Brian froze. He stared at Justin's face in shock. Those crystal blue eyes, he loved and craved for the past few months were staring blankly at the ceiling. He watched as Justin rapidly blinked to clear the fogginess of his mind and to adjust to the harsh light coming from the long cylinder light on the ceiling.
Justin's hand twitched and he slightly moved his head from side to side, fearing if he moved to fast he would become too dizzy. He has no idea what is going on, could not remember how he got here. The only thing he knew was that he was in a sterile, white hospital room. The stiff sheets and beeping of the heart monitor confirming where he was. He laid still and to the best of his knowledge was alone in the un-welcoming room. He closed his eyes and slowly re opened them. He concentrated really hard and suddenly the memories flooded back. Bright flashes of brief memories of how he got here, all crystal clear in his mind – coming back like a slide show. His journey from New York. Being beaten up in the alley. Meeting Michael in the diner, him starting a fight and then everything went black. He started to cry, a silent tear slowly slid down his cheek – he realised that nobody knew he was here, right? He never saw anyone except Michael and he would not have spread the news around that Justin was back in Pittsburgh as he hated him. He was alone and for the first time, in a long time scared of what was too happen. He had to recover alone and he still feared Brian would not want anything to do with him...
Through Justin's silent torment Brian still sat, stock still watching on. He couldn't believe it, his sunshine was awake. He could now start the life he had planned all throughout Justin being in a coma. He could get answers to all the questions he had in his head. He could finally be able to kiss the lips and feel Justin kissing back; he could finally hold Justin's hand and feel him curl his fingers around his own. Suddenly a wave of doubt went through him, what if he wasn't here for him and he really had moved on, what if Justin laughed in his face when he told him 'I love you.' When Brian's doubt was almost at its crescendo, he noticed the lone tear that slid down Justin's cheek – he then realised that Justin thought he was here alone. He couldn't bare to see Justin cry and vowed to himself to fight hard for Justin's love and forgiveness.
Brian slowly stood up and cautiously sat on Justin's bed. Justin felt the dip in the bed and moved his head too quickly to see what the cause of the movement was – he closed his eyes to try stop the dizziness that overcame him.
Brian whispered, "Careful sunshine." A small, soft smile was plastered to Brian's face.
Justin slowly opened his eyes. The sight in front of him was slightly blurry – he blinked a few times and the person in front of him became clearer. When Justin saw Brian's rugged face in front of him his breath hitched. Justin couldn't believe his eyes, there sat in front of him was the love of his life with the look of upmost concern on his face.
"B-Brian..." Justin croaked out, saying this brought on a coughing fit.
"Hey, hey easy easy" Brian said softly, he supported Justin's head and when the coughing lessened he grabbed a cup of water, with a straw and guided it Justin's lips and instructed him to drink. Justin took a few sips then pushed the straw away with his tongue. Justin relaxed against the cushion and stared into Brian's deep chocolate eyes. Brian stared back and smiled.
Justin slowly moved his left hand up towards Brian's thigh which was perched on the side of his bed – Brian looked down, Justin turned his hand so the palm was upwards and Brian moved his right hand to slip it into Justin's soft one. Tears sprung to both men's eyes as Brian brought Justin's hand to his lips and kissed his knuckles – he gripped Justin's hand as hard as he dared and then moved their joined hands to rest over his beating heart. Justin could feel the rapid thundering inside Brian's ribcage and couldn't resist the words that flowed out of his mouth;
"I-I love y-you" Justin whispered. Brian barely heard him but registered the words in his brain - it brought a large smile to his face.
"I love you too" Brian said clearly. He saw Justin's eyes lighten up and a weak version of his Sunshine smile graced his face. But Brian could also see Justin's look of disbelief in his face and knew that if Justin was stronger he would have questioned those 4 words. Brian knew that when Justin was stronger they were going to have a long talk about their relationship as well as Justin's condition.
"I'm going to call the doctor okay?" Brian decided, he wanted to make sure Justin was okay. Justin nodded weakly and squeezed Brains hand.
Brian pressed the emergency button at the side of Justin's bed and they both waited until the Doctor came through the blacked out door. He seemed like a plain guy, he had brown short hair and a clean shaven face. He looked young and was dressed smart. He has a serious expression, which indicated he wasn't the type to tolerate or give out bullshit.
"Hello I am Dr James Wilson and I will be monitoring you over the course of your stay at the hospital. I am going to do a routine check-up and inform you both of the problems that may have occurred and the treatment. Mr Kinney please may you step outside while I examine Mr Taylor"
Brian looked at Justin and whispered "I will be right outside" He then squeezed Justin's hand and slowly made his way out of the room.
