Lissa: Hello everyone I'm back and here to stay this time I hope this chapter is to your liking because it is to mine. Oh, and before you go on to read THIS IS IMPOTANT! Everyone in this story are MUCH older than they were! They are like in their junior year of high school. I don't really know and don't really care they just needed to be older so that I can make them have sexual intercourse with each other. I'M GOING TO CHANGE THE RATING TO 'M' I THINK. ANDTHIS IS GOING TO BE A HAREM! Sorry if I'm yelling so much I just needed to get my point across. Anyway I hope that you will like this chapter please R&R!


Mikan's P.O.V.

By the time I had gotten to Youichi's school the sun was just setting and I had already called our driver, Sebastian, so he could come pick us up from Youichi's school. When I had pushed open the door to Youichi's classroom it was barely a second before his tiny arms wrap around me.

"Okaa-san you're late," He started, "I was worried about you." Aw~, Youichi rarely showed his emotional side to anyone, even me.

"I know and I'm sorry. Will you ever forgive me?" I asked him with a small pout. He grabbed my hand and started leading me to the limo.

"Maybe, if you buy me some ice cream, I'll think about it." He said with a smile.

Without hesitation I answered him, "Deal." I said and gave him my own smile.

After we went to go ice cream we went home, ate dinner, and took our bath-a bubble one of course. Then went straight to sleep afterwards.


3RD Person P.O.V.

When Mikan got to school the next day she could already hear her Light's thoughts.

"Goddess why can't she be more confident in herself it's obvious that's who she wants to be."

Grabbing Sebastian's hand that was offered to her she quickly climbed out of the limo and walked to her first class. When she opened the door she saw five different girls surrounding Amu. As she walked over to Amu the girls stopped talking and stared at her, they looked like they were having mixed feelings about her. Not worrying about what they thought about her she turned to Amu.

"How are you feeling?" She asked.

Amu replied with a shrug of her shoulders. Already knowing how Amu really felt she just left it alone. The conversation stopped when 'Nadeshiko' walked in with an "Excuse me."

Mikan could actually see the sparkles come off of her.

(A.N. I am still going to refer to him as her until later chapters, but if it's just Nagihiko and Mikan I will use him instead of her.)

Whispers then started going around the room, Mikan didn't really care for them. Suddenly the girls weren't at Amu's desk anymore.

"You're Hinamori Amu-san, correct?" Nadeshiko asked.

"Yes," Amu answered looking surprised.

"We'll be waiting for you in the Royal Garden after school today."

"The Royal Garden?" Amu asked.

"I also bring a message from Hotori-kun: 'I'll tell you about the eggs.' Well then I'll see you after school, you too Sakura Mikan, we need to talk." Nadeshiko said as she gave Mikan a card too and left with a wave.

As soon as the doors closed a group of people came and gathered around Mikan and Amu wowing over the invitations that they had just received.

TIME SKIP! Mikan's P.O.V.

Amu and I are now at P.E. and I can see her thinking about meeting the Guardians this afternoon and of course the Wanna-be King. 'I wonder what the crossdresser wants to talk about. Maybe he wants to tell me why he's crossdressing. I suddenly see Amu's Shugo Chara, Ran, come out of her bag. I giggle as Amu starts freaking out about Ran flying around other people, well that is until she notices that other people can't see her.

My attention is then drawn to a 3rd grader doing the horizontal bar who has fallen. 'I can feel the negative energy pouring off of the boy.' "Same here." Ichigo says as she pops out of my bag.

"You all right, Suzuki?" The teacher asks the little boy. 'Of course not you dumb ass. He just embarrassed himself in front of all of his peers! How would you feel if you were in his situation?'

"Y-Yeah," He stutters out.

"Could someone show Suzuki how it's done?" He asks the little third graders. The only response he gets are some mumbles from them.

"Hey fifth-graders, can someone help out?" He asks us from across the field. We all start looking at each other wondering who's going to volunteer when all of a sudden two girls turn towards Amu and I.

"Hey how about you Hinamori? Or even you Sakura?" Girl one asks us.

"Eh!" Is Amu's response.

"Yeah, Yeah! Hinamori should be good at anything!" Girl two basically screams. Completely forgetting that the other girl had said my name. 'Hey at least I won't have to be in this.' I think as Amu starts freaking out about being chosen by the two girls

"Do it, Amu!" Cheers Ran while giving her a thumbs up. Then I hear that familiar 'pop' noise. 'Chara Change' I think as I watch Amu jump up and start running full speed towards the bar. My eyes go to the little boy who is watching Amu with nothing but respect in his eyes before the start to dull. 'I can feel his negative energy getting stronger' I send to my Charas. 'Us too, Mikan!' They send back to me. 'We also sense a Chara's presence.' When they tell me this I look over to Amu's bag. Her blue Chara is watching her with a sad expression in her face. 'It seems some drama is about to happen'


Mikan's P.O.V.

