-Start of story-

The night was peaceful, not a creature was stirring inside the household except for a certain someone. After finally finishing fixing all the stuff he needed he stood in front of the open window. Determination set fire in his eyes.

'Once I step out this window all bonds that connects me to them is permanently cut forever.' He thought as he finally jumped out and ran as far away as possible. He later found himself in the forest, it sounds peaceful and serene, and he might as well rest for the night, under the shelter of a large tree. He was then suddenly awoken by an all too familiar voice.

"Look what I found, my goody-to-shoes twin. All alone in the forest." He said in a sing-sang voice. "Where's your little group now?"

"What group? I no longer have ties with anyone, besides I'm going my own way." He stated calmly and sat up. "They will never understand what's running through my head anyways." He added bitterly.

"And why's that?" his evil twin asked curiously. "Tell me what's on your mind."

"They say that I am Kur and funny thing is I readily accepted that fact and also if ruling these creatures; the cryptids is my destiny…then I want someone, no... You to rule them with me." He smiled sincerely and said directly looking at him.

Zak Monday could not believe this was coming from him of all people, it has to be a joke but judging from the look on his face it really is true and at that moment he felt something stir deep inside of him. For so long he had lived in a twisted world not ever seeing the light, a life were darkness reined, and hope was never at all present. The pain, anger, frustration that he had felt for so long seemed to slip away and for the first time in his life he felt love and acceptance. There were no more doubts now nor hesitation, no more reasons to turn down the offer. He would be free, no more of what his old life can only give, he will not let it all go to waste.

" I accept your offer my dear Zakky, together we hold power among them but one thing bothers me." He answered.

"You want to ask why I chose you, well you see I have been wanting to tell you this for a long time. " He blushed uncontrollably and hesitated.

"Yes? What about it."

" I…ah…um love you." He barely said it out loud and blushed a deeper shade of pink but the latter heard it loud and clear, and he too blushed.

It felt weird and yet it also felt so right. Without their knowledge they were slowly inches apart from each other's faces and then the space between them disappeared and their lips locked in a long and passionate kiss. As they parted present In their eyes were deep love for one another.

They were expecting the world to crumble and yet all was still and undistorted, everything was normal but for both them it seems it doesn't really matter anymore, all that mattered was they were together and that they will rein together. Humanity be damned.

-End of story-