A/N: Imma explain stuffs about MY canon demon idea. This carries for all present/ future fanfics, such as Stranger in The Night and The Original Sin.

Disclaimer: I do not own Barajouno Kiss

Let's begin, shall we?

The two sat in silence, Mutsuki up in a tree, Anise on the grass. At last curiosity overcame Anise. Looking up to where her dark haired companion rested in a tree she asked, "Can you explain to me about demons? I've never read about them and-"

"For me to tell you everything about demons would take months, and even then I would have only scratched the surface. But-" Mutsuki added in, seeing her crestfallen expression, "I suppose that I can tell you the basics of it." Seeing her bright Mutsuki cursed himself internally for feeling warm inside; that was not protocol.

"There are really three types of demons in general," He began, sliding off the branch and going to sit next to her. "The high class, the middle class, and the low class."

"What separates each?" Anise interrupted. Realising that she had interrupted him, the pinkette murmured an apology.

Continuing on like she had never interrupted him the Dark Stalker said, "The high class demons are ones that have bloodlines that are closest to the devil himself. That does not mean they are evil though; it means that we feed differently than the ones beneath us. All demons can feed on blood, but only the lowest ones do that."


"Because it's crass. For a highborn to do so usually means that they are extremely weak. The middle class do the occasional feeding, but their diet mainly consists of the essence of men."

"Then what do the high class demons eat?" Anise asked, intrigued.

"I wouldn't use the word eat," Mutsuki said, his face scrunching slightly. "Rather, I'd say sustain would be much better."

"Well, what do the high class demons sustain themselves on?"

"Parts of the soul that have been damaged by sin," He said, looking up.

Before Anise could think better, she blurted out, "How much of my soul is damaged?" Mutsuki rolled his eyes and made an exaggerated show of leaning over and smelling her hair. Anise blushed;he was so close to her that she could see his ridiculously long eyelashes and the slightly slit pupils of his eyes.

His face scrunched up slightly, and for a moment Anise was afraid that he would tell her that it was as damaged as her original clothing from when she left the tower.

"From what I can tell, there's barely any damage, aside from trace hints of gluttony and pride."

"No wonder she smells so delicious!" A voice said behind them. Moving quickly Mutsuki scooped Anise up and made sure he was between her and whoever spoke.

"Who said that?" Anise asked, feeling frightened; whoever it was made even Mutsuki nervous.

"The succubus."