"RAN!" Amu's screams before she goes off on Ran about doing as she pleases. She and Ran keep on going at it when something catches my eye. I see Amu's blue Chara roll out of the stall that she's in.

"Um Amu, your Chara is bouncing away." I say as I watch the egg bounce away. It seems that she doesn't hear me because a minute later Ran announces that the Chara is missing. Amu then decides that she will not worry about her missing Chara until after school because it's brought her nothing but bad feelings. 'What is wrong with my Light? She was never like this before.'

When the bell rings Amu and I go to art, yes I made sure that we had all the same classes together. Don't judge me. When we get there the teacher tell us to partner up and I get set up with a random girl, while Amu get paired up with someone named Yamabuki Saaya. She is the loudest girl I have ever met! I don't think that I will be able to deal with her for the rest of the school year.

"From someone who's unable to draw, to someone who can draw anything; Chara Change!" Someone says and then I hear an audible 'pop', before I see Amu drawing like a crazy woman. In the end everyone is wowing over Amu's drawing. Well, all except for the girl I painted. She is staring at the drawing I drew of her.

"This is amazing!" She says, "Even better than Hinamori-san's"

"Thank you," I say with a big smile on my face bringing out my 'Cute & Sweet' act. She then blushes while holding the painting to her chest. I then see Amu running out of the room. She must have seen her Shugo Chara. I quickly follow them, after telling the girl that she can keep the painting, which puts me behind a little because she kept asking me if she could really have it. I finally catch up to Amu and her Charas and it seems that they have made up. Damn I can't believe that I missed it! I suddenly feel a dark presence behind a near by tree. 'Hmmmm… who could that be?' I wonder.


Mikan's P.O.V.

"It's finally time for the tea party, Amu!" Ran yells as we walk up to the garden.

"Yeah, but I'm nervous!" She replies.

"It's no need to be nervous Amu I'm right here for you. Just think of me as your Shadow." I say with I wink. She nods her head as she opens the door with both Ran and Miki hovering around her shoulders.

"Do you think she's going to catch on anytime soon?" Misaki asks me. Yeah, I have Misaki out because Amu has Miki out.

"We'll talk about that later, Misaki, Ichigo." I tell them. They give me a nod in response.

"Hey, Hinamori-san! Welcome to our royal garden." The Wanna-be King says. I can see the wheels turning as she wonders why the guardians have Charas. We are walked to a table where we all sit down and then the cross-dresser pours us tea.

"Today's tea is a black tea, and the scones are freshly baked." She says.

"All right! I love Nadeshiko's scones the most!" The one named Yaya shouts making me jump in surprise and hot tea spills on my uniform.

"Ah shit!" I scream as I stand up quickly trying to get the hot tea from burning my skin. Only seconds later did I notice everyone is staring at me?

"I am sorry about that outburst. Please excuse my language. Now excuse me as I go clean myself up and don't worry about introductions I already know all of your names and positions along with your Chara's names." I state as I grab my bag and leave to the fountain outside.

I grab my teal colored handkerchief and place it in the cool fountain water, then I start trying to get the stain out. Of course I have a simple spell to take out the stain, but a certain person is following me and wants to talk to me.

"How may I help you Nadeshiko-sama, or should I say Nagihiko-sama?" I ask without looking up from my stained uniform.

"We need to talk about how you know my real identity. The only person that should know is Hotori-kun." He says while dropping the girly voice. I look up and see him eyeing me suspiciously.

"Don't worry I'm not the enemy. I promise." I tell him.

"Why should I trust you?" He asks. I stand up and walk over to him, looking him straight in the eyes. When I stop right in front of him I giggle.

"I'm actually starting to like you Nagihiko-kun. You're feisty on the inside. I like that in a man, just wait till you get a little bit older, and we can have a lot of fun." I say and I make sure to make my voice seductive towards the end of the sentence.

By now Nagihiko's eyes are wide and I'm in my real form, not my human school girl one. I would tell you what I look like but that would ruin the fun now wouldn't it? I slowly lower my face to Nagihiko's and place my lips on his and I watch as his eyes, if possible, get wider. I pull away and walk back towards the Royal Garden. The stain on my uniform now gone.

Lissa: Did you like the way that I ended that? Because I did. Even if it came out of nowhere. Anyway please tell me what you think and who you want to be in the harem. I already have some people in mind though. Please R&R and tell me what you thought about this chapter and if I do get a lot if reviews I swear I'll update faster, them things are my Monsters!