AN: So this is the first chapter of the drabbles that are going to center around my story "Unexpected Protector." There will be no rhyme or reason to their order. They will be snippets of the past, present, and possibly the future. All of the guardians may be included in some drabbles but it will mostly be of Jack, Bunny, and the Pooka tribe though they may not all be included in every chapter.
I am dedicating this particular chapter to AyameKitsune for reviewing every chapter of "Unexpected Protector." When I asked what she would like to see she asked for the interaction of Jack and baby pooka so here it is.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the recognizable characters from "Rise of the Guardians."
Jack had only known the strange new creature for a month now. They had told her that they were pooka but she couldn't help but think that they looked like the creatures in Australia that she had seen in passing called kangaroos.
Jack had arrived that morning at the crystal lined caves she had brought them too when she learned that they needed somewhere to hide. The mountain the caves were located in was covered in miles upon miles of sprawling wild life. Trees and plants grew so close together there was almost no space on the forest floor to walk and so the four pooka had taken to leaping from tree to tree though one of the females tended to remain inside of the safety of the cave.
When Jack had arrived she found herself being shoved into one of the walls in a not so gentle manner. She had managed to calm the male named Kree down enough to give her an explanation. She just about squealed in joy when she learned that Kree's mate Calla had given birth to a set of twin males. Kree had gone on to say that it was a bad time to approach them but she could look at them from the distance of the mouth of the tunnel that led into the cavern the small family had claimed as their own.
Jack had happily agreed so Kree led her slowly to the cave. She had stopped upon reaching the threshold while he continued until he reached his golden furred mate with blood red markings shaped like wisps of flames. Both babies were unmarked but they were both covered in downy fur. One was the color of freshly fallen snow and the other was the color of dark clouds about to drop snow on some unsuspecting village.
With a smile she turned away with a promise to herself that she would return in two months time to let the new family settle in.
*Time Skip-Two Months*
Having stayed out of the caves for two months Jack had gone about her business of bringing winter to the world though she frequently made appearances to check to make sure that the two families where well. Raaleigh was the only one of the six to greet her during those two months to inform her of what was going on. It turned out that Raaleigh's mate Glea was now pregnant as well.
Today was different though. All six of the pooka were sitting outside of the caves. The two little ones were rolling all over each other and had grown rapidly over the time she had been away. Slowly she approached. Raising her hand in greeting she called, "Hello everyone. I see you have brought the little ones out to play."
"Welcome back," Kree rose to his hind feet and swooped down to pick up his twins. Hoping closer to Jack he gestured for her to hold out her arms, "This," he said depositing the snow white twin, "Is Lenore." Depositing the smaller storm grey twin in her arms as well he continued, "This is Jakol."
Jack's eyes were misty as she gazed down at the twins who stared back at her in utter adoration. "They're beautiful Kree." Gently hefting them higher she lowered her face to them and brushed her cheeks against first Lenore then Jakol's. "They will grow strong and wise and will be much loved by everyone."