So I literally JUST watched the season finale of TMNT (the 2012-13 Nickelodeon series). I couldn't help but wonder... How would Karai have reacted if she had overheard Shredder tell Splinter that she was Splinter's daughter?

So, anyways, here we go...


Shredder spun around at the all-too-familiar sound of Karai's voice. Oh, no... Splinter still seemed to be off-balance, so he didn't need to worry about being attacked from behind, but he did need to worry about the teenaged girl making her way towards him.

"You told me that he killed my mother! You were just using me to get to him?" Karai didn't know what to think. She was angry, and very upset. The man she knew as 'Father' had killed her mother, and had been trying to kill her real father for as long as she could remember. The man she had called 'Father' since before she could walk had lied to her for as long as she had been called Karai. She glared at Shredder, who, for once, seemed genuinely afraid. Then, she began tearing off her armor.

"Karai! What are you doing?"

"My name's not Karai, is it Father? And I'm leaving." She threw the last piece at his feet. The only thing she kept was her katana. She didn't want to part with it, and she might need it.


She kept walking. She leaped up to a large window, and let herself out. Above her, a massive alien warship was throwing off electric pink sparks. She ignored it, too. She made her way onto the roof, and began leaping from building to building. She wasn't planning on ever coming back to this place.

The "techno-drome" or whatever it was called had fallen into the river days ago. She knew the turtles were behind it. She couldn't help but still be mad at them. Sure, they had trained under her real father, but... they had still betrayed her trust. She wasn't ready to find them yet. She knew that soon Splinter would send them out to look for her. He had seemed really upset by what Shredder had said. Maybe even more than she was. It proved that he was capable of caring about people he didn't even know. She knew he would worry for her.

Anytime she saw a member of the Foot clan, she took them out; there was no reasoning behind it, just she was mad at Shredder for lying to her, and she wanted to annoy him as much as possible. It was the only thing she could do to get back at him, short of confronting him, and that would be a death sentence.

She had always questioned his vendetta. A part of her now wondered if she had subconsciously known that she was on the wrong side. Shredder had told her of what Splinter had supposedly done to her mother, but even that wasn't enough to keep her loyalties with him.

She wondered if that was a sign of her sensitivity. She had picked up on his lies and resisted them, albeit subconsciously. Maybe that was proof that she truly deserved the title kunoichi.

Okay, I know, I know... That was really short and pretty crappy... I might continue this, if I find time, but it is definitely taking backseat to my Tangled story The Common Life. That already has hundreds of faithful readers (from what I understand of the Traffic Graph) and about half a dozen faithful reviewers, so I need to keep up with that. Plus, school is starting next week... So, I'm not going to have nearly as much time as I'd like...

Anyways, tell me in the reviews if I should continue, or if it's even any good. I haven't even tried to write outside of Tangled before, so try to be understanding; this is a completely different style...

Also, tell me if I should change the title. I couldn't think of anything really good off the top of my head.