Chapter 1

"Night Fury!" cried a familiar voice from the red-hot mist deep inside the crater. The Night Fury approached shyly.

"Bring the eldest hatchling of the Human's village here. They will follow it. Then I will finally have the human flesh that I have wanted for so long."

"Understood." The Night Fury replied.

"Everyone else, you know what to do. While you create the cover of a raid, the Night Fury will steal the hatchling. Those who fail will become part of my next meal."

All the dragons shrank back a few inches. They nodded and took off. The Night Fury took off after them.

'How sick can He be, wanting to hold a human hatchling hostage for the rest of the human's lives?' he thought as he flew towards the Human's island.

"But we don't have any choice do we?" He thought aloud as the raid began.

The Monstrous Nightmares struck first. Then the Nadders and Gronckles. And then the Zipplebacks. The Night Fury waited patiently for the all the humans to leave their homes.

(Night Fury's)

I watched as a human and his mate left their home and I made my way to the back of the house and climbed in through the window on the second floor. Once in, I saw two cradles. Each held one small hatchling and weird markings on it. I looked at a cradle with a hatchling that had dull brown hair, female from the smell of her, and thought that she couldn't be the oldest because she was smaller than the other one. But I didn't have time to decipher which was which because I heard someone coming up to the room. I grabbed the smaller one and leapt out the window and took to the skies. As I flew up high into the night sky, I heard the human's mate cry out.

"HICCUP!" I heard her cry.

"Hiccup? Is that your name?" I asked the hatchling as she slept in my arms. I didn't have time to think about it. I had to show the others that I had the hatchling and that we were ready to head back to the nest. I tucked the hatchling close to my chest and launched one of my fire blasts at an empty watchtower. I heard the humans scream and panic, and the others were heading my way.

"So do you have the hatchling?" asked a Monstrous Nightmare.

"I have a hatchling, but it's not like He'll be able to tell the difference." I responded.

"You've got a point. He doesn't even know what the eldest hatchling looks like. So who cares right?"

"You're right." I answered just to tell him what he wanted to hear. 'I care. This hatchling is going to get killed because if the humans don't come after her, she won't be of any more use to Him.' I thought to myself. But I didn't have time to think it over. I had to get back to the nest and make sure that He wouldn't make a meal of all the other dragons.