While Brian was stood outside he lent against the wall and thought about everything that had happened. He was so happy that Justin had finally woken up. It meant he could start his road to recovery and hopefully become the healthy Justin he knew and loved. He also realised that they needed to talk, however much he wanted to just start their new life and get back to normal he knew it wouldn't happen – they needed to talk some important stuff out first and see if they were still on the same page. Even though he knew little about love he knew one thing – that no matter how much you loved each other if you wanted different things then the relationship wouldn't work. He just hoped Justin would take him back and that they both wanted the same things.
Brian also couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong with Justin – he knew that he wouldn't be 100% after being in a coma for a week but there just seemed something fundamentally wrong with Justin's demeanour.
Brian's thinking was interrupted by somebody clearing their throat next to him; he shook his head to clear his thoughts and turned towards the doctor.
"If you would like to come in we can discuss Mr Taylor's condition" Dr Wilson said.
Brian pushed himself off the wall, and walked into the room before the doctor. When Brian turned into the room, his eyes lighted on the beautiful blonde man lying in the pristine white bed with a black comforter, from the loft, under his arms. As he got closer to the bed, Justin's head slowly followed his every move till he landed in the leather chair - a small smile never failing to leave his face. Brian's face reflected Justin's but on the inside he was flipping out that Justin was awake and still recognised him.
Justin slowly raised his hand in the air and Brian quickly but softly grabbed onto it. Lifting it further till he could kiss Justin's knuckles and rest their joined hands on his cheek. Both men stared into each other's gleaming eyes not focusing on anything else in the room, let alone the world.
The doctor then interrupted their moment by clearing his throat. Both of them turned to stare at the doctor and wait for him to reveal the news.
"Okay, so I just took an overall examination of Mr Taylor there are some problems that may occur from the brain injury that will need to be taken care of." At this Brian squeezed Justin's hand tighter already assuming the worst. He looked up to Justin's face to see worry and regret? Dammit - Brian already knew Justin wanted to apologise for what he is going to put him through again. Well Brian is ready for it and will help Justin through it to the end.
The doctor continued – "When Justin hit his head he damaged the frontal lobe on the brain. Fortunately the brain injury was not severe but some problems may occur now and in the future that may change your life. The most common symptoms you will be effected by are headaches, dizziness and fatigue. Once you are released from the hospital I caution you to take things easy for a couple of months so your body can heal. I do not know for sure when these symptoms will wear off – it could be a couple of months or up to a year. I have also noticed that Mr Taylor can become confused easy – this will wear off in a couple of months but Mr Kinney I warn you, that you may need to help Mr Taylor with everyday activities and explain certain things to him. Mr Taylor you may also experience anxiety, nightmares and fear of loud noises and crowds – this can be helped by therapy and support of loved ones. That is all for today gentlemen, if you have any questions or worries press the emergency button at the side of the bed. Mr Taylor I expect that you will be out of the hospital in 7-10 days. Gooday Gentlemen." With that he turned on his heel and strode out the door.
Brian turned back, to stare at Justin's face to see Justin already looking at him, with tears pricking the corners if his eyes. Brian immediately moved off the chair to perch on the side of Justin's bed so he could be closer to Justin.
"Hey, now Justin. Shhhh it's all going to be alright" Brian cooed.
Justin's answered in a faulty, hoarse tone "I-I'm sorry, B-Brian."
"Justin, don't be sorry. You have nothing to be sorry for it. We will get through this exactly like last time. You are strong and will make it. I have plans for us Sunshine, don't go backing out on me" Brian said softly.
Justin smiled, he knew it would be hard but if Brian was here he could do it. Also he had his friends and family around him to help – he was back in Pittsburgh where he belonged.
"I love you, Justin Taylor. We are going to do it this time, no backing out. You should rest now sunshine – I will be here when you wake up and we can have that long overdue talk" Brian said defiantly.
"I-I love y-you too, B-Brian Kinney" Justin whispered and his head lolled to the side, his eyelids then fluttered closed and he slowly drifted off to sleep.
Brian stared at the perfect face in front of him; he slowly stroked his soft cheek and leaned forward to place a kiss on his temple.
"We can do this Sunshine. Together."
Review Please!
Vote for Mpreg is still going – so tell me what u think?!
I'm not really sure where this story is going, I have a few ideas but aren't sure they are very exciting, So if anybody has any advice for me or any suggestions for what you would like to see me write, send me a message or leave a review.
I may mix people's ideas and if I do not choose your idea I am very sorry but I will only choose the plot lines I feel I will be able to develop well and add my own suggestions into.
Thank you