Author's note: This story is supposed to be set some time between when Kirk is released from the hospital and the re-dedication ceremony for the newly finished/repaired Enterprise about a year later. I grew up watching Star Trek with my borderline Trekkie family, but it's been awhile since I watched any of the TV series, so I apologize to the hardcore fans out there if I mess something up (I am in the process of rewatching TOS), but I also want to warn you ahead of time, that some changes will be made and some canon facts may be fudged on purpose for the sake of the plot. Thank you, and I hope you enjoy the story!

I own nothing but my OC.

[[ The Prologue ]]

Stardate: 2259.76
Section 31, London

Henry Miller, an aging but sturdy security guard, let out a tired sigh while he waited to be relieved of duty. He was really looking forward to getting some shuteye after having the entire dogwatch to himself. Maybe was getting too old for this. He took his eyes off the corridor before him to take a quick, surreptitious glance at the huge vault door behind him. One would never guess there was a monster on the other side of said door. Seventy-three of them, in fact. Even if they were all in cryostasis and completely harmless, it still gave him the willies. Why Starfleet chose to store that lot here was beyond him. After that bloody terrorist attack on the archive, Section 31 was understandably understaffed, and it certainly did not help that many of its former members were still suspended or currently under investigation. Starfleet's Internal Affairs branch had been doing their best to root out corruption after learning of Admiral Marcus's mad scheme to start a war, but since someone apparently took the liberty of wiping out most of the files associated with that particular project, such a task was easier said than done. That being said, there were few remaining members of Section 31 still deemed trust worthy enough for this assignment, and Miller was proud to say that he had made the cut. So, here he was, guarding a supposedly impregnable vault full of frozen super men in what was left of Section 31.

The sound of boot heels hitting the floor drew the guard's attention back to the corridor he was supposed to be watching. A young woman dressed in the female security uniform was steadily making her way towards him. She was a strikingly beautiful woman, what with her copper red hair, sharp blue eyes, and flawless peaches and cream complexion. She looked like an angel. A very sexy angel. If only he were a few years younger… Oh well. The older guard shrugged. He would just have to be content with the knowledge he was being relieved and could finally go home.

"Hey, how's it going?" She asked, flashing him a smile as she raised her hand in greeting.

"No disturbances so far." Miller replied, returning her dazzling smile. "It's been silent as the grave down here." The young woman smirked.

"I couldn't have put it better myself."

"—!?" Miller gasped, his eyes widening in surprise, when she suddenly struck him with a swift karate chop to the neck with her raised hand. He was out before he even had time to hit the floor.

"I'll be taking that, thanks." She said, squatting down so she could swiftly removing the emergency keycard from Miller's pocket and open the vault. "I'm afraid I have business with Mr. Harrison… or should I say 'Khan Noonien Singh'?"