My exams are finally over, and i get to know my grades this week! Though i pretty much sucked at Physics and math, that's defiantly gonna effect my grade :3 But it's not so important, and here's chapter 22, plus i can finally say that the ideas are coming back to me, well more or less...

And before i forget, i'd like to give credit to J. Hellscythe 'cause he was the one who gave me the idea of this chapter, which is let me say amazing. Thanks again =D

It was 12 p.m and all the students were gathered on the saiyans training ground. They were going to witness how these saiyans spend most of their day, training of course. And all the bets were on the table..

"I can't believe you actually did that Sharpener, you can't bet who's going to win, you're taking advantage of your classmates for your own profit" said Videl crossing her arms

"Oh really? Then how come you placed your bet on this Bardock guy"

"That's different! I just didn't wanna be the only one who's not sharing the experience"

"I think the girl's gonna win!" sheered Erasa

"Why do you think that?"

"Cause she have the cuter outfit. Plus girls can win too from time to time"

"Yeah, maybe, but i'm just exited to see how long the fight's going to last. It could last for more than 5 hours!" said Videl

"You can't determine how long it's going to last before it even started, nor who's going to win. Maybe Bardock will show incredible strength at first, but at the end Fasha will have the upper hand"

"Why do you have to be the one who kills the fun, come on place your bet brains. You never know maybe you'll walk out of here rich"

"No thanks i'm good"

"Your loss. Oh look the fight's about to start!"


"Spill it out already" insisted Vegeta

"it's a combination of Videl and Gohan's DNA"

"What are you talking about woman"

"I'm telling you, this DNA belongs to... Oh my god! This spaceship is from the future! It must be. The only explanation for this DNA to appear now, is that whoever came in that spaceship is from the future, the only problem now is that we didn't find anyone there"

"So you're saying there's not an evil enemy that's trying to destroy this planet, therefor more i have no business here" Vegeta stated ready to go

"Yes, but i'm also saying, maybe future Trunks is here too"

"I already have this brat here, no need for another one"

"Come on Vegeta, don't act so tough, he probably misses you. He had to live without a father in his timeline, and you know how happy he felt when you were with him"


Meanwhile on the other side of the planet

"So where are we? I thought we were headed to Earth"

"Yeah, i thought so too, but that's before someone decided to mess around" said looking at Gohan and Videl's daughter Pan (To know they're ages go to the end of this chapter)

"It's not that bad Trunks, we can go back right?" asked Future Gohan

"I'm afraid not, you see we crashed here, and kinda damaged the time machine, so unless this planet is peaceful, and there's some genius is willing to help, we're gonna be stuck here for quite a while"

"This is not the way i imagined spending the vacation" said Future Videl with a sight

"Don't worry mom, I'll find a way to fix this"

"Oh no, you've done enough already Panny, let Trunks handle it"


"Woman, we've been circling this place for the past our, what are you looking for?" asked Vegeta getting angry

"I don't understand why they left this time machine, it really looks like a spaceship, they almost fooled me. But this is the prototype i've been working on for the last year, must be from the future. Say Vegeta could you sense their ki?"

"They're hiding it"

"Oh man!"

Meanwhile with the future people, aka Future Trunks, Gohan, Videl and Pan

"Are you sure it's safe to just walk around here?We've never been to this planet before, and you don't know what kind of monsters hiding here" said Pan a bit scared

"Are you chinking out Pan? I thought you were the one who's gonna fix this problem" said Future Trunks with a smirk

"No, i never said that!" she said and walked faster

'Strange, why do i sense a familiar ki around here?' thought Future Trunks.

