A/N: This is my first fanfic ever! I was so nervous about posting this. Be kind.

Summary: Rukia is an ancient demon, while Ichigo is a mere human. They both have come to a mutual agreement. Rukia will help Ichigo exact his revenge, and in return, he will hand over his soul. Simply enough right? But neither expected love to enter the mix. AU.

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach. None of it. Not even a crumb.

A young man with bright orange hair slouched in his leather arm-chair, not caring how unrefined it was to do so. His elbows perched on his knees, as his calloused hands supported his somber face. His amber eyes staring off into the vast bare wall of his study. In fact, his whole study was void of items that were deemed essential. No books, no paintings, no life. But he didn't care. It reminded him too much of them.

Why? He asked himself. Why did this happen? I couldn't save them... Why am I such a coward?

He had contemplated the same question for months. Ever since the incident; the one that left him devoid of any family…

He groaned.

No. He wasn't going to think about his deceased family. He wasn't going to think of Yuzu's cooking. Or Karin's unhealthy obsession with sports. And he sure as hell wasn't going to think about his father's goofy grin, as the crazy man pranced around the manor. No, he wasn't going to think about them...

Dammit. He just did.

He heedlessly clenched his fist around his trousers, not minding the wrinkles that would surely form. Those memories have long since passed. At times, he wished he could have died with them. If that were the case, he wouldn't be in the state he was now: wallowing in the guilt that consumed his life.

He wanted to know the name of the culprit who destroyed his life. That made everyday life seem like a chaotic storm, sweeping all in its path. He wanted to know-No, he needed to know. He would make him pay. He would make him feel every ounce of pain his dear family felt. His cries of mercy shall not be heard. He would… He would what? He was barely an adult; he also had no idea who the asshole was. Or how many of them there were.

He jumped out of the chair and slammed his fists on the mahogany desk.

"I hate them! I hate them! I HATE THEM!" He repeatedly slammed his fist after each confession. He was breathing heavily, trying to control his anger.

"Those are some eloquent words." A sultry voice spoke.

His head whirled towards the chilling voice. He hadn't realized until now that it was dark out. The moonlight illuminated half of the vast study; the other half was immersed in darkness. That's where the voice came from! He suddenly felt very exposed. Here he was out in the open, while the intruder lurked in the shadows.

He whipped his pistol from the first drawer, pointing the weapon in the prowler's direction.

Then it dawned on him, this person must be here to finish him off. He was the last Kurosaki after all. Of course! He wasn't going to give the scoundrel the satisfaction of taking him down. Shoot first ask questions later right?

He fired six times in the desired area. He knew one shot must have made contact with flesh; he was quite efficient with firearms.

The room was eerily silent. A piece of scrap paper gliding through the air would have sounded like an explosion.

A short feminine chuckle fluttered into his eardrums.

"Hasty aren't we?" The intruder sounded amused.

A thin, milky white hand protruded from the shadows, clutching something. Dumbfounded, he took a step back.

Before he could utter a word, the pale hand threw the item it was clutching on his desk. More like items. Each item made a soft tapping noise, as they bounced off the smooth flat surface. His eyes widened in horror.

There, on his desk laid six stiff bullets. The six bullets he had shot. Not even a single one hit. The intruder must have caught each one. But surely that was impossible right? That stuff only happened in movies right? Right?

"Wh-What are you?" He questioned, fear and curiosity laced in his voice.

"What am I? Well I'm…"

The intruder stepped into the moonlight.

"… A demon." A perfidious smile etched on her sly face.

He was baffled. Not over her hefty declaration, but over her appearance. Her stature… she was well… short and thin, and that was putting it mildly. She was wearing a long black button-up trench coat that fell below her knees. Her feet stuffed into black lace up combat boots. His eyes wandered to her face. Her raven tresses were cut into a short bob that fell a few inches below her chin, one stray lock laid between her eyes. Her eyes. They might have been the most extraordinary thing about her. They were a bright amethyst color that glimmered in the moonlight. She looked more like an angel. Too bad she was a demon

He snapped out of his trance.

Wait, did she just say she was a demon?

Now that she was in his view, she had a better look at him. He was almost abnormally tall, and had a sturdy build. He had unruly orange hair that slightly fell over his deep amber eyes. He was wearing black trousers, and a white dress shirt; around his neck hung a loose tie. To say the least, he was… ugly.

She shrugged nonchalantly. It was not as if she found a human attractive before. Humans were all the same to her. They were vile creatures who used deceit for their own personal benefit. However, that's what made humans so interesting. They disregard the fact that they are from the same species, and instead choose to kill each off. How pitiful. How intriguing

Her eyes scanned over him again. He kind of looks like…

She quickly pushed the thought out. It would be best not merge those two together. They were different people after all.

"You're a demon right?" Her ears perked at the sound of his voice.

"That is correct." She eyed him curiously. He was taking it rather well.

He nodded his head in understanding. "Okay, I belie-No way I'll believe that dumbass!" He knocked over a lamp to emphasis his disbelief.

She was taken aback. Never, in all her years of existence had she been so abruptly disrespected. And by a human

"H-How dare you- y-you brat!" She was stumbling over her words too! That's how flat-out angry she was!

"If you're really a demon, then prove it!" He huffed, staring at her dispassionately.

She smiled menacingly. He was challenging her huh? She would show him.

In a flash, she was gone.

Huh? Where did she go?

He scoured the study. Nowhere, she upped and vanished.

"Behind you."

He whirled his body. Her trench coat was wide open; next to her hip was a sheathed sword. With lightning speed, she unsheathed her sword and jutted the tip of her blade towards his neck.

