Blind to Love

Disclaimer: don't own anything recognizable just writing for fun

Ratings: MA

A/N: really self conscious about my work so please be nice...


The next morning Shego was the first to wake up as she smiled down at her still sleeping Princess lying on her chest. Shego softly strokes Kim's face and then kissed her softly on her forehead.

Kim soon slowly began to stir blinking her eyes open as she smiles up at Shego.

"Morning," said Kim smiling at Shego.

"Good morning beautiful," said Shego smiling as she softly kissed Kim on her lips just before Monique knocked on the door and then came into the room.

"Excuse me your majesty, I have your dresses," Monique let out smiling.

"Thank you, you can leave mine and Kim's across the bed and then you can go on in Serrianna's room to wake her and give her hers," said Shego firmly, smiling at Monique.

Monique smiled back at Shego nodding as she gives her a slight curtsey and then headed to her girlfriend's room with her dress once she had carefully sat Shego and Kim's dress across their bed.

Shego smiles back at Kim and placed another soft kiss onto her lips before they got up to get ready.

Monique comes into Serrianna's room and sits her dress carefully across her bed before heading over to her girlfriend and sits quietly beside her laying her arm across her waist and starting to nibble gently on Serrianna's ear.

Serrianna let out a moan in her sleep before she starts to stir blinking her eyes open and smiled up at her girlfriend next to her.

"Good morning beautiful," said Monique smiling as she softly strokes Serrianna's face.

"Morning sexy," said Serrianna smiling blushing.

"I brought you your dress," said Monique smiling back at Serrianna.

"Thanks, you wanna shower with me and then help me dress?" asked Serrianna smiling blushing.

"Love to," said Monique smiling reassuringly back at Serrianna.

Serrianna smiles at Monique and led her into the bathroom with her as they take their shower together.

Serrianna really enjoyed Monique's company in the shower as she let Monique carefully take the time to wash every part of her body carefully and slowly and causing Serrianna to moan out in pleasure.

After their shower Monique and Serrianna stepped out of the tub and wrapped themselves in towels before heading out the bathroom and heading back into Serrianna's room to get dressed.

Monique gets dressed back into her clothes that she had on when she came into the room before starting to help Serrianna get dressed.

Shego comes into her daughter's room just as Monique was helping her zip up her dress, carrying the cape she had bought to complete Serrianna whole ensemble.

"Here is your cape baby girl," said Shego smiling as she carefully puts the green cape with gold trim down the sides around Serrianna and tied it under her neck for her before looking her daughter over. "Perfect, very beautiful," said Shego smiling back at her daughter.

"You too," said Serrianna smiling looking her mom over, in her dress complete with her black and green cape.

"Thank you, Monique go get ready and then go ahead and head down to the throne room with everyone so we can get started right at 11:30," Shego orders Monique firmly, smiling as she nods and gives Shego a slight curtsey before heading out the royal bedchambers. "Come on, the hair stylist will do your hair once he is finished with Kim's," said Shego smiling reassuring at Serrianna and led her back into her room where the hair stylist was just finishing up Kim's hair.

The hair stylist had Serrianna switch places with Kim so that he could do the young soon-to-be princess's hair as he does the same similar hair style he had done on Kim, which was an up do hair style and slightly curled.

After her hair was done Serrianna's makeup was quickly but carefully done by Shego and once they were all ready they head to the throne room where everyone was waiting.

The loud trumpets were soon played at the doors as the throne room doors were opened and the new royal family entered, Shego and Kim, side by side in locked arms as Serrianna followed close behind them.

As the two brides got up to the front with Serrianna there sat Sensei who was to marry them floating in thin air on a thin cloud of smoke.

"Kimberly Anne Possible, do you promise to love, have, and to hold Shego and be her queen and help her rule the country of Greenland?" Sensei asked looking back at Kim crossing her arms.

"I do," Kim let out smiling looking at Shego.

"And do you Shego, promise to love, have, and to hold Kimberly Anne and continue to be queen and help your queen to rule the country of Greenland?" Sensei asked looking back at Shego crossing her arms.

"I do," Shego let out smiling at Kim.

Once Shego and Kim had declared their love and promises to rule the country of Greenland together their tiaras were placed onto their heads before it was Serrianna's turn to be crowned.

"And now I would like to present to you Mrs. and Mrs. Go! Queen and Queen of Greenland!" Sensei let out smiling nodding as he crossed his arms still floating on the thin cloud of smoke.

Everyone stood up and cheered for their majesties as they curtseyed and bowed at them before the Sensei gets them to all quiet down again.

"Now we will call up the young Serrianna Go," Sensei let out nodding at Serrianna crossing his arms as she smiles and headed up to the throne next to Shego's.

As her tiara was carefully placed onto her head Sensei asked her, "Serrianna Melanie Go, do you promise to rule her majesty Shego and her majesty Kimberly Go's country under their order and for any reason when asked to take their place as long as you shall live?"

"I mostly solemnly swear so to do," Serrianna let out smiling nodding.

"Ladies and gentlemen I give you her highness Serrianna Melanie Go, Princess of Greenland, and her majesties Mrs. and Mrs. Shego, Queen and Queen of Greenland!" Sensei let out smiling nodding as everyone cheered excitedly curtseying and bowing to their new royal family.

After the coronations and wedding everyone gathers into the royal ballroom for the reception party and enjoyed their time with their majesties and their highness.

Kim and Serrianna enjoyed their new titles and enjoyed their time with their people at the party in their honor because come tomorrow they would have to be schooled and fulfill their duties on how to help Shego rule her country as they had promised to do.

The End


maybe a sequel, we shall see...