5 minutes away was Gohan, Videl, Erasa and Sharpener, they were just walking, well kind of, they were looking for Vegeta and Bulma, the king sent them to go find them, why? They didn't knew

"So any clue where we are?" asked Erasa already knowing the answer

"Yeah" said Gohan


"We're 5 miles away from the castle"

"Oh" said Erasa "Why did i agreed to come with you guys,i don't like walking in an unknown place, plus i'm wearing high heals! This heal is new, and expensive, this was my first time wearing it, and probably the last"

"Don't worry once we get back to Earth you can buy as many as you want, I'll even pay for them, just please, enough with your complains!" sighted Videl

"Okay! that's a deal!"


"Hey look! There's someone there!" pointed Future Pan at the 4 dots coming their way

"Yeah you're right, let's hurry, i think i might know one of them!" said Future Trunks and ran as fast as he can, with a smile never leaving his place

"Come on! What are you two waiting for, hurry up" said Pan addressing her parents and ran behind him curious to know what he was talking about

"Gohan? Is there a guy running our way?" asked Videl

"Yeah, i wonder who it is"

"GOHAN!" yelled future Trunks once he had a clear vision

'Wait is that?'

"Hey Gohan, what are you doing here? You've grown so much, how many years has it been?" said future Trunks as soon as he stopped in front of the teen

"Uh seven i guess. Wow you look exactly the same! What are you doing on this planet?"

"I was just about to ask you, where are we?"


"Yeah, i brought some friends with me this time"

"Hello" said Pan looking at the 2 teens behind, then at Gohan and Videl "Wow you guys look a lot like my p-" she was cut in her mid-sentence by Trunks hand

"Oh, is she your kid?" asked Videl

"Not exactly" replied future Trunks

"Oh, I'm Videl by the way, how do you know Gohan?"

"We met seven years ago, our fathers are friends" replied future Trunks

:::Yeah, now the whole truth:::

:::He's from the future:::

:::Yeah i kinda noticed that:::

:::He came to warn us about Cell seven years ago, and he was in the fight too. But once it was finished he came back to his own timeline, I'll fill you in with the details later:::

"Pan there you are! You can't just run like that" said Future Gohan, then noticed the group of teens standing with Trunks "Oh hey"

"So your name is Pan! That's a lovely name, are those your parents?" said Videl feeling kinda strange, seeing like there's another Gohan, and...her?

"Yeah" said Pan "Is there something wrong? You look a little pale"

"Oh no i'm fine just a little dizzy, that's all" answered Videl

"Why? Are you sick?" asked future Trunks

"Uh..well... ..she's pregnant" answered Gohan awkwardly

"WHAT!" screamed future Trunks in shock "Is it your baby?" he asked Gohan, and with a nod he asked again "How old are you right now?"


"You say it's like the most casual thing, does your parents know about this?"

"Wow calm down, yes my parents know, everyone knows, even Mr. Satan"

"Why are you acting like this Trunks? It isn't a big deal" said Future Gohan calming him down

"Yeah, you're right, i was just surprised...i never expected you two to be so impatient" he said the last part teasing the teens, and as a respond they both had blushing cheeks

"It's not my fault you know, it was his"defended Videl her pride

"What?! How is it my fault! You're the one who wanted this, i warned you not to go further! If you want to blame anyone it's you! You just couldn't keep your hands off of me!"

"Oh, like you're the innocent one, it takes two to do it you know! And not to mention Erasa made me drink with her that night! So i wasn't paying attention to what i was doing!"

"BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!" yelled Future Videl "There's a kid here you know. And it doesn't matter why you did it, and who's fault was it, just know stress isn't good for the baby, and it's immature to fight over a thing like this!"

"You're right, i'm sorry, i'm just trying to deal with it, and i shouldn't have gotten angry over a silly thing like that" apologized Gohan

"It's not your fault, i should't have said that"

"And?" said Future Videl

"I'm sorry" Videl said biting her lip

"Great now we have this thing settled let's go find Vegeta and Bulma!" said Erasa and began to walk,soon the other followed

Okay so that's it for this chapter R&R

Future Gohan: 34

Future Videl: 34

Future Pan: 10

Future Trunks: 24


Oh and Happy Valentines day everyone.