"Now do you believe?" She dared ask. His answer could mean life or death.

"Y-yes." He sputtered dumbly.

Her anger dissipated. "Look, I'm not here to kill you. I'm here to make a deal with you."

"A deal?" He asked bewildered.

The she demon nodded. "Yes, now before I can offer you this deal... I would like to know more about you."

He eyed her skeptically before he began.

"I am eighteen years old; I run a top business that manufactures medical supply. My sole purpose is to find the ones who murdered my family and make them regret they were ever born." He gripped the edges of the desk. The fury was seeping back into his body.

She raised an eyebrow incredulously. Eighteen? She eyed his outfit. Could have fooled me… Manufacturing business huh? This may work…

"I can feel the hatred oozing behind those words. Listen, I'll help you exact your vengeance…"

He narrowed his eyes. "What's the catch?"

She smirked. Right to the point. "In exchange for peace of mind, I want your soul…"

She watched him trying to find the proper words to say. It seemed his brain was not in compliance.

"I will only take your soul once you have gained your end of the bargain… That is of course, if you even have a soul…" The orange haired male raised a confused eyebrow.

"You know what they say about gingers not having souls…" She deadpanned. Maybe she did it to make him feel more at ease. Giving away your soul to a hungry demon was not something people enthusiastically jumped at the chance for.

He scoffed.

The tall male stood there pondering his options. Never in a million years did he ever imagine himself being stuck in this sort of dilemma. However, if the demon could help him get revenge, and restore honor back to his family name… What was he saying? How did he know if he could trust the crazy imp!

"How do I know I can trust you?" He challenged.

She crossed her thin arms over chess. "Well, for one, I am not like you untrustworthy humans. I may be a demon, but I do not lie. Two, I will mark you with my seal. The seal will allow me to know your precise location at all times, so if you are in any trouble I will be there to aid you. I will not let you die, that's for sure. Three, what do you have to lose? Would you rather spend eternity suffocating in your own misery? Or, would you rather slice the enemy in two? You will be the knight, and I will be your sword. All you have to do is unsheathe me. "

He gazed into her bright amethyst eyes.

A demon with morals? Heh, that's one for the books.

"Are you really able to give me that power!?" He demanded.

A devious smile spread across her porcelain face. She nodded.

"Well then what are you waiting for demon? Give it to me!" He grinned. There was a newfound determination in his blazing amber eyes.

"Those words were spoken with a lot of heart. I know exactly where to place my seal."

Suddenly, her palm was on his left pec, where his heart was.

"By the way, it is not demon. It's Rukia."

"I'm Kurosaki Ichigo. Can't say it's a pleasure."

A bright light erupted from Rukia's palm. Ichigo stifled a scream from the pure agony he felt.

Minutes later, Ichigo stood in front of the mirror that was in his study. He was examining the seal, his pec was still raw from the marking. He was starting to regret his decision. On his left pec was some abominable creature. He had no idea what it was, it was that ugly. It was white, with long pointy ears. The eyes were black ovals with uneven eyelashes. The strangest thing was its mouth, if you would call it that. It had, what appeared to be a tongue sticking out? He shuddered.

"Ew." He muttered.

A dainty hand smacked his raw pec. Hard.

"Son of…" The amber-eyed fool bit his lip to prevent a scream from escaping.

"I heard that! Do you even know how many centuries I spent perfecting my seal? Too damn many to remember! And you have the audacity to say it's ew! EW? You know what's ew? Your sense of art! Let me tell you something you buffoon…" He tuned her out. She was quite rowdy for a demon. What was her name again? Oh yeah! Rukia…


The tiny demon stopped mid rant; her eyebrows scrunched together in anger.

"What!" She demanded.

"What kind of name is that? I've never heard a name like that before." He asked.

Her eyebrows relaxed, and a ghost of a smile appeared on her face. Her gaze fell on her boots.

"It was given to me by an old friend, one who has long since perished. "

He was about to question her further when a knock on the door interrupted his thoughts.

"Kurosaki-kun, dinner is ready!"

A very voluptuous girl, with dark orange hair peered into the study. She was wearing a modest maid outfit that stopped mid-knee.

"Thanks Inoue, I'll be there in a sec." Oh, crap! Rukia.

His head snapped back to the spot the raven-haired girl occupied.

She was no longer there. A slight breeze tickled his tan skin. He glanced at the window; it was wide open. He made his way over when something on his desk caught his attention. A small piece of paper with delicate handwriting. He brought the scrap paper up to his face to read.

I'll be back.

"Tch, you better." He crumpled the piece of paper and threw it in the bin. He stalked out of the study, making his way down to the dining table.

A small silhouette perched on a tree, hidden by the shadows the moon's light did not reach. Amethyst eyes gleamed nonetheless. A wicked smile stretched across the demon's face.

This is going to be fun.


Just kidding. Well, this is the end of chapter one at least. I didn't want to make the first chapter too long. This is also set in modern times, because my brain is filled with cobwebs. This is was inspired by Black Butler. It won't follow the same plot of course! Only the beginning will seem similar.

Hopefully you enjoyed reading the first chapter... No? Not even a little? Okay... Review? Please? No? Banana? Okay... Yay for crappy writing?



"Hello, I'm Rukia. I am… Uh… K-Kur..." The raven-haired beauty glanced at her left palm."Oh right… I'm Kurosaki Ichigo's new assistant! Nice to meet you." The tiny woman announced, with a radiant smile plastered on her angelic face.