I don't own any of the characters.

Episode 16

Six carried Rex towards the exit. Another explosion shook the base. He lost his balance and fell almost dropping Rex. The last few feet to the exit was proving harder to get to than he originally thought. He struggled to get on his feet as the floor started to collapse. He jumped out of the way when a section of the ceiling fell down nearly crushing them. He gritted his teeth as he got up with Rex still on his shoulder. The ground in front of them was missing. There was at least a fifteen feet gap to jump over to get to safety. Six didn't think he could make it with Rex on his shoulder. He looked around. There was a spool of cable left over from some project or other. He gently put Rex down. He tied one end of the cable to his magna blade and hurled it to the other side. The blade speared the floor on the other side. Six tugged to make sure it was secure. Then he cut the other end of the cable and tied that end to his other blade. He plunged it into the ground on his side. He carefully tested his weight on the taut cable. He picked up Rex and tried their combined weight. Then he walked across the cable. There were a few times that he almost lost his balance. Suddenly the floor behind him crumbled and the cable started to go slack. Six jumped the last few inches and he grabbed the edge of other side. He tossed Rex over before he pulled himself up. He pulled his blade from the floor and pulled in the blade at the other end of the cable. Six folded up his magna blades and put them away. He then picked up Rex and continued his way to the exit while the building came down around him.


Holiday groaned as she regained consciousness.

"She's coming around." She heard a concerned voice.

Images were blurry at first but slowly they cleared. She saw David's face float above her.

Holiday punched him. David staggered back clutching his bloody nose.

"You! I trusted you and you were a part of the Consortium." She seethed struggling to get up from the bed.

"Wait, wait. " David's voice was muffled as he tried to stop the flow of blood. "I can explain."

Holiday wasn't listening. She was about to tackle him when she felt a hand restrain her.

"Take it easy, sis."

"Yes, you shouldn't get so worked up."

Rebecca glared at her sister and Caesar then back at David pinching his nose.

She took a deep breath to calm herself. "Okay, explain and it better be good."

Unfortunately, it was good.

"Black Knight is my sister." He began.

That in itself is enough to put Holiday into shock.


"I know, that's another long story but anyway, she's my half sister. She approached me several years ago asking me to help get funding for some project she was on. Apparently they were in trouble financially and needed money. I met some of the scientists and their researched intrigued me. I agreed that there would be great potential for good. Since I was in finance I was able to help her raise the money through my contacts. The Nanite Project as it was known gained notoriety among the elite and more people wanted to be apart of it. So the Consortium was formed to help manage the funds being funneled to the program."

David paused and swallowed hard as if the next part was a bad memory.

"Vostok was appointed the head of the committee. But I found out later that he was using the project to gain power and immorality. I pulled out of the Consortium but before I could pull the plug the Nanite Event occurred."

David paused again. He took a deep breath before he continued. "I felt responsible and did what I could to help but…" He shrugged.

Holiday certainly understood the helpless feeling during those five years after the event. Everything they did seemed futile until Rex showed up.

She nodded encouraging him to continue.

David gave a weak smile. "Well, after the whole Consortium taking over and then the world wide cure, I thought the nightmare would be over… but then a few months ago Black Knight contacted me. She and the other Consortium members escaped being cured when they hid themselves in a shelter made of the nanite rocks. She was stuck in her robot form and couldn't go around in public. She wanted me to help her create another Nanite Project. I, of course, refused." David rubbed his eyes tiredly.

" But I was then approached by some men who said they were from a conglomerate of agencies wanting to take down the Consortium. They asked me to help my sister while trying to destroy it from the inside. Feeling responsible for the Consortium in the first place I agreed. And the rest is history."

Holiday wasn't sure she believed everything David was saying. "I'm assuming you have proof."

Before David can answer Caesar said, "Calan checked it out. Everything he said is true."

Holiday glared at him, "And Circe?"

David lowered his eyes ashamed." She ordered me to get Circe to Dr. Fell. I had no choice. I had to do certain things to keep up appearances like get you to come work for us and Circe. Believe me it was hard especially when I realize how special you are." He hesitantly took her hand.

Holiday froze and the tumultuous feelings came back.

Before she could answer she heard explosions outside of the Keep.

She quickly got up and ran out to see what was going on.

Her heart skipped a beat when she saw Purgatory going up in flames. She watched as a long pole extended from the middle of the base toward the sky and a luminous bubble came from its end. It started to enclose the entire base. Six, White Knight, and Rex was still in there! She started to run to the base but Calan held her back.

