kerra, Lerkis, let's go talk in my office" the four of them headed to her office and walked in. Saladin and Faragonda sat on the opposite couch from their grandchildren. "Can either one of you explain as to how Valtor is your father and why he kidnapped you both?" Saladin asked in disbelief; he was still too shocked that his only beloved child would marry such a beast.

Lerkis squeezed Kerra's hand "I will explain, when mother was still finding herself she took a dark path as you know. She met Valtor our father at a concert and they say that it was love at first sight, they began dating and eventually after half a year, our father popped the question and they were engaged. However, mother knew you would never approve and so she created her fake boyfriend: Wilson. So one night they eloped but now they had nowhere to live, Tharma took pity on them as her lover was taken from her.

She offered them a place in her and her sisters' house but the condition was that they had to serve them. They agreed and a year later I was born and when I was four Kerra was born. The Ancestrales took care of our parents but Belladonne believed that Valtor had become soft, in fear for what she might do to us, our parents faked a divorce. Dad was supposed to come back to us after The Battle of Domino but he was trapped in Omega and mother couldn't risk their plan and she couldn't help, she was heartbroken but was grateful that dad sacrificed himself in order for the three of us to be free. She then moved the three of us to Magix and mom knew she couldn't take care of us on her own, that's when she came to you both for help and this lead her to the made up the story of Wilson's death in battle."

Faragonda and Saladin, remained quiet for a while, Saladin seemed to snap into reality "M…My daughter, my proud, well mannered, graceful, respectful little baby girl, lied to me about her husband and children's father, her whereabouts, half of her life and…and…that beast is the cause of it! It's his FAULT that Griffin IS DEAD!" "SALADIN! Not in front of them" Faragonda tried to calm him.

Kerra interrupted "It's not his fault! Dad said that once the Trix had freed him, he sensed we were in danger but by the time he arrived, mom…w…was dead! He took us to protect us from whoever killed our mother! Don't blame him for any of this". Faragonda sighed "I'm afraid that you don't understand fully of what Valtor has done. I doubt that my ba… Griffin would have told you. Lerkis do you know why she never told us? I mean we raised her to be honest with us no matter what."

Lerkis looked at his feet "She thought that…that you would be disappointed in her, she said that her whole life she had always tried to please you but she knew that you would never have been ok with this. I can tell you right now that our mother never spoke bad of you and her love for our father never ended which is why she never married Codatorta. I know that it must be hard for you both and Kerra but what's in the past is in the past…" Kerra gave her brother a loving gaze.

Saladin calmed down a little "You have the power of persuasion like your…father and the attitude of your mother. (Sigh) it won't be easy but like you said what's done is done. Kerra you know that Cloud Tower needs you but if this thing is still out after you and Lerkis it won't be such a good idea to send you there just yet."

Faragonda gave a small weak smile "Kerra, I have a room waiting for you and your sleepy head, Lerkis there is a room at Red Fountain for you. Off to bed with both of you, we will all talk about this in the morning." "Lerkis get on the ship I will be there in a few minutes and Kerra sleep well." Saladin added.

Once their grandchildren left, Faragonda cried "I…I sho…should have been there…for her…maybe if…I paid…more attention" Saladin embraced her "My love, it isn't your fault, it's Valtor's. We need to be brave for grandkids and for Griffin… Griffin our baby girl gone forever, she left two beautiful children behind and there is no way I am letting Valtor near them. I need you to be strong for me, if you are strong then I am strong, I promise you I will protect you, our grandkids and Magix. Just be strong, Valtor, those hags and all evil will pay, I promise you."