Here it is! The beginning of the end!

So...not my best chapter. That's for sure. Only because I'm forcing myself to make progress. I'm currently working on a Cryaotic fanfiction if anyone is interested and I have a Jeff the Killer fic that's starting to take shape in my brain.

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this as much as you can! I promise I'll put effort into this. I just went back to work and I'm scrambling to get summer projects done so don't ask too much of me :(

IMPORTANT PLEASE READ: I am going to post a POLL on my page on what the gender of the child should be! PLEASE vote unless you absolutely don't care and want me to have complete creative control mwahahahaha.

Read and review!

And the world was gone. Just like that. That little plus made my whole world-my whole life-shatter right in front of my eyes. I threw the test. It cracked when it slammed against the tiles. I picked up the middle piece that had the positive result. Tears welled in my eyes. I didn't need this. I was only seventeen for Christ's sake! I would be turning eighteen next week, but I was still entirely too young for kids. I had never wanted kids, anyway. I still didn't want them, even now, knowing what I do.

"Calm down," I muttered to myself, running my fingers through my bangs. "Just breathe." I let out a heavy sigh. My head was pounding. I stomped down the stairs and walked into the kitchen. The test result was still in my left hand. Another tear rolled down my face. Dammit. I opened up the cabinet, pulling out the Advil Migraine. I popped two pills; I washed them down with a glass of water. Sighing, I went to go lay down on the couch. I decided to flip on the TV.

Law and Order: SVU was on so I watched it. I had seen this episode already, but I left it on anyway. I rubbed my eyes, groaning. My migraine was still beating against my head. I tried to focus on the show and not my pain. My stomach growled, reminding me I needed to eat. Once a commercial came on, I hurried into the kitchen and ripped open a box of French toaster sticks. I popped them in. While those toasted, I grabbed a little dish and filled it with syrup. I poured myself a glass of chocolate milk. The toaster popped; I snatched the hot food out and tossed it onto a plate. The familiar 'chung-chung' of Law and Order caused me to dart back to the couch. I lost myself in the show while I munched happily on the French toast sticks. I dunked them generously in the syrup.

A voice in the back of my head was nagging me. What was I going to do about this? I could always get an abortion. But I don't think I can afford it. They're expensive, and I didn't even know if there were any clinics around here. I grit my teeth. Maybe I should talk to Slender first?

No! snapped another voice in my head. This could completely fuck up your relationship and what if he wants you to keep it? We can't take that risk!

But what if he finds out later you had an abortion behind his back?

"Goddammit, shut up!" I yanked on my hair, grinding my teeth. The voices stopped bitching at each other long enough for me to regain my composure. I exhaled slowly. I couldn't make this decision on my own. I needed to bounce these ideas off of someone, but I also couldn't tell just anyone.

I heard a noise in the kitchen. I jumped. "Hello?" I called out.

"Hey, bitch."

Trenderman waltzed around the corner happily, several shopping bags in hand. I rolled my eyes and smiled at him. "I think you have a problem."

"I do not! I can stop whenever I want!" He faked a pout and put one hand on his hip. "Wanna see what I go?"

"Um…maybe later."

Trendy instantly knew something was wrong. I loved seeing what he bought. If I wasn't going with him, than I was raiding the bags as soon as he got home. He sat down on the couch beside me, blank-faced stare locking me in place. "Spill it."

I rubbed the back of my neck. Trender was the sensible one. Hopefully he wouldn't freak out and offer her some useful advice. "You can't tell anyone, okay? Especially not Slender."

The tension was evident. Static crackled as Trendy realized that this was something very serious. He nodded. "I swear on my white cashmere sweater I won't tell Slender."

A heavy sigh left my body. I was curled up against the arm of the couch. I felt, and looked, very small. Tears welled in my eyes. I sniffled a little before I finally spat out, "I'm pregnant."


We just sat there staring at each other for a long time. The sadness and pain clouded my mind and my body, making me feel much older. I could feel the tears rolling down my cheeks while Trender just stared at me. He pulled me against him, holding me painfully tight against his chest. His heart-at least I guess that's what it was- was beating sad and slowly beneath my ear. I cried against his. Sobs took hold of me. I didn't want this. I didn't want it. I just wanted things to go back to the way they were before this stupid thing.

"Shhh, stop crying," he muttered. "That's a new sweater."

I giggled a little and sat up, wiping my eyes. "What am I gonna do?" I squeaked. My voice was hoarse because of my crying. I let out a shaky sigh.

"Well…" Trendy looked at me. "You have to tell Slender."


"This is his, too! It is his…right?"

Anger sliced through my heart like a hot knife. I reached out and slapped Trender hard across his face.

"…I guess that's a yes." He rubbed his face. His cheek had a pinkish glow to it where I'd smacked him. Trendy didn't seem terribly offended. "Anyway, you have to tell him. You have to make this decision together."

"But…but…I could just go to the clinic! He'd never have to know!"

"Audrey Lucille Ricket!" he snarled, looming over me dangerously. I shrunk down. My heart ached. I started crying again as the realization crashed over me that I had to tell Slender. There was no avoiding it. I could procrastinate as long as I wanted, but in the end either he would figure it out or Trender would tell him. It would be easier if it came from me.

"Can I just wait a few days?"

"Audrey, if you don't tell him, I will."

I wailed softly. Shivers crawled down my spine and pricked at my nerves. Trender hugged me again. "I know this is hard."

"I don't want it."

Trender tensed.



I paused. "What do you think Slender is going to say…?"

"He's a child murderer. What do you think."

It wasn't a question.