"Dr. Holiday, it's not safe." Calan said sternly.

"But Rex…" She protested.

"Look! Over there." Someone yelled. One figure carrying another emerged from the flames just as the bubble finished engulfing the base.

"Six, Rex!" Rebecca twisted away from Calan and ran to them.

Six collapsed on his knees and Rex dropped to the side.

When Holiday reached him she fell to her knees and hugged him. To her surprise she felt his arms go around her. She let go when she heard Rex groan.

She quickly went over to the boy, "Rex, are you okay?"

"Anyone get the license number of that truck?" Rex moaned as he rolled over to get up.

Holiday grinned in relief. He was fine. Then she realized someone was missing.

"Where's White Knight?"

Six didn't answer.

Rex looked around, "Hey, yeah. Where is the old man?"

Six looked back at the base. Both Holiday and Rex went silent as their gaze drifted over to the now burning base.

"Oh no." Holiday said quietly putting a hand to her mouth. She looked over at Six whose expression didn't change but the way his shoulders were slightly slumped and the tired way he held his head she knew he was hurting.

She hoped he didn't mind but she softly put her hand on his shoulder. He hesitantly reached over with his other hand to grip hers. They silently watched the base burn to the ground.


Rex looked around him. There were all sorts of people at White Knight's eulogy. Some people like Valentina and the president he recognized but there were many others who he couldn't tell from Jack. Then there were the people who actually knew and worked with White: Calan, Noah, Kenwyn, Tuck, Cricket, his brother, Meechum, Rylander,and numerous Providence agents, even Bobo was there with a black armband over his colorful shirt. Agent Jackson and Agent Adams were also present after recovering from Van Kleiss's nanite control chip. Person after person went up to speak about White Knight. Rex wasn't paying any attention to any of them. He was thinking back to that day.

The fire at the base was intense but because the force shield kept out the oxygen the fire burned itself out quickly. The shield eventually turned itself off. Holiday and Caesar had taken a reading and found no abnormal nanite activity. They couldn't find any signs of life either. The base was unsalvageable and declared off-limits. Because of its remote location the clean up crew didn't even bother removing it.

Rex didn't feel anything. He wasn't sad, angry, or hurt. White Knight was never his favorite person. In fact many times Rex had wished the old man was dead. But wishing and seeing a person actually gone was two different things.

Then there were times when they fought together, he knew Knight had his back. They were few and far between. But recently he felt that Knight's attitude toward him was changing. Still as men and women went up to eulogize the man, Rex felt nothing.

He looked over to Holiday. She was wearing a below the knee black skirt and a simple long sleeved black blouse. She traded her knee high boots for black flats. She seemed shorter and sadder than he'd seen her in awhile. He was surprised, seeing as Holiday and White weren't always on the best of terms. Beverly wasn't there. She was watching Sarah for Meechum.

Circe wasn't there either; she was still in med bay recovering from the serum. It had been a rough couple of days for her. Holiday had to give her heavy sedatives to counter act the pain from the withdrawal. But Holiday reassured him that as soon as the serum worked its way out of her system she would be fine. He had visited her several times, often just sitting next to her or holding her hand. The thought that he almost lost her because of his stupidity was humbling. He resolved to be there for her when she recovered.

Then he glanced over at David. He wasn't sure what to make of him. By all accounts he was a double agent working against the Consortium, against his own sister. Caesar said he had never met him which is not surprising since David had only met with the head scientists of the Nanite Project and only for a few times before Vostok took over. But it means he had met his parents. He wanted to ask him what they were like and what his impressions of them were. Rex was grateful to have recovered many of his memories but there were still gaps here and there. He was learning to live with that. He looked up.

Finally, the last speaker was Six.

Six with his shades and green suit didn't look any different then if he was in a debriefing meeting with White. He didn't have any notes as he stepped up to the podium. He looked straight ahead and began.

"White Knight was not the easiest person to get along with. He was gruff, abrasive, and callous. People were expendable to him and he did not care about any individual's problems."

Six paused. Rex could hear a pin drop. This is not what you would usually say at someone's eulogy. Six continued.

"However, White Knight was on a mission to save the world. He had no time for niceties. He had hard decisions to make and wasn't afraid to make them. He made sure everyone would have a chance to see a new day, a better day. He was willing to sell his humanity to make sure we would still have ours. Because of that and more, I am proud to have called him my friend."

Six's voice never wavered and his face was expressionless but there was not a dry eye in the room… except for Rex. He still felt nothing.


