Hey guys! So I thought I would do a short, one shot on Levy and Rogue. It's one of my other favorite pairings aside from Gale. It's probably my most dirty fanfic _ (shhh) I hope you like it! Hope it doesn't suck! Review, rate, and stuff!

Levy's body was swept under the covers and pushed against the soft, grey pillows. Her arms stretched to feel everything the sheets had to offer her. Her blue hair covered face in such a way you could only see her thin smile. She breathed in deeply, smelling the linen scent that covered her surroundings. Closing her eyes, she buried her face under the pillows, feeling every spot of the bed she could. Absorbing the very essence of the nighttime playground.

Rogue's arms stretched across the bed, reaching for the petite body. He touched her torso, feeling the warmth of her porcelain-like skin. He slipped in the sheets and shifted closer to the fairy mage. Taking his hand, he ran it through his black, silky hair. He tossed it away from his face, closing his eyes and opening his mouth to show off his tiger-like teeth. He touched her thigh, grabbing it ever to gently closer and closer to him.

She un-cover her head from the pillows, moving her head across the grey sheets, making its way to his chest. She heard his heart beat "Ba-bum…ba-bum…"

She guided her thin arms around his neck and down his chest, feeling his ab-muscles. She breathed in again, wanting to explore of the "Night Dragon".

Rogue felt her small hands run down his body. He could feel the stomach acid turn and turn. He scrunched his face, wanting more, more! He brought her thigh all the way to his legs and smoothed it down with the back of his hand, feeling the smooth, yet pale legs.

Levy felt the strong hands go up and down he thigh, then her torso, than her arms. She moaned quietly and brought him closer, and closer. She puckered her soft, thin lips around his neck, her hand moving up and his neck and head. Her smooches lead to his cheek.

Rogue stopped pampering her thighs and arms. He reached for her other hand around his torso that was feeling his rock hard muscles. He grabbed her hand and locked his fingers in hers.

He leaned forward so that their foreheads were touching, he whispered ever so lightly on her neck, "If Gajeel won't take you tonight…Levy…I will…"

He kissed her lips. They gasped for air. Sheets were moving side to side, up and down. Levy never said one word, for this was not the time for words, but for love.

So that was very short. Didn't want to do a huge one shot. Felt like doing a dirty fic. Hoped you like it, reviews, comments, rates are appreciated!