Maura's slender fingers traced round the rim of her full wine glass as she watched her friend slam down yet another empty bottle and wave her arm in an attempt to gain the bartenders attention.
"Jane, are you alright? You've barely…"
"I'm fine!" Jane snapped.
Maura stared her friend in the eye not letting her look away as she tried again. "Jane you've barely spoken since we got here and I know how much your job means to you… You know studies have shown that simply talking about your problems can be very beneficial and help to alleviate stress."
When Jane spoke again her voice was much softer. "I'm fine Maura, honestly" she patted Maura's hand as she spoke but avoided looking her in the eye. "Absolutely fine… I just wish someone would get me another beer already" She raised her voice as she turned managing to get the servers attention this time. As he placed down the bottle Jane began talking again. "I know you're worried about me Maur, I'm just frustrated I've been suspended, but the worst thing is the scum bag who did this might actually get away with it. All because I wanted a short cut." She took another gulp of beer slopping some on to the table.
"Nobody blames you Jane, you found the evidence you needed and it's not the first time you've bent the rules or pretended to have a search warrant."
"Huh well I know who I won't be asking to be a character witness". A smile spread across Jane's face as she grabbed her bag. "Come on we're going".
"Okay, I'll drive you home, I've barely had anything to drink." Maura was secretly glad Jane had decided to call it a night. She'd wanted to be there for her friend but she was beginning to worry about the number of empty bottles cluttering Jane's side of the table.
"I'm not going home" laughed Jane "we're going dancing." Jane grabbed Maura's hand and tried to spin her. Maura giggled as she tried to maintain her balance. "But you don't like dancing, and besides I'm not wearing the right clothes for going to a club."
"Fine we'll stop by yours first" Jane said as she threw a few notes on to the table. "And who says I don't like dancing?" Jane turned and attempted a moonwalk out of the pub. Maura laughed again as she grabbed her purse and followed her friend outside.