"Are you Mr. Rex Salazar?" A mousy man came up to Rex after the ceremony.

"Depends who's asking." Rex replied.

"I'm George Binner from the firm Binner, Binner, and Wolowski." He gave Rex his card.

"That's nice. What does that have to do with me?" Rex asked as he handed back the card.

"White Knight was a client of ours and he wanted you to have this." He handed Rex a brown paper package tied with twine. "I'm sorry for your loss." He turned and left.

"What's that?" Holiday was standing next to him and heard everything.

"I don't know." Rex tore a part of the paper. He blinked. It looked like a DVD and a….

"Who still uses bank books?" Rex asked incredulously.


Rex pushed the DVD into the player. He stood back as it loaded.

"I hope it's in hi-def. " Bobo said. Rex had asked Bobo, Six, and Holiday to come with him to view the video. They now stood quietly behind him. Six was looking at Holiday from the corner of his eye.

When Six first saw David on the Keep, he pulled out his magna blades to gut him. Holiday, however, stood in front of David to stop him and they had to explain everything to him. That did not make Six like him any better especially when he saw how he looked at Holiday. Holiday was polite to him but he couldn't tell what her feelings were for this David. Then he saw them talking in the lab. He was on the top of the railing about to go down to ask her about something or other. He couldn't hear what they were saying but he saw David take her hand. They talked some more and then Holiday tipped-toe and kissed him on the cheek. Six turned and walked away. After that he kept himself busy, which wasn't hard since at the moment he was the de facto head of Providence… at least until they appoint a new leader. Then with the eulogy and meetings with the committee heads there was no time to think about his broken heart. He thought of the kiss she gave him and his chest tightened. Maybe it meant nothing after all. It was done after all in a desperate attempt to give him a means of escape.

Holiday knew that something was bothering Six and he was distant again. But she chalked all that up to the extra work plus losing his friend. She thought back to David. She was in the lab the other day looking for something for Caesar and he had cornered her. He asked her to come work for his company for real this time. The he took her hand and asked if she was willing to give him a chance as well. She was flattered but kindly refused both offers. He looked so dejected that she couldn't help herself. She kissed him on the cheek and told him that one day he'll find someone special. He sadly smiled and walked out.

Everyone's attention was brought to the screen when the video started and White Knight's picture came on.

"Rex,I need to discuss a few things with you."

Rex felt like this was just another meeting. Knight wasn't really gone it was just a huge joke and he was right there barking orders and giving instructions like before. But reality set in as he said the next few lines.

"If you are watching this, it means I'm gone. Upon my death Rex I have set up a trust for you. I appoint Six as the trustee and guardian of the trust. All my assets go to you when you are of legal age or until Six deems you responsible. A small amount has been set aside for your friend Walter's education which you can not touch. It is automatically deducted from the account each month."

Rex wasn't sure he heard right. White was leaving his money to him? He was the one who is putting Walter through art school? Was he dreaming? He looked over at Holiday and Six. Even they looked a little surprised.

"Now Rex, I don't apologize for any of the decisions I've made in the past. In my defense I made the best decision based on whatever information and experience I had on hand at the time." Knight paused.

"But I'm glad Six was able to see what I couldn't and that you've grown to the man you are today. I'm proud of your work and to have known you." It looked like the video was about to end as White shuffled some papers. But then he looked up and gave a small smirk. "Now thrill me." He said and then the video ended.

Rex stood there awhile in silence. Holiday was starting to worry when he was unresponsive for so long. Then his shoulders started to shake. A sob rose from the boy. Holiday immediately ran and embraced him. He buried his head on her shoulder and cried all the tears he had been unable to at the eulogy. He couldn't stop but it was okay because Holiday was there and that was a comfort to him. Suddenly he felt another arm around him. He looked up and saw Six, face ever stoic but he had his arms around both him and Holiday. He put his head back on Holiday's shoulder but he gripped Six's arm. Then he felt something furry brush his legs and he glanced down to see Bobo with his arms around all of them. Rex smiled. His family.

"How come I didn't get nuthin?" Bobo asked.

The three humans looked down at the chimp.

"What? Just sayin."


The committee wanted to hear David's story one more time and to confirm some details. So for the umpteenth time Six had to sit through David's story. He grinded his teeth as David went through another telling of his account. As Six listened he recognized how much better David was for Rebecca than him. He was a warm caring individual with lots of money. He would take care of all her needs. What could Six offer her? A six year gap in his memories and an uncertain future. Yes, he couldn't deny that Rebecca would be better off with David but that didn't help the feeling of hot knives stabbing his chest.

