"They're here!"

"Save the baby!"

"Help us! It's… The Androids!"


Vegeta's body jolted up from his slumber. His bloodshot eyes snapped open to attention. The Saiyan frantically turned his head to scan the area around him. A natural Saiyan reaction to be fully aware of his surroundings. The blanket of darkness concealed any indication of the location he was at.

Vegeta's eyebrows narrowed in frustration. He never liked the feeling of being vulnerable and senseless.

Soreness flooded his body after he fell into a more conscious of the state of his situation. His palms drove into the ground in an attempt to hold up his pained body. He forced himself to remain in his sitting position on the ground.

Oh hell, I must have broken another rib! God, my head, why does it hurt so much?! He thought to himself. The agony almost reminded him of the gravity room incident. So many broken bones and nearly a concussion. Although, he was able to recover, partially thanks to the blue haired, walking contradiction of a woman.

The familiar touch of rocky soil under his fingers implied he was outdoors. He gazed up above and the position of the stars suggested it was around 4 a.m.

This could be an advantage… Open space. More places to evade any enemy attacks, darkness can be used as a disguise. Wait… why am out here in the first place? Vegeta pondered.

This… This must be that damn woman's fault. She must have been in one of her moods and did something to me again. That bitch is going to get it when I find her! The aching prince promised himself.

After a few more moments of contemplating the situation, a cool breeze brushed his side. "Hmm…?" Vegeta's eyes fell down to where he felt the cold air hit his arm. There was only dirtied, dried blood on the skin at where there should have been the azure sleeve of his Saiyan armor.

"Where am I?" Vegeta finally spoke, trying to put fit the pieces of the situation together.

Waking up outside, being in pain, my suit is in shreds… And that dream. What was it again? Vegeta started to focus on the dream that woke him earlier.

He couldn't remember anything he saw in the dream, but he recalled screaming. Almost like the screaming he usually heard just before terrorizing a planet.

He smirked at the sweet thought of the horror he caused for years against inferior life forms. All that chaos, all because of him. Vegeta loved it. It was all before he had been stuck on Earth. Before Bulma…

Vegeta stopped himself from wasting his time on the subject. It was pointless and he wasn't going to give him any answers. The Saiyan prince rose up from the ground. He brushed off the dust from his torn suit and a blue aura lingered around him. With one motion, he flew up into the night sky, looking for a better view of the area.

"They're here!" A voice in his head shouted as he tried to recall his dream.

"Save the baby!" Another voice inadvertently popped into his mind. The last one caught him off guard and his flying staggered.

Could that have been? No. I'm sure it wasn't. Vegeta silently assured himself, coming to a hovering stop. He balled his fists as he focused more on the dream.

With his natural quick thinking skills, Vegeta came to a conclusion.

"The Androids." Vegeta hissed. Everything came together and flushed back into his memory.

Kakarot dying 6 months ago, the other Z fighters falling dead to the ground one by one, the blonde haired Android punching him in the chest, the dark haired Android nearly tearing his arm off, himself not being able to take on any of his enemies, being the last one standing…

Frantically looking all around him, he started to recognize the rocky region. He was still on the battle ground. The glowing Saiyan stared down from where he had come and saw a vast crater directly under him. He could tell it was the result of one of the washing machines attacking him.

Once again, his gloved fingers tightened into his palms as he began to faintly feel the outlandish sense of worry. Not the usual kind, like when he fought Freiza. No, this feeling was the foreign feeling of worry for others.

For his family.

(A/n) This isn't exactly chapter one. I'd call this one half of chapter one. I had up to 2000 words, but I deleted almost all of it. But don't worry I have a lot in store for the rest of the story, I just put this up for more of like a preview? Anyways, stay tuned.