When David was finished and the committee was satisfied he was dismissed. David walked out of the room. Six was about to leave as well when the head chairman addressed him.

"Agent Six, the committee has discussed the matter and has reached the decision of appointing you as the new head of Providence. Captain Calan will ascend to the number two position. That is all." The man dismissed Six.

Six was stunned for a second. He wasn't sure he wanted the position but it was something he would have to evaluate later. Right now, he had something important he had to do.

David was walking into the Providence's hanger. He headed for his private jet waiting to take him home. Before he reached it, he heard his name. He turned around. Agent Six was calmly walking towards him. David stiffened a little. "Yes, agent?"

"She likes her coffee with two sugars and a touch of cream." Six started.

David blinked at him.

"She tends to over work so you need to make sure she gets enough rest." Six didn't realize how difficult this was as he swallowed hard the lump in his throat. He continued. "She worries about people and their problems even people she doesn't know. She likes romantic comedies but will go see a thriller if it's good. She hates horror movies. Her favorite color is blue except she only wears it on special occasions. But she likes to wear red shoes on Fridays."

Six paused again. "Take care of her."

While Six spoke David never moved. Finally, after Six had finished and looked like he was about to leave. David walked over. He put a hand on Six's shoulder. He gave Six a meaningful look. "You need to take care of her."

Six froze at the touch and for a second his brain did not register David's meaning. David turned around and walked toward his jet. "You're a very lucky man, Agent Six." He said as he entered the plane. Six watched the ramp close and the jet take off. When it was a speck in the sky, he realized what David was telling him. His eyes widened and he quickly spun around to go look for Rebecca.


Rex was sitting on a stone bench in the Petting Zoo or what use to be the Petting Zoo. It was now an indoor arboretum. Everyone used it for training or for a place to go to de-stress.

Rex looked at the bank book in his hands. He flipped through the pages over and over. He still couldn't believe it especially all the zeroes after the number.

"Hey, there." Circe walked over and sat down.

Rex looked at her with concern. "Should you be out so soon?"

"I'm doing better. Dr. Holiday checked me out. She said the serum is mostly out of my body." Circe had a far away look. "There are side effects. Some of my nanites have become active but it's unpredictable."

"Does it mean you have your powers back?" Rex asked looking at her.

"Sort of. I have my powers but we're not sure what activates it. So it's not dependable." Circe said sadly.

" Your powers may not be dependable but you always are." Rex said sincerely.

Circe gave him a small smile. "I hear you're a rich man now." She said changing the subject.

"As you said, sort of. Six is in charge of when I get the money." Rex said ruefully.

"But at least you have it." Circe said. "White Knight does have a heart. He left you his money and is putting Walter through school. I guess I misjudged him."

"We all did." Rex said quietly.

They both sat in silent contemplation.

"But one thing I learned. "Rex suddenly said.

"Yeah?" Circe looked at him from the corner of her eye.

"As long as I have my family and friends, I can get through anything." He smiled at her as his arm wrapped around her shoulder.

Circe turned to look at him a smile on her lips. They leaned in and kissed.

"Ack, get a room." Bobo said disgustedly from behind them.

They broke apart and Rex glared at his sidekick.

"Bobo, don't you have a nap to go take?" Rex snapped.

"Nope." He grinned at the couple.

Circe laughed. "Come on let's go get something to eat."

"Now you're talking my language." Bobo headed out first. Circe and Rex got up arm in arm and followed.

"Hey, Circe?" Rex said frowning.

"Hmm?" Circe asked putting her head on his shoulder.

"Whatever happened to the gift we got Doc?"

Circe's head went up and her brow furrowed. "You know, I don't know."


Beverly sat in Caesar's lab watching the man work. Every so often he would ask for a tool just out of reach and Beverly would get it for him. When she asked him questions, he answered them seemingly pleased that someone was interested in his work and even more surprised when she understood the answer.

"Most people get bored when I tell them about my inventions." Caesar admitted.

Beverly shrugged. "I'm not most people."

Caesar looked at her. She certainly was not. He cleared his throat. "So what are your plans now that Holiday is coming back to Providence?"

Beverly shrugged. "I guess I'll go home. I don't think they want family members just hanging around base."

Caesar nodded. He looked away as he said the next part. "But if you had a job here. You could stay."

Beverly looked at him curiously. "I suppose but what would I do here?"

"You can be my assistant." Caesar tried to sound casual.

"Really?" Beverly was a little surprised.

"Sure, I need someone to help me with my machines who knows what I'm talking about and is quick to pick up new things." Caesar realized he was starting to babble. So he shut up. He gave Beverly a sideways glance. Beverly's brow furrowed and she was silent.

Caesar didn't know why he was so nervous, but he jumped when she finally spoke.

"I'd like that." She smiled.

Relief washed over him. "Good then it's settled. Smoothie?" He offered a metal flask to her. Beverly took a small sip and smiled, "Strawberry banana. You remembered."

Caesar shrugged as he took a sip of his. He still thought mango was better.


Rebecca sat on the ledge of Providence's roof watching the sun go down over the mountains. The beautiful hues of red, orange, and yellow melded together to provide a picturesque view. Her hair was out of its bun and slightly blowing in the light breeze of the late afternoon. She felt someone behind her.

"This is one thing I miss when I was in town, "she said out loud. "You can't see a sunset like this."

Six had searched all over base. Finally Calan had told him he saw Rebecca heading for the roof. He ran up several flights to find her there. Now that she was in front of him he was feeling less confident.

"That the only thing you miss?" Six asked wondering how she knew he was there.

She looked over her shoulder and gave him a small smirk but didn't answer.

"Can I join you?" Six walked closer.

"Free country." Rebecca answered.

Six hesitated. He wasn't sure if she wanted him to join or wanted to be alone.

Rebecca sighed, "Come on, Six." She patted to the place on her right.

Six hesitated again but then came over and lowered himself next to her.

"What are you doing up here?" He asked trying to make small talk.

"Just wanted to go someplace to think. So much is changing." She glanced at him. "Congratulations. I hear you're head of Providence now."

Six wondered how the news had spread so fast. "It doesn't change anything. I'll still be training Rex and going out on missions…."

Rebecca laughed.

Six frowned, "What's so funny?"

Rebecca looked at him amused' "Six, you're amazing but even you can't do two people's jobs."

"I'm not sure I want the job." He admitted.

"Well, you have time to think about it." Rebecca leaned against him. Six stiffened involuntarily.

Rebecca felt him go rigid and pulled back. Six cursed himself and tried to relax.

He pushed his shades further up his nose and tried to think of something to say. Rebecca, however, saved him the trouble.

"Did they ever catch the rest of the Consortium members?" She asked suddenly.

"No, but we're looking. They can't stay hidden forever." Six noted.

"I'm sorry about White." Rebecca said changing the subject again.

Six nodded feeling a lump in his throat.

"He was a good man in his own way. I remember when we first met he locked me in a cage with Bobo." She wasn't sure if she should laugh or be indignant.

Six nodded. "But he changed."

"Especially after getting to know Rex." Rebecca agreed.

"I've changed too." Six continued.

Rebecca looked at him. To her surprise he took off his sunglasses and put them in his pocket. He reached over with is right hand and pushed back some of her hair that had fallen out of place. His fingers lightly trailed the side of her face. Rebecca's heart started to race as her hand reached out to hold his hand against her face. She rubbed her cheek against his palm and lightly kissed it. Then she looked into his eyes and felt her breath catch.

He looked lovingly at her and there was a small smile on his face. His other hand came up and with both hands moved her face up to his. He tilted his head and kissed her. When they broke apart Rebecca's eyes were dancing and she had a smile on her face. Six's smile also widened and he bent to kiss her again.

"I love you." He whispered breathlessly.

"I love you too." She closed her eyes and kissed him back. They melted into each other. When they finally separated, they wrapped their arms around each other. They stayed that way long after the sun slipped pass the mountains and the stars came out.

So this is the end. Sorry for the lack of action. I was trying to wrap everything up. I hope I had enough HOLIX at the end. Thank you to everyone who read and reviewed. I'd like to thank DarkGreenForest4, Kostsa13, Neopuff, Lina Trinch, Peacexfreedom, SDF, shamelessfangirl, oh god help me, motherafrica, ForeverFallingx, Lara Croft, and Cinco. Special thanks go to SirenSounds97 and fanaticagenrex for regularly reviewing. Thank you too to the various anonymous guests for your reviews.

Writing was a lot harder than I thought. I don't know if I'm going to write anymore unless there's an overwhelming response for it. Even then I would need time and inspiration. I have some more story ideas but they would probably be less ambitious than this.

I'm not sure I did a great job on this. But school has started and my students require much of my attention not to mention my own children.

Please let me know either way whether you liked it or not. God bless.